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Everything posted by ProcessTheTrust

  1. I agree. It's not about the other teams helping us or not. It's about our team that has lived on luck for many of our wins counting on it 2X vs Miami. Not seeing it.
  2. I can't believe we beat Miami 2x. This isn't the year to think those are gimme games.
  3. Sure...if we had maybe a WR or 2 who might crack 500 yards for the year, that might just be good enough.
  4. I agree he was tossed in prematurely but I wasn't afraid it would break him. He seems to be even-keeled and has that Tenn experience to draw from. Whether he actually has the talent to be serviceable...that's the only thing keeping this season interesting other than our thinning playoff dreams.
  5. I know it's debatable whether someone else could see him as "their missing piece". I don't think any team that actually looks at tape will come to that conclusion. His best bet is to give Fitz a call and ask his advice for the best place for him to go in as a day 1 back up with a likelihood he could steal the job after an injury sometime later.
  6. I just want to see Peterman to determine if he's an okay back up for the next few years. I don't dismiss his historically bad performance. I just don't think that alone ends any chance of him maybe being a decent back up. We already know Tyrod is at best a decent career back up, let him rest up the last few games and get ready for his return to backing up a good QB elsewhere next year.
  7. Side note on Sammy - despite him being far from Goff's first option, he would still be our leading WR in Rec, Yards, and TDs. I'm not bitter over losing him since he was gone after this year anyway.
  8. Maybe, but it's not like he has the worst GM record ever. Probably will have to take a position lower to work his way back up though.
  9. Tons of needs across the board, no doubt, but it all hinges on getting an NFL QB. Tyrod is a wonderful athlete, and should see the field the same way Webb did, on a few trick plays...but the experiment is over. I wish him a full recovery but please don't let him start for this team ever again.
  10. I would call it anemic but that would be giving it too much credit. 12 games in. Look at these numbers. I know we like to debate if it's Tyrod or Rico to blame. It's both. I have no clue if Peterman will even be a serviceable back up someday. I do know this draft we do whatever it takes to get a top 3 QB and Rico won't be his OC day one.
  11. That only works when that obscure team has some sort of identity. They may not be good yet but they have something that makes them watchable. What non-Bills fan would want to watch this team?
  12. Peterman, but even if he doesn't, T-Mobile running around on a bum knee means Peterman will be in sooner than later anyway.
  13. I have no doubt they trade up. As great as it would be to fill the other holes with top picks, it's all about the odds. Odds are you get a legit QB with a top 5 pick. Odds are you can find serviceable guys and sometimes more in later rounds/FA to fill other holes.
  14. This is why I think talk of McBeane not reaching for their QB this year is nuts. These guys know without a real QB they won't last a full 3 years. Drafting a "franchise savior" will buy them time to prove if they can get it done or not. I like McD a lot but not enough to blindly say he will be our guy long term. Not sure yet.
  15. 8-8ish was the worst possible outcome. 4-12 would have been rough, but at least you don't have to trade up to get your QB and you can fill the various holes to become a real contender. Now we probably lose a few picks to get our guy and pray we land some late round/no name FA gems to fill holes.
  16. I'm with Jim. Don't have to be dirty but take a stand. Show some support for your guy who took a cheap shot. It was like a bully hit us and we didn't do anything.
  17. There's a way to go about this without being so extreme. Kyle was smart for not getting a penalty or worse by no retaliating.....however....as a leader, would it have been great to see him at least get in Gronk's face? You bet. But that's not his style. He's never got in the face of his own guys like Marcell and Jerry when they were being dumb, no reason to think he'd do any different with another team's guy.
  18. Gronk says he's sorry...and then tries to justify it because he was getting held on that play and before all day and said "What else was I supposed to do?" That shows the guy isn't right in the head. The league has to send a message, especially to that dummy.
  19. I hear ya, but that would cross a line pro sports isn't ready to cross anytime soon. It's a pseudo world of self-governance that doesn't involve real law on field. Out of my own bias, I'd LOVE for you to be right but objectively, I'm not seeing it.
  20. That hit was dirty enough to almost make me stop talking in cliches
  21. Real life criminal charges, no. Suspended for the rest of the season to send the message this is unacceptable, yes. But I'm sure Goodell and Kraft and kissed and made up since deflategate, so probably not happening.
  22. The first time I read this, I thought it was diculous. Then I re-read this and thought it was rediculous. And even though spell check is telling me it's ridiculous, I stand by my words.
  23. Both. Tyrod is obvious and no way McBeane are entrusting Rico with the development of their franchise savior next draft.
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