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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Jeez maybe it’s the cocktails but this made me laugh for about 15 minutes
  2. Plus he would visit integrated families that had a very sick/terminal child that wanted a visit from him as their dying wish. He would throw the ole pigskin around with them and their friends when he could....oh sh$t that was a Brady bunch episode. Sorry
  3. Exactly as I see it too with the exception of 5-1 (Hate to say it but Miami loss) in east but beating SF.
  4. With Fitz you felt like any game he could throw for 450yrd and have 5 TD. He equally could throw for 450 yards And have 5 picks. Either way he was trying to win at all costs. With TT he could throw for 210 and have a pair of TD or he could throw for 85 yards with no TD but have a completion % of 80. I always felt his style of play was to protect certain stats that made him look good and compensate for lack of killer instinct. Great athlete but too conservative for the position
  5. Just sayin prior to Beane and Co., prior administration would have found a way to screw the pooch in a scenario like this. Would just have been another in a long line of “Billsie” moves. A term I’m thinking we have outgrown. Maybe its a curse and we can place it NE....give new meaning to “Patsie!”
  6. And to think, not too many years ago we would have given up picks to send him somewhere, not been able to pull in anyone and had a UDFA fill in the gap while we hoped for the next draft. How far we have come! In Beane we trust
  7. First, I’d pay Tre. Not even a question. I dont necessarily agree with the super bowl being Greasy. If you beat a superior team, but they had injuries its still a win. Beat a superior team because of a bad call, its still a win. You can only play with what’s given at the time, and with whatever resources are available. So although I’d love to win a Super Bowl in a “normal” year, winning one in the middle of a pandemic under totally different stressors, might actually have a bit more flare-at least it will always be a bit more memorable! Now if its 7 on 7 and flag football that’s a totally different story.....
  8. I dont see this as a LJ sucks thread, because he obviously doesn’t. I don’t think he is overly bright outside of football and his incredibly generic quote on AB And their locker room reflects that. I also see him becoming much more limited as teams force his weaknesses. Once that happens that’s when you need brain power to overcome those weaknesses-and he just doesn’t seem to have much. As for AB, he’s an idiot, and I dont buy the mental illness angle one bit. An A-hole is and A-hole and acting stupid doesn’t mean your ill, sometimes your just a stupid A-hole, with too much money and can get away with it, until the moneys gone. Bring him into the locker room, half way through the season and see where it gets you? My bet, ticked off players who busted there butts the first 8 games, media hype of the wrong type, and a now emboldened A$$hat who wants the attention. Great way to kill a locker room, but makes for entertainment.
  9. Mental toughness. He’s a guy, like Newton who believes his own hype. Guys like that rarely win. My observation only.
  10. What I stated was he will not win you a Super Bowl. He will win you some playoff games, but nothing more. Again my opinion, but I think from watching him he doesn’t have it in him to do that. There will always be an excuse, and always a media show about how his team didn’t come through. Look at the newly minted Pats QB Newton. He, in his prime was better than Prescott, and may still even be now. See how he crumbled when the SB required more than he had to offer. And he was league MVP, had weapons, had the skill etc.-just didn’t have the mental toughness. That’s why It’s so sickening to hear nonstop coverage as if he is the best QB in the history of QB. Brady didn’t even get this much coverage and he is a proven winner. Dak could be a great guy-never heard otherwise, but I just cant stand the hype.
  11. I agree. There are guys that can win games and there are guys that can win playoff games, then there are guys that can win you super bowls. Dak doesn’t have the mental character to win the last from anything Ive seen. Paying more than Wilson, or putting him in that same category is plain wrong.
  12. Tried. I travel for work 3-4 days per week, and NETFLIX gets old fast. Turn on something sports related and within 10 minutes its Dak and Cowboys. Check the news feed its the same. More talk about a mediocre player and overplayed team than needed. Just sick to death of a non-sorry about a player turning down millions while real people cant pay the bills.
  13. Scroll back a few, this tired reply used early on as expected. Someone else is cranky too I see
  14. It’s been a long week and maybe I’m just cranky, but am I the only one completely sickened by the coverage of Dak Prescott? My lord, the whole thing is being crammed down our throats as if he was the only QB playing this season. Is it my total hatred of the Cowgirls, my complete dislike of Dak and Zeeke and Jones? Tell me I’m not the only one who hates this totally overhyped player and all the BS surrounding him!
  15. It’s telling that of the 31 remaining teams that could have given him a deal, only 1 late in the dance gave him an option-at league minimum. Maybe they know something that us fans just don’t. He is a shell of himself and from what I see, doesn’t have the mental fortitude to handle it-especially if he doesn’t make it as the starter. Now wouldn’t that be fun to watch here in NE!
  16. Garden inn downtown is good. Embassy has a steakhouse where you can run into some players now and then. Garden inn airport has great staff and its close to Williamsville for some good restaurants. I’d save the points and instead stay at The Curtiss-cant beat it.
  17. I’m friggin in Boston for the game and dying here. Me my wife (who’s a pats fan but likes my Bills) and two other bills fans surrounded by NE fans. they like the teams grit but if I hear “it’s the Bills” one more time I’m throwing punches.
  18. Stop, just stop. You obviously have zero clue on building a team of any type. Go back to your parents basement and have Chinese food while whacking to the internet.
  19. I agree!!! Unleash that F’en Kracken and let’s destroy the whole lot of ‘em. Ive been screaming this at the TV all season
  20. Did Fitz just be FItz? Fill me in at work and cant get real info??
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