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Everything posted by Jrb1979

  1. I struck a nerve cause hard hitting defense and pounding the rock is a thing of the past.
  2. That and most Americans don't like hockey as its too fast and too complicated for them.
  3. They are playing the kind of football that the Rockpile fans want back.
  4. Facts matter. The teams with the top defenses this season are all around .500 or worse. The way the league is going you need a top offense to win games with an average defense. Yes it threatens them cause the Bills can do no wrong and trust the process.
  5. Defenseless hits have no place in the game anymore. Hard hitting defenses are a thing of the past. Playing field position and pounding the rock is old school way of thinking.
  6. Just Bills fans as most of them have no interest in the Sabres or hockey. I am guessing the reason is hockey is to complicated for most.
  7. One year doesn't change things but I don't see the NFL going back to the blue collar days were teams run the ball and play field position. IMO we are headed to where a top 10 defense doesn't guarantee you anything. Offense is going to be the way going forward. As long as you have a middle of the pack defense with a top offense you are going to win lots and make the playoffs. Only the Bills fans from the Rockpile days don't seem to like it.
  8. A lot of people on this board want that kind of football back. They miss the Rockpile days with smash mouth football and 12-6 scores. Hate to break it to them those days are gone. Blue collar teams don't win much in this league anymore.
  9. Wow Its sad that so many fans of the Buffalo football team know nothing about the hockey team from the same city. All I can say is they are missing out on a team that scores, wins games and are in a playoff spot. I am guess you are from the south. They don't understand the game down there or have ice.
  10. Yeah the Rockpile fans are the ones turning away from the game. I doubt you will see a team that has a top rated defense and a mediocre offense win much in this league much anymore. I personally love the way the game is now. If you have a good offense you are never out of it.
  11. Buffalo fans have a little good fortune with the way the Blue and Gold are playing.
  12. Barkley also showed there is enough talent on the offense that its capable of putting up points and moving the ball. I expect Allen should be able to put up at least 150 yards passing and throw for a TD minimum.
  13. 10 weeks too late in my opinion. Its why I question their ability to evaluate QB'S.
  14. Its hard to trust the process at this point and it all comes down to there evaluation of QBs. The fact it took them this long to realize what most people know in that Peterman doesn't belong on a NFL roster makes me question their ability to know good offensive talent.
  15. Shhh. You can't question them on that. According to the Billievers they know what they are doing. Trust the process cause next season they are going to fix the offense. I myself can't trust them in fixing the offense after seeing how they evaluated the QB situation this season.
  16. I can't give them the benefit of the doubt yet cause of how bad they messed up the QB situation. Going into the season as Peterman as your starting QB is inexcusable. The fact it took them til week 10 to realize he can't play makes me question their ability to evaluate QB talent. With even an average QB they are probably 5-5.
  17. I would also say it shows how raw Allen is. If he played yesterday the Bills probably still win but I doubt he plays anywhere near as good as Barkley. If the Bills are really trying to win like they say they are Allen sits til they lose another game.
  18. Bold is why it is a big deal. The fact it took half a season to realize what a lot of people knew is a big deal. Why they ever thought Peterman could start the majority of the games til Allen was ready is a big deal. Not having a veteran backup when the season started is a big deal.
  19. It is an embarrassment but my suggestion has always been tune into the other team in town. They are winning, are exciting to watch and the Sabres have outscored the Bills 53 to 46 since the Sabres season started.
  20. Thats the way it works in Canada. Either way I still think there should more people have to go through to get a gun. It might help stop some of these mass shootings. They need to do more background checks on people who want to buy a gun. Any suspicion of mental illness and no gun for you.
  21. I am sorry but the QB situation going to this season is inexcusable. They knew Allen needed time to learn the pro game as he is really raw. The fact Peterman is still on the roster and that they believe he can play in this league makes me really question if they know anything about a modern NFL offense. Then again McDermott believes you can win playing field position and playing conservative offense.
  22. It doesn't change the fact you need to go through a lot to be able to own a gun in Canada. Owning a gun should be the same as a car license. Its a privilege not a right.
  23. Why not change the name of the team to the Panthers while they are at it.
  24. The biggest reason you don't a lot of gun violence in Canada is it takes a lot of work to become licensed to have a gun here. Here they do background checks and it takes sometimes up to a year to get your license. What makes no sense is how each state has their own laws for guns. Here in Canada its federally legislated and you're only allowed handguns, shotguns and rifles. No semi-auto is allowed. I think if the U.S. followed the way Canada does with getting a license it would help.
  25. I don't see it in regards to Allen. He has tendency to run after his first checkdown. A lot like Tyrod with a bigger upside. He has accuracy issues dating back to college. Blame his WR 's all you want but the best QB's make their WR's better.
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