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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Yesterday you said Peterman starts the last 2 if we lose. Today it's Tyrod no matter record. And didn't Seattle just trade for a LT? Not saying you are fake...just so many holes in all your "breaking news" posts.
  2. If making one play then being inactivity be for the playoffs and Super Bowl is your classification of a decent contribution you should raise your standards a tad, mate. By that rational Vlad has contributed to several TDs this year...I wouldn't call him decent at anything aside from wasting a roster spot.
  3. And...now your argument holds no water. Huge difference between yelling at someone and actually throwing something at them. But yea, fans are more then welcome to yell at the players. Been happening for decades.
  4. Awesome. I look forward to seeing Kenny Britt make one block. ??
  5. And how did the Floyd move help that? I'm comparing moves off late season WR signings. Not talking about the team as a whole. The Floyd signing...how did he help em? See what I'm saying here is that everyone panicking saying Britt is going to explode is overreacting. I'm saying Britt will most likely not contribute. Thinking he will end up a gameday inactive. Much like Floyd.
  6. Possibly Gilly? Please be Gilly.... So this is sort of like what they attempted with Michael Floyd last year. That didn't work out. Don't think this one will either.
  7. Honestly though if we were going to roll with Bradford I'd rather just let the rookie start from day 1. There's a real good chance at some point Bradford will miss games forcing the new guy to start. So why not let him get all the 1st team reps and make him as ready as possible?
  8. I can see Denver giving up something. Might even be a deal where they send us a 5th and we send them Tyrod and a 6th. Something along those lines.
  9. That's your opinion. But as you state...it's been going on for years. Frustration builds. Players also know that in a conflict with officials the league automatically sides with officials. Even when they are blatantly wrong. Again frustration. And that's the real point. Consistent. In the MLB it's well known how certain umpires call balls and strikes. If they are consistent there isn't an issue. Same should apply to NFL refs. An officiating crew classifies a holding call in a certain way better call it on both sides and not just when situation benefits. I however do give credit to the officials from the snow bowl last weekend. That 2 point conversion flag was one that had they not called would have ended the game sooner...this getting themselves into a warm room quicker. So credit them for making an important call in harsh climate.
  10. Maybe if they didn't continuously make horrible calls no one would want to abuse them.
  11. I mean if you want to question his intelligence it's a fair point. He was also the guy that's said Tim Tebow was worth a first round pick.
  12. I know right? The way they fell apart and won a Super Bowl without him last year really shows how irreplaceable he is.
  13. Never liked Romo as a player. Being the face of the Cowboys may have had a hand in it. I do like him as an announcer. He doesn't just give the same clueless takes and opinions. Yet.
  14. What team did he pitch for again? Could have sworn football is a team sport. Pinning wins/loses solely on a QB is beyond the most useless stat in sports.
  15. If everything I have read this year is even semi accurate, then for the first time in the whole Patties dynasty there are real problems behind the scenes. From what I have read, Billy wanted to keep Jimmy G and move Brady either to the 9ers this year or in the off-season. Kraft blocked it and traded Jimmy. Now, Brady isn't pleased his longtime coach wanted to move on from him, Billy is upset that Kraft overruled him. Add into that the obvious contempt between McDaniels and Brady....I think the end is closer then anyone imagines. I for one wouldn't be shocked if a guy like McDaniels is creating waves behind the scenes as well hoping to take over when the Patties and Belichick eventually part ways. Has to be a reason he keeps pulling his name from coaching vacancies. I think they hold it together this season, make another Super Bowl. I don't believe they win it, then everything unravels.
  16. Been noticing that. That last ball he threw reminded me of Peyton's last year. I mean, he won a Super Bowl but his arm was fried.
  17. People keep saying this. KC beat the Pats. We beat them in their house. It's the NFL. Anything can and usually does happen. If you're a trends guy though, I believe I read Miami has won 3 of last 4 in Miami Vs NE. 4 of last 5 after tonight.
  18. I really miss these Dolphin unis. Really hate their new look.
  19. I think that's what happens. Call me nuts but the Patties are vulnerable this year. Plus I can see us winning next 2 weeks, losing in Miami and getting the 6th wild card. And we still won't get credit because we "backed in and lucked out". ??
  20. See, that's just it. Hindsight is always 20/20. Their argument: "So in a foot of snow you know the Colts are geared into stopping Shady. Watching for Webb to run. And what are you going to do...let your 3rd string QB who isn't even a full time QB throw in that weather with the season on the line? No, he had to be the smartest guy in the room and go for it. He's in over his head."
  21. Yup. I believe he took it one step too far ???
  22. So, how does yesterday mean anything at all to the depth chart going forward? Hint: it doesn't. Fake fake news reporting.
  23. I can't root for either team and look myself in the mirror tomorrow. But I will propose a scenario I wouldn't mind happening. Patties win by 50. Gase does Gase things in the post game presser, throws his offense under the bus. Team stops caring...he loses the locker room. A dejected Miami team just wants the season over and mails it in the final 3 weeks.
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