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Everything posted by costrovs

  1. Yeah, I remember when everyone was talking about the Olympics. That was quite a while ago too. It's all just crazy.
  2. @Mango Yup, I missed the post from July. Thanks for the read. Sure their elite status might keep them out of an ICU, but it may likely cost them their career. Forgive me for being blunt (or don’t, I don’t care) but get your trash opinion about the effects on elite athletes vs. the general population off of the internet where others might confuse them as facts, and keep them to yourself until there is literally any shred of evidence as to what you are saying is true. Well, you kinda just agreed with me by posting the story. 2nd sentence in. So I thought it was a good time to share my experience with the virus so that people connected to me could read a 1st hand account of the impact of a mild/moderate case of COVID on a young, healthy, fit individual. And again at the bottom. So if you don't think the virus is that big of a deal because you are young, healthy, or fit, please consider my story. My guess is that my teammates and I are at a minimum healthier and fitter than most of you and it knocked many of us down hard. I have personally never experienced any other illness like this. I have never been knocked off of my feet for an entire month before. Here 's a shred of evidence to show that what I'm saying is true. Fact: The government said the virus effects older and younger population(under 3 or whatever) and people with diabetes the hardest. (huh... must have something to do with there poor immune systems) Fact: Working out helps boost your immune system. Fact: The general population doesn't work out multiple times a week and/or take vitamins/supplements on a daily basis(ok, I don't have actual proof to back this up with, but I figured if you just go outside and look around then you'll agree). So based on that story, and those first 2 facts, she/they would have been hit harder with the virus had they not been athletes. I understand that this isn't the flu or the cold, but it's not cancer either. @Don Otreply I was more so describing all teams in all sports than just the pats. All the cheating/lies and BS that happens. That post was actually made the day before we got this news about the Washington Redskins. Go figure.
  3. Really? Spygate? Deflategate? Fudging numbers, results, etc.. lt happens all the time. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You don't think other teams do this type of stuff? The symptoms are similar to the flu. If a player feels fine, but tests positive, BOOM! Shot of roids and back into the game. Welcome to the real world of sports.
  4. Coincidentally, the virus doesn't seem to do very much to professional athletes or people in tip top physical shape. Where did I say that the virus doesn't hit professional athletes? Von Miller and Zeke's symptoms are VERY different than what an 80 year old will get, or a diabetic. Hell, a 70+ year old can die from the normal flu. Von Miller's was worse than Zeke's. Von has Asthma, of course his symptoms will be worse. Can a professional athlete get it really bad? SURE. but they have a lot less of a chance than other people.
  5. Then Joe Blow's gonna get some roids before the game. lol I'm sure Joe Blow the NT and Joe Blow in the 300 section have different body types and workout regimens. You get the idea.
  6. I get it. Rules are rules. BUT..... Hypothetically, if this virus keeps going into January and February and and the playoffs are on the line, you don't think a team will fudge some results for some players? Maybe a shot of steroids before the game? Just saying. I never said that. I said 'This virus will hit 350lb Joe Blow with diabetes in the 300 section a lot harder than any of the NFL players'
  7. At the end of the day, the show will go on(I hope). If a player or players get sick they'll probably take them out of the game for a week or two(assuming they actually feel sick and not just test positive). This virus will hit 350lb Joe Blow with diabetes in the 300 section a lot harder than any of the NFL players. Zeke had it, he said he had a little cough and a little shortness of breathe for a couple days. Coincidentally, the virus doesn't seem to do very much to professional athletes or people in tip top physical shape.
  8. If the games are gonna be on T.V., then they'll be receiving ad revenue. I just Googled 'nfl ad revenue' and it said that the NFL pulled in $5B in TV ad revenue. And the NFL salary cap for this year is 198.2 million. If I bump that up to 200 million and divide that by $5B, I get 25. That's 25 team salaries right there. Not to mention local team revenue, jerseys, and other NFL goodies. Not to mention the new Redskins** jerseys. I'm sure a lot of people will want those. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/062515/how-nfl-makes-money.asp In the 3rd paragraph it says 'Bloomberg estimates it earned around $15 billion during the 2018 season' Based on that, I'm sure they'll be fine. Everyone will get paid, and the show goes on. There's too much money to be made here. I'm guessing the NFL will tell the players to play or don't get paid.
  9. I remember reading somewhere that the majority of the salary comes from advertising. (85%+)? That's just a guess, i don't know the exact figures. So, with that in mind, I think the NFL will be okay for at least a year. I could be wrong though. Edit. In regards to the other questions, I've thought about that stuff too. Your guess is as good as mine. And I have no idea.
  10. I'll agree that his deep throws were horrible last season. He couldn't connect worth crap. But, he's not over throwing his receivers by a mile like some QB's. Most of his overthrows were quite literally within 1-2 feet of his mark, some within inches but the receivers just couldn't bring them in.
  11. Personally, I wouldn't say say this is a make or break year for Allen. The playoff game? A 23 year old coming from a small college, in a small town to the NFL playoffs in his 2nd year. He was nervous. He looked just as nervous as he did the first half of his rookie season. No big deal. He's a smart dude, He'll get over the nerves either this season or the next one. Accuracy- Well jeez, he could be like every other QB out there and dump the ball off 10+ times a game instead of scrambling for 10+ yards.(but c'mon, we all really enjoy watching Allen run) Deep Pass- He can throw deep. It's a threat every time he's on the field. Defenses know that. Gone are the days of Defenses stacking 9 players at the line. He's the best QB we've had in YEARS. Personally, he's the most enjoyable QB to watch since pre concussion Edwards.
  12. Holy cow, you're right!! The massive hole in our roster that could totally ruin our season is the backup QB position. What do you suggest we do JetsFan20!?!?
  13. This makes about as much sense as the patriots becoming a dynasty after 9/11. Or the Cubs winning the world series because Obama was the president. Ya know what, I like how you think.
  14. How often do teams extend players that are on year 3 of their rookie contracts to long term deals? Shouldn't we be talking about this after this upcoming season? Or in 2 years if the bills do the 5th year option?
  15. It's not over my head, Star still sucks, but whatever.... back on topic, PFF tries to over analyze things way to much, and then gives players a score based on there own made up analytics. Like saying 'Josh Allen throws better to the left off his back foot than his right off his back foot. which makes sense because he's right handed. so we'll give him a 67 score He also has a better completion percentage when throwing less than 10 yards past the line, so we'll five him an 86 But Josh had a horrible completion percentage throwing 30+ yards downfield so he'll only get a 4.3 score for that. Then using our super duper secret formula we add all those numbers up and divide them by 3.14 and we get a final score of 43.7 That puts josh at the 33rd best QB in the league.' Kinda how someone said PFF has Dak rated as the 2nd best QB. And Jordan is ranked as the 153rd best. yeah, ok. I agree with 34-78-83, I'd put him at top 25-35 ranked DT. Some of PFF's stuff I can agree with, it's rookie ranking, fantasy rankings, best available free agents. It's scoring system not so much.
  16. Nice, I agree with all that. Except, that when talking about Star at 1-tech, he doesn't get double teamed as much as Oliver, and Star isn't good at getting into the backfield. Just because Star is playing 1 tech doesn't mean the opposing o-line is gonna double team him. Which is why I said Jordan can do a better job than star at the 1-tech. which he has and does. The reason why the 1-tech is expected to take on double teams, is because 1-tech's are better suited for big guys such as Jordan. But, again Star doesn't get double teamed as much as people realize. The OL is to busy double teaming Oliver. Everything that you wrote and that I put in bold, reiterates the reason why Jordan played better and is better suited at 1-tech than Star. Hell, Oliver too. and even Harry played better than Star(at 1-tech) in his limited time on the field. So as far as that goes they can all replace Star. Jordan is just better suited for it than Oliver or Harry because he's 6'6 340 lb's. As far as McD's scheme goes, you'r right. usually it is a 1 and 3. He's played 3 and 3 multiple times a game also where he has 2 linebackers come up over the middle covering the 1 and 1, but the linebackers usually back off when the ball is snapped. Regardless, having Oliver/Jordan playing the DT spots, is better than having Star playing a DT spot. which was my point, regardless of whether its 1 or 3, Jordan plays better than Star. Stars replaceable, and Jordan can replace him on the roster. It's that simple regardless of where Star is lined up. And, Jordan has stated before that he wants to be here. He wants to be a bill. And, there is a potential out in Star's contract after this season. This will be his last year in a bills uni. Bill's will cut him after the season. You can bank on that.
  17. Can you give me a better explanation than that? You can't sit there and say 'Believe it or not, there’s more to it than simply where the tackle lines up on the line' then give me a 3rd grade answer man.
  18. Really? Yes and no. In this whole discussion, we're talking about whether or not Jordan can do a better job than Star at the 1 tech. If you think Star can do better than Jordan at the 1 tech, go ahead and explain that to me.
  19. You realize that moving him from 3 tech to a 1 tech is literally like 3.5 feet right? I'm sure he can play it just fine, and put up better numbers than Star. 9.5 sacks and 13 TFL says he can push the pocket better than anyone else on this team. Most DT's do bad against double teams.
  20. 1. you're right, it can be give. but everyone knows it's really pass. all the other youtube videos say pass, not give. 2. my bad, i dont use the forums that much, that was meant for Hapless, saying that Harry/Star rotated, which can only be the case for the first 3 games this year, because Harry went to IR. So that wasn't the rotation for the season. 3. C'mon man, Star is useless. They hardly ever double team him, he's too fat and slow. He's not getting much playing time for being starter, and that's with Harry on IR, I'm sure he'll be playing less once Harry comes back. Plus, according to spotrac.com their is a 'potential out' in his contract after 2020 season. I'm sure this will be his last season in a Bills uni. Star - only 8 games this season with over 50% of the snaps Jordan - 11 Oliver - 9 over 50%, 12 including games at exactly 50% https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2019.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8wscdKgigA
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