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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. That's the Jews who are still waiting for the Messiah.
  2. Muslims consider parts of the Old Testament and the Gospels as Holy Scripture ... and not all Christians, including the billions who adhere to the Roman Catholic Church, believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible and/or disavow evolution. The Catholic Church reconciled its doctrine on creation with the theory of evolution in the 1890s.
  3. ^^^ How is this any stupider than millions of Americans believing that the Earth was created exactly according to the Old Testament and that evolution is a lie?
  4. A correction on the women's curling gold medal match. It's on NBCSN at 7pm tonight. South Korea vs Sweden.
  5. If you cut Incognito, who's your LG? Another career backup like Ducasse impersonating a starter?
  6. The curling match was great! For those who want to watch the replay at a more normal time, I won't give any details on how the US won. All I will say is that it was worth staying up all night to watch. If you want to read about it: US Men Win Curling Gold! Women's bronze medal curling game (Japan vs Britain) is today, and women's gold medal match (South Korea vs Sweden) is tomorrow.
  7. Drew Brees is only 6' and Russell Wilson isn't even 6'. OTOH, Brock Osweiler is like 6'7".
  8. Aside from a few years in Arizona when he was behind Kurt Warner, McCown has played on qb needy teams as bad or worse than the Bills have been since they sent Flutie packing.
  9. Unless the Bills sign Cousins or maybe Keenum, I don't think Peterman will be with the Bills when the season starts unless he's still eligible for the practice squad. Whether the Bills keep Tyrod or sign another bridge QB, they'll have a first or second round rookie QB as their backup. There's no way that they will go with a rookie and Peterman.
  10. Well, they didn't take Brees or Brady in 2000, and they let Jay Cutler get away in 2006, not to mention Joe Flacco in 2008 and Andy Dalton in 2011. Of course, they also passed on such gems as Matt Leinart, Josh Freeman, Tim Tebow, Brandon Weeden, Brock Osweiler, Colin Kaepernick, Geno Smith so it pretty much balances out IMO. The only two QBs I'm po'd about the Bills screwing up with were giving up the 2005 first to trade back to take Losman, thus missing out on a shot at Aaron Rodgers, and passing on Russell Wilson for TJ Graham!
  11. Hindsight is always 20-20. IIRC most of TBD was on board with the trade back because they figured the Bills would win 4-5 games and KC would take a major nose dive, too, so the Bills would have 2 picks in the top dozen in 2018. I guess their crystal balls were a bit defective, huh?
  12. One of the benies of being retired is that I can stay up late and watch live. If the US wins (and maybe if it doesn't), NBC should have the highlights of the game on later tomorrow.
  13. So, Taylor is so bad that the majority of fans here (and some commentators as well apparently) think that just about any of the has been or never were veteran FA QBs available not named Brees, Cousins or Bradford will be better, but then in the next breath they expect other teams will fall all over themselves to trade for him. That's really stupid, dudes. If Taylor were as useless as the denziens of TBD believe, no team will trade for him -- and if teams are willing to trade for him, maybe the Bills ought to consider keeping him until they at least have 1 QB on the roster better than Nathan Peterman, and preferably 2.
  14. To those of you making snarky comments, remember that there but for God's grace go you or somebody you love or care about.
  15. The gold medal game in men's curling will began about 1 am tonight. Curling aficionados can look for it on NBC, NBCSN or CNBC.
  16. It probably was a farmer -- the geese likely were stripping out his winter pastures or his winter wheat crop (if that's a crop in Mizzou) ... or a groundskeeper at a golf course or park. A single brood of Canada geese (parents and that year's goslings) that set up residence on your lake shore or pond side can quickly make that part of your yard (and your dock) unusable.
  17. Well, expecting much more than a backup QB from a QB drafted in the 2nd or 3rd round is like putting your money down on the lottery IMO. Between 2000 and 2014, the only mediocre or better starting QBs to come out of Rounds 2-3 of the draft are: 2000 - Drew Brees (2) 2002 - Josh McCown (3) 2004 - Matt Schaub (3) 2011 - Andy Dalton (2) 2012 - Russsell Wilson (3) 2012 - Nick Foles (3) 2013 - Mike Glennon (3) 2014 - Derek Carr (2) 2014 - Jimmy Garoppolo (2) That's only 25% "success" with setting the bar low enough that McCown and Glennon make the cut (9/36). If you raise the bar higher and remove those two the success percentage drops to less than 20% (7/36. Unless the Bills sign Cousins, I wouldn't be good with taking a round 2 or 3 QB unless he was somebody who was considered a first rounder but who fell in the draft for some reason. A better OL would never turn Chad Henne or Brock Osweiler into decent starting QBs.
  18. Most WRs take 3 years to reach their primes, and many never do. Nelson Agholor was another young WR who was largely considered a bust until his third season (2017). WR is a much harder transition from college to pros than most fans realize, especially when they see a handful of WRs breaking out as rookies.
  19. I disagree with this because I think that the Bills need to have a firm plan on how they want to move forward, because without it, they can't set priorities. It shouldn't be a detailed plan with specifics but they definitely need an outline to guide them from step 1 to step 7 or 10 or whatever. The first few steps are detailed and specific and the later steps are naturally more fluid, but the plan needs to be "set" enough so that the Bills don't waste resources pursuing tangents. They need to have decided already on who among their own FAs they are going to re-sign and who they are going to let walk. They also need to have decided who they want to release and who they want to try to trade as well as what compensation they want. They need to have decided how they are going to proceed in FA: pursue a few big names or look for affordable but promising FAs coming off their rookie contracts (like Poyer). The Bills also need to have a good idea about which positions they want to fill with FAs and which they want to fill through the draft. By now, the FA list should be specific with names and ranks for each position. That's based on the available FA pool, who might join it, and what their scouts tell them about the quality and quantity of positions they need to fill in the draft. The Bills should also have a list of draft prospects they wish to interview at the Combine next week. Successful organizations don't happen haphazardly. One of the reasons for the drought was that the Bills were run without solid planning for a couple of decades. In NE, they draft an OLer in the first or second round every few years so that as their starters leave, they have a youngster ready to step in. When Pro Bowler Matt Light retired, Nate Solder stepped in. The Bills haven't ever done that since Bill Polian left. Instead the Bills cut Pro Bowl guard Ruben Brown in 2004 and didn't replace him with an NFL caliber guard until 2009 (Andy Levitre). After trading Jason Peters to Philly (and getting fleeced) in 2009, the Bills didn't add a quality LT until 2012. Having a plan doesn't mean that the team doesn't ever deviate from it when circumstances require. A set plan is a roadmap of how to get to be a team that wins regularly, and hopefully, a lot. Yeah, there's detours and occasionally roadblocks, but without an idea of where you want to go and how to get there, you just spin your wheels in the mud. I'm hopeful that the Bills have at least gotten themselves a roadmap.
  20. If the Bills signed McKown for $10 million, they would be paying $18.6 million in cap space for a starting QB not nearly as good as Taylor. That sounds like a plan because we all know that it's not possible for Taylor to play better in a new offense after one bad season in a lousy situation while McKown is surely going to be better than Taylor based on putting up numbers not all that dissimilar to Taylor's 2017 numbers.
  21. This is news? He's obviously been monitoring TBD and has spun the most popular ideas into one article. BTW, #2 AND #5 are essentially the same thing -- moving on from Taylor implies that they need two QBs, a starter and a rookie.
  22. The US Curling team skipped by John Schuster just beat the Canadians in the curling semi-finals, advancing to the gold medal round for the first time ever with a 5-3 win. The US is guaranteed at least a silver for the first time ever. The US plays Sweden on Saturday for the gold. Here's the story: US Curling Semi Finals
  23. So, why don't you apply for some of those choice jobs with your state or local government so you can get yourself a secure job and a pension if you're so jealous of public employees? Not well educated enough (teacher, engineer, bank examiner, computer programmer, accountant, lawyer, etc)? Not brave enough (law enforcement, fireman, border agent, park ranger)? Not skilled enough (heavy equipment operator, building inspector, facility manager)? Not up to dealing with troubled, scary, disgusting people (social workers, mentally ill, convicts, parolees)? Or maybe you don't like public employee salaries which tend to lag behind similar positions in most technical, medical, business, and legal fields except at the entry level.
  24. That's what happened in 2013 ... Cya, dude. And he was short to boot. I really don't think the Bills are likely to trade Taylor unless they were to make a deal with Cleveland for the #4 pick with Taylor as their bridge QB.
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