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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. I think some of you are forgetting... BUFFALO IS IT!!! This is the place players WANT to be. We are the next thing coming.
  2. You got a thumbs up from me because your explaining why you feel this way instead of just saying no... or we cant afford it. As much as I disagree I respect your opinion. Just keep in mind.. There are plenty of contracts our GM can still renegotiate to get players in here. I think its possible. Dont want to keep reminding people of the name CLAY but remember the contract he got in tough times.
  3. I did too. oh come on... Everyone said Milano was going to hit FA and was going to ask for Top Dollar. You can make your exact statement with any player in FA coming up.. Sorry, saying someone getting top dollar now a days is more like a figure of speech these days
  4. pay them better next year when we have a ton more room and especially with covid cap rate bouncing back up
  5. OH like everyone said Milano was going to get top Dollar ? Sorry one can say this about any player coming out.
  6. I really hate hearing about out of price range blah ... There are ways to structure contracts that helps that. Again 100% agree. Now we find out if Bean gave smoke screen on TE position or not. I think we will find out really fast.
  7. this statement is so wrong.. IF brown were here still I might agree but he's not. Your living in the past... our Offense was not dynamic enough, getting around the 8th best TE in the NFL would help with that. 100% agree! teams with top 10 TE are proving how important it is to have a great TE
  8. So the draft boards change daily but as I see it there is none of the following that would be impactful to us in the first round. Pass Rusher One Tech DT .. those are of lesser quality in later rounds. G Late round 2 maybe,, WR no speedsters will likely be thee So what does that leave us? CB. I just Highly doubt we go CB (highly opinionated) T. Both sides are secure unless that Tackle can start at guard TE. The next Tier TE starts some where in round 2. RB. This is highly likely if its a top 2. OLB. This is very possible position where we could go back to base 4-3 on many downs. Move to 40-43 and pick up this years 4th round pick Trade your first and second round pick for say pick 17 and get Edge Kwity Paye Edge Jelen Pillips RB Travis Etienne WR Kadarius Toney TE Kyle Pitts OR BPA - I am not a fan of this. This year.
  9. Moss is a solid force but not great. We saw Frank Gore for years, no matter how good or bad their line was bruise it for 3+ yards. there is a difference between a good solid bruiser and someone elite. But your dragging me to your side of thinking lol
  10. the way the draft board looks now... OT, EDGE, OG would not shock me in this draft. 5th round there are lots of one tech DT that fit the bill that you could take a stab at... Most of the early DT in this draft are burners.
  11. Thanks Gunner for taking the time to explain it. This makes Sense now. Some times you have to go back read a second time, I am glad people like you understand me and take the time to explain it. Etienne seems to fit that picture huh? lol
  12. I disagree my friend. Speed is for an offensive line that is great at either making holes or edge containment on runs. We are not great at any of that. A bruiser is going to gulp up 2,3,4 yards a run no matter what and give us easier 3rd downs But that's my thought you may be right!
  13. I was at work calling Smoke screen on this one to about TE.
  14. I mean its the only thing that makes sense now yes?
  15. Oh I would not be any where near done with this line. I am not liking how it got beat hard on running downs which makes me think one of too things are going to happen. \ 1. We pick up a bruising RB in FA or Draft OR we hit Oline hard in draft... OT in round one, Edge round two and Guard round 3. Our QB can not be the best runner on the team and think we will be Dynamic or even more Dynamic next year. I have the feeling of rinse repeat when I want rinse better. I am not sold. Period. Unless we have a top end BRUISING RB on this team that can go out there and get his own yards.. darn.. Please someone tell me I am wrong and why?
  16. Back on topic. There is a great way to tell if someone has dropped a good amount of weight and that is looking at there face. This video was 8 months ago Interesting that during an interview he is wearing a hoodie that is way bigger then him with the hood over his head. Then I look at this picture Again we are comparing side views with front view but that face is much more sucked in. I have checked with a couple of my sources and they are not saying a WORD! which usually means something is up. but in comparing. this is interesting look. Me personally, I think the OP is spot on, I think he has lost weight and is not the same player. Leads me to question... did he opt out cause he was not in the shape buffalo wanted him to be in or new they would want to be in?
  17. Agree any one of the top 3 or don't bother. Maybe even top 2.
  18. A little reaching here but I have no problem with this. Dickerson can play Guard on either side and C. making him versatile. Shelvin is the one tech DT that would demand double team. After our recent Signings I would be good with this... UNLESS... one of the top two HB are there in round 1. Then we get Guard round 3 and this team would become way more then just throw throw throw.
  19. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/roster-cuts/2021-01-00/2021-04-05/ Another cut tracker though this does not show cut players signed by a new team, it does show other interesting info.
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