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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. Ive watched Coleman at Michigan and FSU..... The kid has immeasurable tangibles that fit right in with our roster.......he's big, athletic, his hands are ball magnets, he's physical and can be a mismatch nightmare anywhere on the field. Don't let the combine fool you.......yes, his 40 time was slow, however, he had the best time in the gauntlet and the pass-arounds from all other WR's there. Think about that, you pancake eating mother-****ers. I like the pick. I can see what our coaching staff is trying to put together here. I didn't see it recently, but i'm seeing the roster they are trying to build and the philosophy behind it. Regardless of what our armchair GM's on these boards think, it was a good pick. I have spoken.
  2. I was honestly a little pissed off last night cause i stayed up till 11:30 knowing i had to get up early in the morning for a work meeting and nothing much happened in the first round, but now that i had a chance to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz's in the office this morning, i'm feeling good about what Beane did last night. He created some draft pick capital with great value and i'm sure he's got a plan going forward.
  3. Alright, i'm weighing in on this..... You're not wrong with what you're saying about Worthy. Reid is going to scheme the hell out of him and force D's into some bad decisions and positions, we all know that. Now, think of an O with Mahomo, Kelce, Pacheco, Worthy, etc......who does the D cover? They have added a weapon that will make it hard to defend on every square inch of the field and we have to hope that our HC can figure it out. I know that right now it feels like KC is our daddy, however, let's let the rest of the draft play out and see what we're left with, is all i'm saying.
  4. I'm saying nothing of the sort. I was answering another question a poster had of why we didn't take Worthy......if our FO wanted him so badly, they would have traded up for him or did they really expect that he would fall to 28 and take him then. I don't even know what the **** you're talking about?!?
  5. All things considered, you can't say our FO didn't have their opportunities to make a big splash last night, however, if they feel their best value was in trading back for more picks, then i'm all for it. They are probably fielding a lot of phone calls this morning anyways, so let's see how it all plays out.
  6. I've got 2 questionable ones..... * Miami picking Chop......now, i have no problem with this pick, however, i was sure he would have been one of the guys to fall into the 2nd round as he is a little raw and a bit of a project, albeit with coachable skills, i just had a feeling he would drop * Atlanta......nothing more needs to be said here
  7. Well, i don't know about that, man. If they wanted him, they could have made a play for him or did they really expect he would drop to 28?
  8. Am i the only one thinking that NE may have got the best value at QB last night?.......Maye has got a lot of upside and coachable skills. I wanted him to go anywhere, but the AFCEast. The rest of the QB's taken off the board last night don't concern me, however, if Maye manages to put it all together (maybe not this year cause he won't have much of a team around him, so a couple of years on the bench might do him some good while they build a complimentary roster).........i don't know, i don't like this pick one bit. And anyone who wants to make the Mac Jones 2.0 comparison is wrong......this guy has got loads more talent than Mac and Cheese.
  9. I think big things are coming tonight.
  10. Dude, i got wicked ADHD and can barely make it through reading the first sentence of anything before my mind goes in 12 different directions (as you may or may not have seen in my previous posts where i begin with one thought and end up completely off the tracks). I have no problem with what our FO did last night. I'm just saying that i was hoping for a little more sizzle in the pan in the first round from any franchise last night.....that's it. I went into it expecting trades, wheeling and dealing, franchises in shambles, crying, picking up the broken pieces, etc......i saw a predictable 1st round and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm the type of guy that hangs out around the highway overpass, just waiting for 2 cars to collide......it never happens, but it could.......maybe one day, it could. Same thing with the first round of every draft, just waiting for something big to happen...... ......across the board, it was a very safe, predictable first round
  11. round 1 for me was a dud.........i didn't say the whole draft............round 1
  12. So, this draft actually kind of fell just about where everyone thought it would......except the Bills not making a move for a WR, Penix going to the Falcons (still a head scratcher), but regardless, not a whole lot of surprises or teams jockeying for position. I was hoping for the draft of a lifetime..........in my opinion, this day one was a dud.
  13. A couple of things..... * This is no place to be reasonable * I have no idea what the FO is planning.......and neither do you * I imagine somewhere, someone has a plan * It made me sick that i stayed up till 11:30 last night to watch a Bills pick that didn't happen * That is all......carry on
  14. Oh, you're giving me wayyyyyyyyyy too much credit here............i'm like minute by minute.......on a good day.
  15. I can't really say if i like what he did in the 1st round cause i don't even know what he did. Traded our spots in the 1st, twice for zero picks in the first but got his 3rd rounder and stockpiled 5ths?..........is that right?
  16. I don't feel bad for Cousins, i feel bad for Penix........if they sit him behind Cousins for a couple of years, Penix could essentially be like 27 by the time he ever sees the field. This, in my opinion is a very bad move by the Falcons.
  17. You know, i was the biggest supporter of just letting the board fall to us and see what's left, but i'm leaning towards swinging for the fences this year. I mean, what we've been doing hasn't been working to get us over the hump, so let's try something different. Here's what i'm thinking.......i think i would rather swing for the fences or swing for that homerun and have a miss, than not swing at all or just go after middle of the road, mediocre and take no step forward in the team's progression. Stagnant is stagnant, no matter how you cut it. We gotta elevate this team to the next level and that's why i'm kind of leaning a little more to making a splash this draft.
  18. I so wanted to read this, however, my boss is breathing down my neck today.........i'm looking forward to reading it when that prick goes for lunch.
  19. 35 pages deep for pure conjecture and speculation.........not bad.
  20. Diggs will be the honorary captain.
  21. If you can bet on the color of the Gatorade being dumped on the HC in the SB, you can bet on anything.......nothing surprises me anymore. In fact, if they ever bring out a contest to see how many times a guy can take a ballpein hammer swing to the nuts, i'll bet they'll have betting on that too........i'm also betting that number is one.
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