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Everything posted by leonbus23

  1. Love this take! Agreed. And it's not because of how he played.
  2. I agree and feel the same way about this season. I would add that watching the worst QB in NFL history provided entertainment as well.
  3. Rosen looks awful. He looks like Peterman from the Chargers games most of the time. If he could run, it would help his game for now. But he can't. He's slow. So, the big question is: given equal offensive lines and weapons, who is the better passer? It's hard to know because both have lousy OLs and very few weapons. The big difference is that Allen can run and Rosen can't. So, in the short term Allen can produce while Rosen cannot. But with good OLs and receivers and backs who will be the better passer? Even if Rosen becomes the better passer, he will never have the running ability. But will Allen stop running so much and throw in the future with better players?
  4. Now my hope for the last two weeks is that Houston wins out. I live in SoCal, so I like the Rams and Chargers. My wife is from Chicago, so I want the Bears to win. But I would rather those three teams falter and Houston to win out to keep the Pats* out of a first round bye.
  5. You're right about Deflategate. A buddy of mine took off about 60 lbs and we all called him the deflator. In fact, that's still his nickname and we called him that before the deflategate thing. Here is his picture with his wife (we call her the deflatora):
  6. My worst nightmare is that the Chiefs and Chargers lose one and the Pats* win out.
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