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Everything posted by Ramza86

  1. Theyve decided everything will work off the pass. Which i personally love. This gives Allen control and more attempts = more experience. I do wonder if its because Daboll doesnt like our lineman to run block. Cause you know....they cant. lol
  2. This oline is still not good. Being better than last year is a plus yes....but it still not a good one in relation to the rest of the league. Getting in 1 or 2 really good guys would help this team dearly.
  3. I think he should only run when its the the only option or there is a large space for him to gain the necessary yards.
  4. Vrabel pretty much played his defense the same way the Pats have been doing against us. They forced allen to either take the safe short pass or force it downfield to a WR. Allen has had a hard time against this style of defense. Daboll has to come up with a gameplan specific to this defense or we could be losing this division to the Pats.
  5. dog**** game. Injuries, no shows all around. How the ***** do the Titans even get this game? Two weeks of no practice my ***** ass. TItans have an outbreak and everyone else gets punished.
  6. Nope Yep Nope No Milano, Wallace, White.....its too easy to pass
  7. Diggs to Buffalo has given me a little of the same vibe as Jimmy Butler to the Heat.
  8. Hmm, a giant bubble seems really hard. Each team would just have to bubble in a hotel and imprison themselves for the rest of the season.
  9. The division is still up in the air. Now is the time to make the move if you think Allen can run the system better than Haskins.
  10. Since i live miami, i know fans from many diff teams. I just say yeah they are playing well and josh is playing great.
  11. I hope it was because they needed to take a couple of extra seconds off the clock in order to go into victory formation on 3rd down. I personally didnt like the run, but if there was a play that needed to happen whether it be a run/punt/time killing throwaway. I would take the run.
  12. Man i love his jump. Year 1: Short passing ball placement was poor. Deep ball was decent. Year 2: Short passing/intermediate ball placement good to very good. Deepball non existant. Year 3: Put it all together. I expected him to be able to complete his passing tree, but his game now has much exceeded what i thought it would be this year. I personally think we have seen near his ceiling in terms of him as a thrower and its beautiful. Now lets see if he can continue growing mentally, game management, decision making and presnap adjustments. Looks great so far.
  13. Been wondering that too. I think teams are still planning against his running ability and hes good enough now to make that work for him without running. Has to be right?
  14. Hes solid, but idk there is just something missing when i watch him play. Idk what it is though lol.
  15. Def not the end of the era. As long as he has a decent team around him he will be in the playoffs with a title chance every year. Thats really all you can ask for.
  16. Tough break Bobby. You got a free INT earlier in the game.
  17. life is short, football is short. im gonna ride this high but i will also be prepared if he comes back to planet earth.
  18. This I agree with, they fought back. Im sure the Rams felt them same about their defense the same way we felt about ours. They gave up 28 early and did nothing offensively early. They know they are better than that. These are the types of games we will be seeing this year. We have a really tough schedule and the games are going to back and forth. This was the extreme though in terms of losing a lead.
  19. I agree. Not sure if its scheme, but there looks like there is more between the WRs and himself this year.
  20. Because if you throw that ball 10 times. 9 of them will either be an incomplete or an INT.
  21. Anyone else think Devonta was sending out curses to all 32 teams RBs....and it worked?
  22. Im just really glad he is having a good start and it looks like hes in on the culture. His talent was never in question for me, it was could he join the culture without any issues.
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