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Everything posted by T&C

  1. As long as Columbus knocks off the "feel the thunder, be the thunder" crowd tonight I'm good. The roads around here will be less congested.
  2. Good two days ahead sports wise... starting with the Lightning hopefully getting blown out on the road tonight, Jacketsville will go nuts... dancing in the streets. Schedule release tomorrow night for the NFL. Maybe a 3 for 2, the Leafs take the next one too.
  3. Nice win by the Leafs... keep it going.
  4. I don't remember 5 but it was 9 or 11 in Lancaster. Depending on the weather and how you manipulated stuff around the ears. I do remember Saturday afternoon hockey though.
  5. Hehe... perfect response. Thanks for that...
  6. I hope Tampons get shut out 4-0... I have to work with some of their douchebag fans who are in love with the presidents trophy and guaranteed a sweep. Honestly, people down here don't understand hockey overall. All they know is "our team is in this, good for us". They can't even name 5 players on the team much less the head coaches name. This is good, really good.
  7. Traffic here in the Tampa outlying areas has cut down considerably. Either they are at the "watch parties" or they've hunkered down at the house and have their supplies a going. Blue Jackets 4-1... I hope anyways.
  8. Not at all. Just can't stand him or his contributions to the the music world.
  9. I was a leafs fan before I was a Sabres fan... we didn't have a team when I was a kid but could get channel 9 or 11, forget which one... from Toronto. Us 6,7,8,9 year olds learned hockey that way.
  10. Keep quoting elton john songs and it's gonna be even longer...
  11. We shall see, a lot of time left. Game seems to have shifted gears from what I've seen so far in the 2nd.
  12. They really have. Jackets skate faster than tampa expected... tampa riding on their laurels for the most part, presidents trophy is in the past. I'm a Sabres fan living in lightning land so this is a thing of beauty.
  13. 4-1 now, I hope tampa goes out in Columbus.
  14. Empty netter by Toronto was sweet... small dagger inserted. Tampa going down last night was the same, both of these series are the main ones I'm watching for round one.
  15. I'll start/go with harmonica. I've been lucky to have seen War 3 times. Lee Oskar had no less than 8 harmonica's on his belt at any given time, he is a master at that instrument no doubt. Who do you have?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canned_Heat_members Surprised to see Harvey Mandel's name in the current members... they could put on a pretty good show.
  17. I've never even heard of most of these groups. Still, Hot Tuna... preferably electric, is worth the price of day 3. Who knows, Grace might pop in unannounced. Country Joe still looks pretty good for his age, he might be the ringer for day 2.
  18. Had never seen this photo until today, pretty cool.
  19. I for sure would check that one out, even if its just Hunter with a "cover band"... not sure who's left. Saw Hunter and Rundgren at the now defunct Agora Ballroom in Tampa years ago... it was tables and wound up getting one 12' or so from the stage.
  20. It feels like we've been tanking forever. I was a 9 year old kid when we got the Sabres... until then it was Leafs hockey on the black and white. One decent push and we fade into the oblivion... I get you alright, tank tank tank.
  21. Oh I know, but 98 is the first one I ever used. I can still hear the sound of the dialing, hoping I clicked in at least 28.8.
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