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Everything posted by T&C

  1. Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison auditioned for a British talent program called TV Star Search at the Hippodrome Theatre 59 years ago in Lancashire on Nov. 15, 1959. They had been known as The Quarrymen and were soon to be known as the Beatles, but for this audition, they took the name "Johnny and the Moondogs." They played two Buddy Holly songs: "Think It Over" and "It's So Easy." They must have been good as they were invited back for the next round of audition the next day. But, seeing as they hadn't made their millions yet, they were forced to return to Liverpool the same night, having no money to rent a hotel room, and therefore missing out on the next round of auditions.
  2. Not lucky enough... I could feel it building throughout the 3rd quarter though. The muscles tightened heading into the 4th quarter... the dump was not to be.
  3. I live in the Tampa area and can't stand this ***** team other than Fitz... but they do have a SB victory thanks to Dungy... not Gruden.
  4. Maybe Zappa and Love weren't but no way can that speak for the bands overall. I mean, Volman and Kaylan weren't exactly "take them home to meet mom" kinds of guys for instance. Even if we're just talking weed I'll bet most of them indulged to some degree.
  5. The op said "one of the most pathetic sports franchises ever" so that could be a lot of different sports all over the world... so my answer would be no. Surely there is a cricket franchise somewhere's who hasn't done anything lol.
  6. We have yet to play a division rival so maybe that is part of the thinking "process".
  7. Different drugs for different folks:
  8. I'll go out on a limb and say that the only person here who is familiar with this one is @row_33
  9. Maybe we'll go all out "Vikings game" on the mofo's... no one saw that coming.
  10. After reading this I've decided to post these EACH and EVERY week. We need a finger on the pulse of the opponents fanbase you know.
  11. https://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patriots/messageboard/threads/were-on-to-buffalo.1145812/
  12. Not the first but definitely the master... Mr. Bickford.
  13. You are right... I had to buy Sling orange for ONE channel, espn, so the wife could watch the MNF game in the living room. Have everything on Sling blue we want except for that one damn channel.
  14. Well shucks, he joined 27 minutes ago... shouldn't we at least give him an hour?
  15. No no no no no no... Maybe we hear something at 4pm.... no no no no no
  16. John Elway and Jeff George immediately come to mind. In the "modern" era !@#$ing brady...
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