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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Maybe “full circle” means back to Florida where he was born, raised and went to college?
  2. Yes they are Blue Lives. They can't set that aside when they are being murdered in uniform.
  3. The point being is Blue= Police. The Police have been referred to as Blue going back 100 years, so this isn't something that all of a sudden came up.
  4. Actually, for those that can see it for what it is, yes, blue lives are the same identical thing as police lives. So, yes, 100% there are Blue lives.
  5. As a healthy young man I'm pretty sure he probably is just fine with the move especially if he gets time on the field. Not to mention, he isn't being forced. He doesn't have to go.
  6. Change the name every week. Call it whoever was the MVP the week prior on offense and defense. Tre White Field at Josh Allen Stadium. Seriously, I couldn't care less what the stadium is called. How about, "We need a new Stadium Stadium"?
  7. I thought so, too. I remember hearing that from somebody before. ??
  8. No doubt. What happened in Florida was just a tiny error. Trust us.
  9. Tennessee man tests positive though he has never been tested. https://www.dailywire.com/news/nashville-man-told-by-state-hes-positive-for-coronavirus-he-was-never-tested?al_applink_data={"target_url"%3A"https%3A\%2F\%2Fwww.dailywire.com\%2Fnews\%2Fnashville-man-told-by-state-hes-positive-for-coronavirus-he-was-never-tested%3Fitm_source%3Dparsely-api\u00253Futm_source\u00253Dcnemail%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_content%3D072220-news%26utm_campaign%3Dposition2"%2C"extras"%3A[]%2C"referer_app_link"%3A{"url"%3A"fb%3A\%2F\%2F\%2F"%2C"app_name"%3A"Facebook"}} And people wonder why some aren’t buying into what they are being force fed.
  10. It's going to be humorous watching Mayor Lighthead having a stroke over Operation Legend.
  11. Actually, no it’s not but I know better than to argue with you so this is all I will say about it.
  12. Pretty much. So I think we can agree that intimidation will play a huge part of this campaign.
  13. I saw that nowhere in the article but, even if they were allowed to (LOL) do you think anyone actually would when Drew Brees was masssacred for his stance on the National Anthem?
  14. Or the five Dallas officers that were murdered that the NFL wouldn't allow the Cowboys to wear a decal in honor of.
  15. Boy, I'm glad you are telling is it's not all on Eichel. We would never have figured that one out.
  16. I didn't say 100% but I will still take that bet. I'd lay a lot of cash on it.
  17. I'll take the bet that not one does.
  18. The more experience he gains he will know the proximity of defenders when the ball is reaching him so he won't have to look away before he secures the catch.
  19. Chad Kelly wants to race. Mahomes wants a throw off against Allen. What’s tomorrow? McDermott challenges Belichick to a wrestling match?
  20. Tough woman. The Conservative in me wants her to retire and be replaced with a Conservative judge. Whatever the case may be, whether she stays, retires, Trump wins or Biden wins, I hope she somehow beats this again and lives to be 100.
  21. I never am sarcastic to a waiter/waitress. I mean, they get my food before it gets to me. Food service people could straight up call me an ####### and, if I'm hungry enough, I'll still kill them with kindness. You, sir, are a brave man.
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