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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. The one positive was at least Matz looked good tonight. That's about all right now
  2. Daniel's wife is hot on the show
  3. I found what Johnny did to Larusso's billboard absolutely hysterical for some reason
  4. I mean what choice do we have? I can't imagine the choice of Allen was that disturbing to someone to the point of rooting against him
  5. A fair amount of times I've felt when the Mets had a bad breakup with a player, it'll come back to bite them in the butt. Not feeling that at all with Harvey, the guy can't look at himself in the mirror.
  6. Interesting dynamics for sure with Daniel and Johnny. Not sure if Daniel is supposed to be the good guy anymore (some have debated in the past)
  7. Yeah thought you had to pay until I saw this post
  8. Great game I just watched bits and pieces on YouTube. I posted below I'd anyone's interested. Two things that struck watching this replay versus today's game is there is no score on the screen always. You'd have to wait like 5 or 10 minutes to get the score if you tuned in late. Also 35 yard field goals then were not considered automatic. Kickers then couldn't come close to Hauska's leg strength. The Dolphins were 12-4 that year as well. Here's too hoping 30 years from now someone will be posting the Patriots MNF game this year in the same positive light
  9. Looks like for the first time all year after tonight we won't be in first anymore
  10. You gotta be ready when you deal with the NY media and fans, they're all ball busters like this...
  11. Why not adopt the Bills as your close second favorite team? Most here seem to like and respect you
  12. Take your mind out of the gutter there for a minute.... I meant to the front office when it comes to quarterbacks. It seemed the powers that be liked Allen as did the commenters on NFL network because he's big and strong and could throw in the Buffalo winters. Using this logic we skipped on Russell Wilson. Dont get me wrong hoping and rooting for Allen to succeed and aren't putting down the pick. However, they had their faults but arguably Flutie and Tyrod were the best 2 QBs since Jimbo
  13. This guy thought he was gonna be the next Jeter who took over the city. Even in 13/14 ish when he was on top of his game he showed the douchy signs. Instead of humbling himself to see how he can improve he does his bitching and moaning act. Einstein once said the only difference between genius and stupidity is genius knows it's limits. In this guys case appeantly douchiness doesn't
  14. I guess this is a trust the process kind of move. They must have saw traits in him Beane and McDermott liked. To me I have to see how he plays out before I have any strong opinion one way or another
  15. I always found some irony that Married With Children was initially going to be called Not The Cosbys. You know it was designed to be as far from that show as possible. Yet to my knowledge Ed O'Neill was always a stand up guy in real life and the rest of the Bundys were well adjusted people. Meanwhile Bill Cosby despite who he played on the show was the biggest scumbag there was
  16. Agree some adversity looks like its starting to hit the team. I have faith in Mick so far he'll do whatever's necessary. Can't say the same for Matz and Harvey. Harvey- really what a disappointment. More for his attitude then anything.
  17. Andy Provin has on his channel now all TDs by Losman, Fitz, and Manuel for any interested. And oh yeah got to relive these:
  18. Was a Hardy Boy and Goosebumps fan as well
  19. There's A Boy In The Girls Bathroom Treasure Island The Phantom Toolboth (still a favorite) The Natural The Gift Of The Maji
  20. No. Still remember that game vividly. It was an awful day/ game, got manhandled by the Jets. Your avatar pic came from that game which Sanchez flinching so it did have some saving grace lol
  21. Monday night at home against the Patriots. Especially with a good start to the season. Minus how that game ended, I know the Dallas 07' MNF game usually is up there with loudest/craziest Bills games ever. And hey this time it's the Patriots you're talking about with a prime time home game
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