Honestly I just think it is his youth coming through. Nothing wrong with it, I am sure I was way more cocky when I was his age as well. Just not a huge fan of his personality that came across in the conference. Hell it could have been nerves and he really isnt that over the top in person. I have no idea. I have been in a certain industry for 24 years now. As I have aged and been involved for a long time I have grown quite turned off by people who come down on the side of being cocky...which shares a very fine line with very confident. I see it quite a bit in my line. One persons "that dude is extremely confident" crosses the line and is in the cocky realm for others. A very fine line and everyone's threshold is slightly different. What I see on a very regular basis, I favor the humble kid who comes in for a session or just lets his skill do the talking on stage. As I said previously, I KNOW for a fact I was very cocky when I was his age(my father likes to remind me on occasion). I was just making an observation of my first impression. I have no ill will towards the dude and wish him nothing but the best for himself and for the Bills. I guess I am just an aging person who is growing closer to "get off my lawn" lol