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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i see it being said that the Dems do not currently have enough votes to have the Senate call witnesses. as a result, they apparently have hatched a plan that will try to swing the vote in their favor. Schumer is not tipping his hand as to what that is yet though. i guess we will have to wait till later today and see what the latest ploy from the desperate Donners is.
  2. https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1223118209357926400
  3. hahaha the clown show at the end that is Jerry Nadler was not going to be denied. even old Schiffty stood there like. 'wtf are you doing'?
  4. agreed. i didn't mean to hi jack the Judicial changed thread but that is where the madness had begun being posted. huge ty to @IDBillzFan for the new thread.
  5. the Donners are still at it did you ever think they really stopped?? The DNC Approved And Kept Private A Generous Exit Package For Tom Perez And Two Top Deputies drone footage:
  6. shot: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1206598658956972036 ? chaser: Hillary Clinton refuses to be served Tulsi Gabbard’s defamation lawsuit Hillary Clinton has now twice snubbed a process server attempting to deliver the defamation lawsuit filed against her by Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, according to Gabbard’s attorney. “I find it rather unbelievable that Hillary Clinton is so intimidated by Tulsi Gabbard that she won’t accept service of process,” the congresswoman’s attorney, Brian Dunne, told The Post. “But I guess here we are.” ...
  7. this is not going to age well. i have however immortalized it so you can't delete it.
  8. my take from the twitterverse this morning... short of something from left field (hi Donners), the trial is done. there will be no witnesses called and Trump will be acquitted in a bi-partisan manner. either late Friday or early Saturday. more likely late Friday though.
  9. there are also those who believe the Bible to be metaphorical in many respects and that God might possibly be an alien. which if you look to the many descriptions of God and the angels, it is actually quite plausible. but i digress, i am off in the weeds again.
  10. i don't disagree with the banning but one needs to be careful here otherwise you could end up with the complete opposite.
  11. you know what goes well with a coronavirus? lyme disease.
  12. don't feel sorry for them. they would rather see you and i burn than anything else. !@#$ them, !@#$ their horses and !@#$ their overlords.
  13. i agree 100% with Dersh here. no one, and i mean no one (the possible exception here being our one celled mentally challenged amoeba, tibsey), makes any decision based solely upon the basis of just one point of information.
  14. agree. disagree. disagree. agree. probably. invalid concerns. pointedly. the whistle blower is an important component in helping hold accountability within the governmental hierarchy. however, there is nothing that explicitly grants the whistle blower immunity and or protection from exposure. lastly, there is a reasonable question as to whether or not the supposed whistle blower is actually, technically a whistle blower. whistle blowers are afforded certain protections but, and i could be wrong here, i don't believe protection from identity reveal is one of them. you opine whether the supposed whistle blower would come under duress from a fanatic. i would venture that the statistical likely hood of them coming under attack from a conservative is below any statistical norm of anyone else for anything else. yes sure the danger exists but so does the chance of getting a hangnail. this whistle blower (if he can even be legally called that) is politically driven and quite possibly a political tool from the left. are others going to be discouraged from coming forward of their own volition, or better yet, probably better termed... brought forward by nefarious political forces, definitely not. yes, his contention is well supported by testimony. in that there were policy differences. nothing more. if he is subpoenaed, he will be deposed in private before any public (if any) testimony, as will all 'new witnesses'. the import of the outing of the supposed whistle blower it multifaceted, with the main question surrounding his bias (remember the IG reported an obvious bias), his connections and the coordination of it all. remember, i took the time here so please, if you wish to continue, be respectful and be cordial and honest in response. otherwise we will resort to the form yesterdays ended with.
  15. ? https://twitter.com/thebradfordfile/status/1179523279117324288
  16. https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1222697459845079040
  17. ? https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1222719138638041089
  18. i agree, the specificity is very weak in these articles. and as you say, perhaps Dersh was not orating very well to the target that matters most.
  19. ? https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1222900813158211584
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