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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. not B-Man, however... Bob, there is considerable question whether he is 'legally' a whistle blower or not. no one should be put in danger but, there deserves to be a fact finding operation to find out the specifics of his motive, his coming forward and who he collaborated with. it is all relevant. he would be in no more danger than other operatives who are being outed for their duplicitous role in the #moderdaywatergate. stop regurgitating the propaganda press talking points, think for yourself, Bob.
  2. Spring is right around the corner. i can't wait!
  3. can you say, unhinged? https://twitter.com/Redtowel4/status/1223414696453267456
  4. https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1223427807067484161
  5. let's see if Graham holds to his word here. https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1223444564083691520
  6. i think we may need to fund a 'where's Jerry' campaign. i think they banished ol' Nads to the dungeon.
  7. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1223408637596569601
  8. ? bad day all the way around for the Donners. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1223407476403511297
  9. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1223348919402487809
  10. https://twitter.com/JonathanTurley/status/1223377304556056576
  11. of course. only $99 then, right? when Trump wins in '20 by a landslide he won't want to live here anyways, we will just be helping a brother out.
  12. can we all chip in to get one ticket for @Tiberius? he is going to need one after the meltdown of Trumps acquittal.
  13. ? https://twitter.com/PoliticsJOE_UK/status/1223221681298247680?s=19
  14. the other day you had you head up yer ass. not that you have extracted it yet or anything....
  15. more than likely, none of them will be arrested or charged. this NYC after all.
  16. i would venture that the one most disappointed with no more witnesses, would be John Bolton. his gambit to not testify in the House and time his book sales with a Senate appearance just evaporated like a long shot pony. add in that a good portion of his book appears to be headed to the classified dustbin, there goes John's dreams of being a star.
  17. the only reason why the Dems won't end the trial tonight would be to grandstand and disrupt the State of the Union speech next Tuesday. they don't want to let the President have his victory lap, though there is nothing they can do at this point to stop it.
  18. Bob, i think you might have a serious issue. please, for your own mental health, seek help.
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