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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i think Roberts has overstepped his authority here. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1222699882986835968
  2. ? it's beyond pathetic at this point. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1222584153633370112
  3. https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1222617579967197184
  4. impressions/thoughts on yesterday's question and answer session. i could be wrong but i thought the questions were pretty much evenly divided between the House Managers and the WHC. while both sides had their 'prepared' questions delivered, i thought that the House Managers presentation as quite a bit more orchestrated than the WHC. again, without having looked at the twitterverse to gauge reaction , i could be wrong but i don't know that either side won or lost yesterday. i thought they both had their good moments and bad. i thought the WHC was cruising along and doing quite well until Sekulow took those two questions just before dinner break where he appeared quite impassioned and stated unequivocally that if they called witnesses, they were going to keep the Senators there an awful long time. it may have been a true statement and i don't think me meant it that way, however, to me at least, it came off as somewhat of a threat. after the dinner break, i thought Schiffty had a pretty good couple of answers. it was here he offered that Roberts had the authoirty to rule on a myriad of items and to abide by whatever the Chief Justice ruled, on anything, and asked if the WHC would do the same. while it was just another ploy to goad the WHC and Trump into giving up their constitutional rights, i thought it played strongly. anytime Nadler takes the spotlight, it is bad for the Dems, it is funny to watch him sit at the table for HM council and watch him either sleeping or just staring out into space, no one and i mean no one talks to him except when he is getting council from the lawyers before going to the podium. i don't like Demmings demeanor. Jeffries never answered a question asked. he sidestepped each time. i thought Crow was okay on his time at the podium. i didn't like Garcia, she is too wrote and reads only from the prepared notes. i think Lofgren is probably their best presenter. for the WHC, Cippilone spoke once and did nothing out of the ordinary, Sekulow spoke 4 or 5 times and outside of those two opines just before the dinner break did okay, though on the ones after, i was cringing a bit waiting for him to do something stupid. Dershowitz i think was 50/50. i don't agree with his argument that a president can't be impeached for abuse of power. neither did Schiffty and took Alan down a couple times on it. he did have a particularly strong argument in his last appearance of the night however. Philbin was the star of the night for the president. though he may be somewhat dry, i think he comes across as knowledgeable and even tempered. he spoke often and it was probably a good thing as he kept responding to the questions with smart, well balanced and reasoned opines. i hope we see more of him today. i don't know where the direction of the mindset of the Senators is going as far as witnesses, based upon the questions asked yesterday. i saw it reported somewhere yesterday though that while McConnell didn't think he had the votes to deny, he thought that by the time came for the vote that he might have the numbers. all in all... what a boring ***** day.
  5. i think the existence of the EU is in trouble.
  6. i see it being test floated on the interwebs, Joe wants a Biden/Obama ticket. the second half being Michelle.
  7. you're an idiot. as you libs are so fond of saying, that has already been debunked.
  8. i too was struck at how it seemed every question the Dems received (with exception of ones asked of them by Republicans) was orchestrated. well, to be honest i wasn't too surprised that Jerry Lewis Nads was prepared ahead of time.
  9. just think of everything else he might have accomplished had the Democrats not tried to stonewall him at every turn. it would be unequaled and the Dems know that.
  10. understood. and you understand that what we are talking about here is that Trump ran on and was elected to do what he has done.
  11. one more time... the president sets foreign policy. the appointed bureaucrats are claiming to be upset about policy. they can't complain about anything else, period. they don't get to set policy. cripes. gain understanding would you.
  12. @Bob in Mich i am going to be going to watch the Trial now. you know, because i want to inform myself firsthand (you might try this tract). not let others fill in my understanding. though i will be checking in, if your around, i will possibly see you on breaks.
  13. so, you argue against it without having the information on it? gotcha. typical of you though.
  14. Bob, i have tried very patiently to explain things to you. when you don't play by the rules of common ordinary social discourse, then you get moved into another category for treatment. moving the goal posts, avoiding posts that would have you have to explain or respond to something that would possibly make you uncomfortable because there is no logical defense other than to avoid them because responding to them would make you have to admit you were wrong, much like the 'extortion' discussion we had, amongst others are all tactics that show you are not being genuine in your discourse. this turnip didn't just fall off the truck. the ship has sailed on our previous discussions at this point, because to go back and make sense of the mishmash that you have created at this point would prove to be more effort than i am willing to expend in your direction now. what i will do is to attempt, going forward, to interact with you one more time on a cordial basis. however that basis depends on you being genuine in our discourse, Bob. be honest and genuine and we will have no problem.
  15. he hasn't done a good job? Bob, on what ***** planet do you reside? he has kept over 30 campaign promises. when is the last time any president has kept even 5 campaign promises?
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