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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. brilliant strategy by Sekulow right now. pointing out that of the 13 witnesses that have already testified, the Presidents council did not have the opportunity to cross examine any of them. if witnesses are called, the WHC would have to have the right to cross examine them. the Donners ***** up royally.
  2. Bob, is your real name Adam? i'm beginning to think so because you are making up story after story after story to show your insecurity.
  3. he will be called before the House PermaImpeachment next week.
  4. no, sorry. i think maybe you should ask @Bob in Mich about what the definition of extortion entails.
  5. disingenuous. what he said was that they proved their case and that it did not rise to a level for impeachment.
  6. the Donners are pretty ***** stupid. they apparently think playing clips of the WHC defense is a good idea. ?
  7. i mean, the use of impressive graphics in regard to the most recent bombshell just minutes before todays hearing doesn't show any coordination, right?
  8. hahahahahahaaa. where is Nadler? nowhere to be found is the House Judiciary Chair. ?
  9. my only qualm with this post is that it is not illiberal but rather a very liberal thing.
  10. you attacked me there. you brought up the other board, here. you opened the bottle, i'm just capping it. it's okay, snowflake. i promise you won't melt (literally anyways).
  11. and once again, you are moving the goalposts because that was not the context. the context was any foreign information. hahahahahahaa par for your course.
  12. nah, it goes to your character. is anything i have said been a lie? did you claim to have blocked me because of a verbose posting i made in direct response to you quoting me, or is it because i mock libs there? you claimed it to be the latter, your disingenuous. here's the thing though, you lie to yourself and you believe the horseshit that you make up in your head. and you expect everyone else to believe it too. then you get upset when someone points out your idiocy. you have even done it to the point that you have maligned certain administrators on said site to the point that they have to avoid you. you got banned for a good reason, you can't even get out of your own way because your idiocy is so great. and that is a problem. horseshit.
  13. watching this last night, when he got up, i said to myself, 'here we go, he is going to side step this question like all others he responds to'. i laughed myself hard into a tizzy at his response about it being okay because it was purchased, whereby he then went off into the weeds because they have nothing. i think they opened themselves big time here with regard.
  14. no, i don't Mags. but your disingenuous so ... you know. i think most here on the other side of the aisle respect that i am generally even handed in my discourse. that of course expires when there is dishonesty such that you and your boyfriend display.
  15. again, the disingeniousness if off the board here. i was quite verbose in my response where you claim you took umbrage, so. which is it? additionally i believe you took that position in support of your boyfriend, Howard the Coward because i whip his sorry ass in every debate and he can't handle it. again, i don't believe you or Howard have me blocked because you are both disingenuous hacks. right, Mags?
  16. she's disingenuous. did you know that she claims to have me blocked ( i don't believe it) on another site yet she reads me here?? too. !@#$ing. funny.
  17. https://twitter.com/HNIJohnMiller/status/1223230093893435392
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