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Everything posted by Governor

  1. He’s not going to lower the offer. That’s not how we do business with Philly.
  2. Everyone is mad that we didn’t sign anyone. Beane is trying to please us. what, we don’t want Ertz now? Lol.
  3. Ertz. The #Bills have moved Brandon Beane & Sean McDermott's press conference back to 3pm. Was originally scheduled for 2pm.
  4. Zoom meeting has been delayed. Big signing coming! Not.
  5. It really wouldn’t surprise me if they want our 30 or an early 2nd. I believe they really do value him that much.
  6. I don’t have a problem. I’m ready for the draft. I’m just talking some others off of the ledge. TBH, I don’t think there’s any player worth breaking the bank for this year. Fans are just elevating their skill level because they want a new toy to look at. This happens every year.
  7. They’ve already sent them out there to deliver the narrative. WGR's @SalSports on the #Bills in free agency this year: "Beane has a plan to keep the core intact, and he makes moves to be able to that."
  8. He’s damaged goods now. He gambled and tried to weasel his way out of a new contract and he’s going to pay the price for it. id say it’s 50/50 they make him sit the entire season out.
  9. We’re going to need an explosive RB at some point and 30 is probably the spot where you should take one, or trade down and take one. It’s still a luxury pick but we won’t get laughed at for taking one there. if Motor is our starter in week 1, that tells me that we aren’t as close as we think. I get what we were trying to do by not investing in the position but it didn’t work and it needs to be fixed now. Just do it already.
  10. They will make sure they hammer home the “keeping our own” narrative. That’s it folks! We can now go back to watching Golden Girls re-runs.
  11. I’m in NJ and I think they plan to keep Darnold. There would be more smoke if something else was going down. I also think it’s the first smart decision the team has ever made. They could still draft a QB though, but the plan is for Darnold to start.
  12. Ju Ju and Davis would be pretty scary.
  13. Because that’s what organizations do. We probably have an agreement with Ertz and/or Sherman, or we don’t, and that’s gonna be it. Basic stuff.
  14. This is why a zoom meeting is necessary. You’re not very good at taking a hint. “Temper expectations” is probably a better way to put it.
  15. I think Sanders could end up being a slight upgrade.
  16. It’s designed to “signal” to the fans that we are pretty much done shopping.
  17. This would be to announce that we’re finished in FA and off to the draft.
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