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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Yeah, I agree. He seems like he could be really good soon. I must be in the bathroom every time he drops a pass. He could be beastly.
  2. We need to stand pat and draft Jimmy “tiny hands” Clausen.
  3. This must be what forced our hand to sign Wallace.
  4. It seemed like he was playing pretty well towards the end there....or they were able to hide his weaknesses. He wasn’t getting absolutely shredded like earlier.
  5. Yeah. I have no idea if he’s got anything left but TE has to be addressed via FA if they want one.
  6. You can’t get TE in the draft, unless you don’t expect him to produce for 3-4 years.
  7. If it’s a time-zone clue then it’s probably Sherman, and that doesn’t excite me at all.
  8. As the great @dpshow reported, Bears offered 3 1st and a 3 for Russell Wilson plus players. I'm told Seattle was offered a swath of players to choose from - including Mack and Hicks - with the possibility 1 or more could be dealt. But picks aren't that high and no QB for SEA ...
  9. Supposedly confirmed in a Jason La...... thread on Twitter.
  10. He was offered to Seahawks so apparently not.
  11. Mack was offered to the Seahawks so he is a trade possibility.
  12. Does Chicago have a need at the MLB position?
  13. I don’t like the idea of drafting a TE that high since most of them bust, but if they feel Pitts is a “can’t miss” guy then I would certainly offer Edmunds.
  14. We basically just need a consistent endzone threat and safety valve for Josh. Ertz is at least that correct?
  15. It’s interesting that by not putting on a mask, you’re telling people everything there is to know about you. Interesting times we live in.
  16. Really! What is this Albright dude thinking? No one cares if anything is true anymore. We really need some new social media laws on the books.
  17. We’re assuming this is fake since it came from some Qanon guy? Any of it been confirmed?
  18. I would just replace Edmunds in the draft. We already have new money going to Milano. We definitely won’t be paying both of them. Trade him, do whatever. He stinks. Even the clown on the good morning show said our defense flat out stinks.....but Milano is a nice player. Well, we know who he’s talking about.
  19. Well, we played in a championship game and didn’t have a single healthy WR. We need like 2 more.
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