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Everything posted by teef

  1. as i said in the other thread, 8-8. after yesterday if feel far less confident about it, but it's preseason, and i might as well stick with it.
  2. it wasn't typical of tyrod. not that he's ever been spectacular, but last night was unusually bad. as you mentioned...worrisome. also completely agree with the defense. i was watching the game with likei've, and we were both commenting how solid the play from them looked.
  3. i just don't think i would have gone. you are one good husband.
  4. i feel it was a different type of pain. it was pain like when your wife forces you to go to a terrible wedding, with terrible people and drinks, while you miss out hanging out with old friends that are in town.
  5. i wasn't able to watch the game closely last night, but when i was concentrating, tyrod is the one thing that stood out...and in the worst way. he was kinda painful to watch. that being said, it would have to be a pretty decent pick to trade him away at this point.
  6. i don't mind at all. i think this stuff is fun. i'm always a bit surprised how much it bothers you guys. on occasion, i hit the nail on the head, and it eats at you. it's not my objective to do so, but maybe it's just too close for comfort for you guys. if you need me to stop i'm more than happy. you like to spend a lot of time and thought being upset on this board, (and i have no idea why anyone would spend the time or energy) but the last thing i want to do is stand in your way.
  7. i saw in another article where madden had dimarco rated as one of the top 3 fbs in the game. !@#$ing superbowl.
  8. you used the terms snowflake and butt salve in the same comment. good for you! i'm sorry if my comment struck a nerve. i get if you're in the group that a lot of people don't like to deal with you, but sometimes it just a personality thing. try thinking outside the box to make new friends. get involved in some activities that you may not typically feel comfortable with. you'll be surprised who you meet!
  9. does anyone know if this is the case? i've never heard of any stories involving this, but i'd like to.
  10. of course. it's certainly a component of a winning team.
  11. just because you don't wake up with symptoms doesn't mean you don't gnash your teeth.
  12. some people live to gnash their teeth over anything they possibly can.
  13. i saw a bunch of pics from friends. they said the show was fantastic. roses still sounded great.
  14. now it depends on your insurance.
  15. it's all fun and games until you call me in pain on the weekend.
  16. i went to bc, so it's the college team i watch the most. he was a great college defender (i think he was the team mvp on defense), but he was a guy that struck me as never going to be big time in the pros. i don't know the best way to articulate that other than the dreaded "eye test" but as productive as he was, he struck me as a bit slow and small. my understanding was that he wasn't having a great camp. running with the 3s. i think he may be cut unless there's value with special teams.
  17. there's no way the rams don't re-sign him. why even bother with the trade if that's not in your plans. they may have to take a chance and throw some cash at him, but i'd be shocked if there's not a deal in place fairly soon.
  18. i can't say i disagree with any of this. i certainly don't mind playing him, but if they do i would hope it wouldn't before the second half as you mentioned. i just assume this is tyrod's last year here, so at this point, i'm willing to try anything.
  19. i'm just not sure there would be much reason to pull him. my only concern is that peterman isn't ready for game time, and let's let the guy actually learn the game a bit before throwing him to the wolves. maybe he needs time, maybe he doesn't, but i'd be surprised if we saw peterman for any reason other than an injury.
  20. nah. for anyone to even begin a thread like this they have to be fairly wound up. you complain far too much to be a laid back guy. more than likely you're a fairly solitary man. maybe have a few friends that are willing to put up with your quirks. kinda middle of the road at work...ya know, a guy who really never wows anyone, but also doesn't get in the way. at parties you try to carry on conversation by showing what you know, and people will nod, agree and be nice, but ultimately they're just waiting for you to go away. you're a fairly easy read.
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