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Everything posted by teef

  1. wait...maybe the league could be made up of hookers on coke. oh no doubt. i mean, they let players put whatever names they wanted to on the back of their jersey. if that doesn't sound like a 3 am coke decision, i don't know what does.
  2. why doesn't he just spend his money on coke and hookers like everyone else?
  3. exactly. the idea that don was attacked from the get go is absurd. a few people simply called him out, and a few, very sensitive posters ran to his aid, stating he was being attacked, when he certainly wasn't. he was only being called out. as time when on and he became more absurd, yes...the attacks happened. at that point, it's tough to feel bad for someone being attacked when they could simply be honest and avoid it all.
  4. exactly. i completely believed the poster who made the comments about Dorsey. he just stated what he heard, and moved on from it. others are looking too hard for attention.
  5. i think it's one of the machs, or something with 15 blades on it. i have no idea. i just buy them at bulk at bj's, and don't look back. i think the bigger question is how often do you change the blade. i then to hang onto a blade for almost 2 weeks.
  6. i don't mind if people post inside info, but based on who they are, and what they're trying to push off, they better be ready for some push back. it was shocking how many people ran to dunkirk don's defense when he started spewing nonsense. some posters on here were absolutely gullible and ate his nonsense up. it was surprising. it's not that hard to determine who is being genuine, and who is trolling/in desperate need for attention. post what you want, but be ready for it. i'm not a fan of the, "if you don't like it, don't read it". nah. if you're going to treat me as a fool, i'm going to call you out on it. that's exactly what don and saviorpeterman are doing. because people are foolish enough to believe it, or think there's at least some inkling of truth to it.
  7. we need to be honest with each other. has anyone really pm'ed you about your personal draft board? can anyone who pm'ed the op come forward? do you not remember this on the last board. even if he has sources, i can't remember one occasion where anything was actually correct, or even in the ball park of reality. i think it's a situation where someone has a strong opinion, and backs it up with their, "sources".
  8. i go downstairs to my office and have a drink. leave me the !@#$ alone.
  9. savior...come on. you know i don't hate on you as much as others, but we've been hearing about these sources for years. once once has one ever worked out that i can remember. either there are no sources, or your sources are absolutely terrible.
  10. there is absolutely zero real source here. this is dunkirk don type info, with better grammar.
  11. this has been my guess as to how the bills will approach the qb position too. it all depends how FA plays out.
  12. so...you really think he'd be here for life? locked in for life?
  13. my father in law made a comment similar to this recently. my wife has a younger cousin that's giving her aunt and uncle issues. her parents paid for her college which they forced her to finish. instead of getting a job in her major, she moved out to california. now she's living on a boat, and working at a ropes course. ok...fine. the problem is they're still funding her lifestyle with an allowance. they even bought her a house to live in here so she wouldn't move. the she even threatened to not come home for christmas after her dad said he would withhold money from her. anyway, some of the younger family members stick up for her, and just say it's her hippie nature. it's not the hippie nature at all. that's when my father in law made the comment that real hippie would up and leave, but not look for financial support from their parents. they wanted to live the bohemian life, but wouldn't draw from someone to do so. it was an interesting point.
  14. i've been making these t-shirts for years. maybe now they'll finally start selling.
  15. oz is the reason i was able to avoid any jail time in my life thus far.
  16. oh ****. yes...yes i did. i'm not going to fix it. i'm going to leave that there as a reminder. how else will i learn from my mistakes?
  17. what's the most important measurement of all of the calf measurements? circumference?
  18. that and i saw his review of a local applebees on yelp. dead...to...me. how amazing would it be if he was a total dick in all of his interviews, just so he could fall to the bills?
  19. he really was the first millennial. i still love that movie. my favorite scene is still towards the opening when they get super high in cheech's car. it doesn't take too much to make me happy.
  20. oh no doubt. i don't take any thread seriously until is the, "the official" some where in the title. also, should i be measuring my hands?
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