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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Man, I'm kinda wishing that we held the Texans 1st round pick instead of Kansas City's...
  2. Good post. And to add to this - I just looked it up the 2014 Buffalo Bills defense. Dareus played 62.4% of the snaps and had probably his best season ever, so... https://www.buffalorumblings.com/bills-news-notes/2014/12/29/7463105/2014-buffalo-bills-defense-review-snap-counts-play-time-percent-stats
  3. I thought Tyrod had a pretty good game Sunday. Like you said, he showed us some stuff we haven't seen consistently, and I also thought he showed that he can run this offense. I know his detractors like to say "it was only the Jets, they're trying to lose"... and while I do agree that their goal doesn't seem to include winning this season, they still have a pretty decent defense. They have talent in that side of the ball. It's their offense that looks to be void of much talent. But it was only 1 game ans there's still plenty of room for improvement from him. It was a good first game though, especially considering that he didn't get much of any time with the 1's during preseason. Carolina should be a good test. They have the potential and talent to be a top 10 defense IMO.
  4. Totally agree. The media was embarrassing in that interview. They tried everything they could to get him to say something they could use to write their predetermined story. But Dareus did not bite. Some of these reporters just don't know what to do with themselves if the Bills are not acting disfunctional...
  5. This is why it's not worth worrying about just yet. We have to wait and see how things play out as the season goes on. The # of cuts the Bills need to make won't really be known foe sure until it gets closer to week 10. I think it will also depend on where the Bills are in the standings as they approach week 10. If they're in the playoff hunt and the guys that factor into the comp pick formula are making an impact, you can bet that they will keep them. If they're out of the hunt and/or those guys are not making an impact, my guess is that they will be gone/replaced.
  6. Maybe someone has the exact stats, I don't remember them offhand, but didn't Dareus only play roughly 60% of the snaps in 2014 under Schwartz? That was maybe his best season in the NFL. Schwartz had a good, healthy rotation going that year. McDermott also likes to rotate his D line. He did it in Carolina too. I had no issue with the rotation. What was more interesting to me is Dareus being used more as a 2 down run stuffed and being taken off the field on 3rd downs (when they were rushing the passer). I will be very interested to see if that's a trend that continues.
  7. Yeah, sure... lol. j/k man Seriously though, for someone who corrects other people's grammar and spelling errors, you sure make a lot of them yourself. Also, *effect (but I'm sure that was done for effect too... (again, j/k))
  8. We won't really know until week 10. I could see Ducasse, Davis and Holmes cut by then, especially if the Bills are able to sign replacements (and it appears they are already searching for Ducasse's replacement as we speak (they brought in 2 Guards)).
  9. Well said. I agree. Fundamentals and proper execution seemed to be there. McDermott focused on putting together a coaching staff that knows how to teach and I think it's already starting to show. It also felt like most of the guys this new regime brought in all had a pretty positive impact in that game. Thats an encouraging sign.
  10. I thought Dareus handled that interview very well. Those reporters were doing their damnedest to try and get him to say something controversial. They were harping and harping on the whole snap count thing and trying to get Dareus to say how he was mad/frustrated or complain about McDermott's defense, or anything else that would fit the narrative of the story they were obviously trying to write. But he didn't give them anything. He sounded like a guy who was buying in to what McDermott is trying to do. Whether he truly is or not I don't know but he delivered McDermott's message very well IMO. That's one thing I've noticed from just about every player I see interviewed - they all sound a lot like McDermott. They are all repeating a lot of the same phrases that you hear McDermott say. It gives me hope that this team really is all on the same page and buying in to what this new regime is trying to accomplish.
  11. Lol. That's true. I have a family member who is a Patriots fans. She gets treated absolutely brutally any time she come here and tries to go to a Bills game. People throwing beer, food, garbage (etc) at her, calling her every dirty name in the book, on occasion some even try to fight her fiancé or even me (and we are both decked out in Bills gear. I live here and am a diehard Bills fan...). It's really aggravating because she is nothing but respectful. She doesn't trash talk or scream and yell at the games (she's scared to even cheer when the Pats make a good play) and is one of the nicest girls you will ever meet. But the majority of Bills fans at the game are really great. It's just that smaller group of drunken idiots that do their best to ruin it. She had such a bad experience at the last game we went to that now she says she won't even go back. I feel bad for her because she's a true die hard Pats fan and she knows that their current dynasty isn't likely to last all that much longer so she wants to see them any chance she gets and this is the only place she is able to go to see them play, but after the last game she went to she is legitimately scared to go. I don't blame her either. We had to leave early it got so brutal.
  12. I wasn't sure where else to put this. I didn't want to start a new thread but this was a pretty interesting read. A sports writer wore a Colin Kaepernick jersey to the Bills-Jets game on Sunday and this was his experience - https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/13/colin-kaepernick-jersey-bills-jets-game-tim-rohan
  13. Man I hope this new regime doesn't F with the left side of the o line... keep Glenn and Incognito here please and give Richie an extension next year. It's his last year under contract. He's still playing so well it'd be a shame to let him go... All we need is a good RT (hopefully Dawkins) and possibly a RG depending on what Miller does and this line could be great.
  14. Here's the one of him visiting the RV lot https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155431573115659&id=72631215658 And here's one of him answering the phones in the ticket office https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155425813235659&id=72631215658
  15. http://wivb.com/2017/09/12/bills-reach-injury-settlement-with-qb-t-j-yates/ Bills reached an injury settlement with Yates and released him from IR.
  16. Agreed. Jenkins should (hopefully) be a nice fit in McD's defense and provide an upgrade in coverage. This could be a nice cheap impact signing (assuming they signed him cheap...).
  17. That's my hope too, that he's just not in game shape due to the injury and the coaching staff is being smart by slowly bringing him back like they are with Corey Glenn (and others). But then I think, well why wouldn't they just say that like they have with bringing Glenn back slowly? It was only 1 game though. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions from it. Dareus did have a legitimate injury so it's very possible that he's just not back in game shape yet, so I'll go with that for now... lol
  18. Some interesting quotes in this article - http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2017/09/buffalo_bills_need_more_from_marcell_dareus_despite_praise_from_sean_mcdermott.html#incart_river_index 'That rotation included taking Dareus off the field on third down when the Jets were in a passing situation. He was only on the field for three of the Jets' 14 third-down attempts. All three were on third-down-and-three or fewer. Paying $60 million in guaranteed money for a run-stuffing, two-down defensive tackle isn't what most would consider ideal. Of course, McDermott and Beane didn't hand Dareus that albatross of a contract, but the fact that McDermott didn't put Dareus in a pass-rushing role is noteworthy. Defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier said it was a game-plan specific move.' "He's capable of rushing the passer," Frazier said. "We just felt like yesterday Ryan Davis was better suited for what they were doing with their guards. There may times down the line where Marcell may find himself in that role as well. For now, at least for yesterday, it was more about Ryan in those situations. Not that we don't think Marcell can be effective in those situations." I am kind of surprised by this. We know Dareus can rush the passer. It makes me wonder if there's something else going on that we aren't privy to. I have wondered how bought in he was all offseason. Could it possibly have something to do with that? Or maybe they feel he needs to be eased in after some injury issues. Or maybe it was just the game plan for this week... who knows. I'm just speculating here. It was only 1 game, though. I don't want to read too much into a single game. It'll be interesting to see if Dareus is used as more of a 2 down run stuffer all season, or if it will truly be game plan specific as they say.
  19. Exactly the reason why I absolutely refuse to even click on any article written by Bucky or Sully... Some of the newer BN writers are pretty good though. I actually enjoy reading some of their stuff (although now that they're charging I won't bother. Nothing there is worth paying for, not when there's so much good, free Bills content on the web).
  20. http://www.nj.com/eagles/index.ssf/2017/09/details_of_eagles_ronald_darby_injury_vs_redskins.html Video of the injury. Doesn't look good IMO. He rolled that ankle HARD.
  21. Bills win! McDermott undefeated as new head coach! Bills in 1st place in the AFCE! lol
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