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Everything posted by CommonCents

  1. You don’t remember Derrick Thomas and Neil Smith? They always used to do it.
  2. It was an easy decision. The only people that were upset had a man crush on 25.
  3. Corey Davis 6+ catches, 100 yards, 1 touchdown. 33-1!?! Hmmmm. Titans should be passing as I don’t see them holding down KC. I also see KC selling out to stop Henry. A few garbage time catches will be needed!!! He is too talented to remain a ghost.
  4. Am I the only one that is confused with the Jaquan Johnson talk!? What has he done? I don’t even know who he is.
  5. I agree with you on this one. I’m not sure why some people are so dismissive of Garret as an OC. As Bills fans we should be well versed in the difference a HC/Coordinator position makes for some of these guys.
  6. Is this a sexual joke, if so I have the next line ready.
  7. I feel like the people that pay him any mind are being trolled. Even if he is this dumb is it worth giving him attention?
  8. Lamar has scatter shot accuracy outside the numbers, make sure he has a good steady stream hitting the center of the John or you might just get pissed on.
  9. I’m an LSU fan, you could see it the way Clemson came out and the way Dabo’s interview went. They are in trouble. Please McBeane take more notes and keep sticking to the process. Jumping around like maniacs and running over camera men doesn’t score points.
  10. Burrow is from OHIO, I wonder if he is excited to be a Bengal.
  11. Think he scores higher on the Wonderlic than Allen did? ?
  12. Sox fan, I think he will be fired before the ban is announced. I’d say lifetime as well. I can’t stand that little brat.
  13. Just take care of your chicken and you are headed in a good direction.
  14. Balanced attack please. GB is nice, Adams, JG, Jones. Even though JG is mostly toast he can be productive enough with the other two doing most of the work. Having a blooming superstar like Golladay doesn’t do much when you have Joe Blough throwing the ball and his brother John Blough running it.
  15. I see a lot of people mention Henry and Hooper in the same breath. Henry is a baller, his numbers suffered as Rivers melted down this season but I’d take him way before I would Hooper.
  16. Your big splash signing would be a back up QB? Hmmm
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