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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Not so fast there chief. Dolphins just took the lead 29-28 with 1:23 left on a 30 yard TD on 4th & 10. Tom Brady sucked it big time tonight.
  2. That was a 100% Old School Closeline. 50 years ago that play was 100% legal. There wouldn't have even been a flag on the play. Of course there would have been immediate retribution. Darius would have had his knees taken out on the next play.
  3. I'll be there. I'm thinking of tailgating New Year's Eve & New Year's Day at the Ralph.
  4. Let's go beat the sh-- out of him and then I can comfort Diane Lane for a week straight.
  5. The 2005 Salary Cap is going up by $5 million dollars from $84 to $89 million. Everyone will be able to sign someone and teams with tight cap space will get some help.
  6. I'll really miss NHL hockey after football season although I do miss no Sabres games during the week now. The players are just incredibly stupid. I don't know if they feel entitled or they are spoiled or what. They work for the owners. Do they not realize that the NHL is saying "salary cap or no deal" is for real? If there is no agreement reached and there is no season, the owners and the NHL will just implement their CBA with a salary cap next year anyways. That would end the lockout and anybody who wanted to could tryout to play in the NHL next season under the new CBA. The players are negotiating now by banging their heads off of a brick wall. What they made in the past is history so nobody is really losing anything except this year's salary by not agreeing to a salary cap when there will be one next year anyways. Nobody will be crossing picket lines next year because there is no strike or lockout as the new CBA will be in place by default. How many guys are going to say "I'm not playing hockey for $1 million a season because there is a salary cap?" Probably not one person in the world. Just insane.
  7. I'd like to see Ken Anderson come out of retirement and play for the Bengals Sunday. If not, I hope the 4th emergency QB is in by the 2nd quarter. I don't get people saying they want to beat the best the other team has. That's just nuts. I just want a win and the easier it happens the better.
  8. Braves could go 162-0 in the regular season and still would lose in the playoffs at a half-full Turner Field.
  9. According to ESPN News Carson Palmer is out for Sunday and Jon Kitna will start. Palmer won't even be the 2nd QB. He said it would be too much of a risk with his sprained kneee to even try and play Sunday.
  10. You can't compare just the Super Bowls because the current defense has never played in a Super Bowl. Who knows how the current D would preform in a Super Bowl? They may fold just like the old Bills did. Want to look at regular season stats and compare? That may be a bit more accurate. Year Rush Pass Net Rank Points 1988- 1854 2724 4578 4 237 1989- 1840 3206 5046 11 317 1990- 1808 2799 4607 8 263 1991- 2044 3414 5458 27 318 1992- 1395 3209 4604 12 283 1993- 1921 3633 5554 27 242 2004- 1477 2822 4299 3 284* *2004 Totals are projected totals based on current stats. Can't forget that the Bills were almost always ahead in games from 1990-1993 and that caused teams to pass alot more than they ran. Also can't forget that the Bills scored points fast and furious back then and the defense was on the field alot more. Draw your own conclusions.
  11. No comparison at all. When the current Bills team wins 5 of 6 division titles and goes to 4 straight Super Bowls, then come back and talk about it. 4 games does not invite talk of comparisons to the glory days.
  12. The least I'd accept in a trade for Travis Henry is a kicking tee, a roll of tape and a football (new in the box).
  13. I think Kitna crapped himself when he watched the tape of the Bills-Browns game yesterday and saw the Bills D destroy the Browns and their QB's. Sure he wanted Palmer to stay healthy so HE won't have to take a beating on Sunday.
  14. I have the Bills at 10-6. Salisbury is an A-Hole.
  15. Ralph originally wanted to place the Bills in Miami or Minnesota but both fell through and I believe it was a Buffalo News reporter that knew Mr. Wilson and called him up and told him to come to Buffalo. He did and the Bills were born. Ralph also bought a share of the Raiders so they would not fold. Al Davis eventually bought the share back. Ralph also gave former Patriots owner Billy Sullivan a loan so the Patriots would not fold. In addition to being one of the founders of the AFL, Mr. Wilson did more to save the AFL than anyone else did. How he is not in the Hall of Fame is a GD Shame.
  16. I said it earlier today. This is the beginning of the end for NE. The real brains behind the operation is leaving. Hopefully, Kevin Gilbride will be the new OC in NE.
  17. Wells is just hanging on for another paycheck. I read his book. He HATES Cleveland. They made fun of his dead mother in Cleveland . He had all sorts of nasty things to say about Cleveland and the fans. I can't believe he would ever pitch for Cleveland. As for the Yankees, they are still drooling over Randy "Big Ugly" Johnson so they tried to save a few bucks on Leiber thinking he would have felt some sense of loyalty to the Yankees. After all, NY took a chance on him and did sign him after he blew out his elbow and let him rehab while still paying him a full salary for the entire 2003 season. NY will spend the big bucks on Carlos Beltran. Anaheim signed Steve Finley to a two year deal today and Houston offered Beltran 7 years/$70 million. NY will easily trump that especially after losing Pettitte to the Astros last year. Detroit is also said to be interested in Beltran. I guess since there is a NHL Lockout, the Tigers/Red Wings owner is now spending his pizza profits on the Tigers.
  18. Sunday will start off in the low 30's with snow, temps rise to the low 40's and the snow will change to rain and then it will fall again to the low 30's and snow.
  19. No Sheriffs Patrols at that game either. That means nobody directing traffic and no security outside the stadium. Leave really early and come armed. Literally. Should be a great day.
  20. In the next four games, the Bills will play three teams with losing records and one with a winning record at home. All I want to know is am I going to Indianapolis or San Diego the 2nd week of January?
  21. 43-39 Dallas with 32 seconds left. To think I didn't even want to watch this game. Wild end to a wild NFL weekend.
  22. Apparently nobody over at ESPN can do math. Bills are one game out of the 6th playoff spot with four games left. Cleveland and SF are as close to sure wins as you can get. That leaves two wins. The Cincinnati game will be a hell of a game and if the Bills keep playing the way they have been for the last three games, it is very possible that they could win. Pittsburgh looked pretty even with Jacksonville last night. Go ahead and say Buffalo can't win against Pittsburgh. I say they can. January 2nd in Ralph Wilson Stadium with a playoff spot on the line??? BRING IT. Everbody says the Bills won't make the playoffs, I say they will. Those corporate shills at ESPN are still drooling over Parcells and the Cowboys, Gibbs and the Redskins, Tampa Bay, Carolina and every other has-been player and team that they can find. Bills aren't getting any respect and that's just fine with me.
  23. How do you know Bledsoe won't win the Super Bowl with the Bills? Nobody has forbidden him to win it. Anything is possible.
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