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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. If the Bills go 5-0 and assuming the current division leaders NE, Pittsburgh, Indy. and San Diego win the Divisions they would need any two of the following...... Jets to go 1-4 Ravens to go 2-3 Broncos to go 2-3 and Jacksonville to finish no better than 3-2 Stranger things have happened.
  2. How is Erie County kicking in their $14 million for Bass Pro? Raising money by selling bonds based on future tax revenue. Where is the future tax revenue coming from? By raising the sales tax of course. Between Erie County, Buffalo and New York State and the Federal Gov't, Bass Pro gets $166 million to put up their store in Downtown Buffalo. I love Buffalo and the WNY area. That's why I have lived here for 32 years and never moved. Downtown Buffalo was buried 30 years ago. No need to do it now. Let's list the long line of Downtown/City of Buffalo failures shall we......... We have a Metro Rail that goes nowhere and it closed Main Street to car traffic which in turn forced almost every single store on Main Streert to close over the last 20 years. (Go walk down Main Street on a Saturday morning- afternoon- you will be the only one there) and the Main Place Mall is virtually empty (Jim Kelly's Bar & Restaurant used to be part of the complex and it was never reopened as anything else) They have been talking about reopening Main Street to traffic for 5 years now and the City Gov't just lost the funding that was in place from the Federal Gov't to reopen Main Street because they just let the bill expire. Peace Bridge. They have been arguing on what kind of a bridge to build and where to build it for over 14 years. They could have torn down and built 5 brand new bridges in that time. Convention Center that was built in the early 70's is totally outdated and costs the City millions in lost revenue every year. Dunn Tire Park- Home of the Bisons. Has been open for 15 years now. It was starting to fall apart because the City couldn't pay for repairs so they let Erie County take over. Attendance has been falling every year from over 1,000,000 in the early 90's to just over 500,000 this past season. Buffalo Zoo was in disrepair until Erie County took over. Waterfront Development? There hasn't been ANY since the 1950's until Brian Higgins got funding for some sort of park to be built. WHOO-HOO! Nothing there except abandoned grain mills and the old Pier Bar & Restaurant that closed 4 years ago. There are more parking ramps than anything else in Downtown Buffalo except boarded up and abandoned buildings. Less than 1,000 people actually live Downtown becasue there are so few apartments, townhouses and Condos. There aren't any stores to speak of. They have actually started building a few apartments over the last few years. The Skyway is not only a treacherous stretch of road, it cuts Downtown in half. They have been talking for 10 years now about knocking it down. The City has been using Federal Block Grant money to repay on defaulted loans and to pay City salaries to the tune of $550 MILLION dollars over the last 25 years instead of using it for rebuilding and renovating homes and businesses around Buffalo. No NHL means the HSBC Arena is pretty much just sitting there empty. There have been less than a half dozen events there since September. A few concerts, an AHL game and wrestling. It still costs the taxpayers money to keep it running even though nothing is going on. The nearby bars are taking a real beating as well. The failed Adelphia Building. That has a whole other set of problems that came from that fiasco. There are a few theaters and a few bars that are doing OK. Other than that, Downtown Buffalo is a place that people come to work and then go home to the suburbs or come down for a baseball game or a hockey game and maybe go to a restaurant or bar and then go back to the suburbs. The Aud has been sitting there boarded up and empty for almost 8 years now. Now the taxpayers have to foot the bill for a Fishing & Hunting Store that is not needed but just another desperate attempt at a miracle to save the City? No Thanks. I would get rid of all the politicians and all the layers of government and start over.
  3. Seems as though every time that I make a prediction it is ass backwards. So..... Seahawks 35 Bills 9
  4. I did miss NHL Hockey until I read the players are getting $10,000 a month in "lockout" pay. They get to sit home with their millions in the bank, do nothing but have kids and still get paid alot better than most regular folks who have to go out and actually work hard for a living. Then as soon as the contract is settled they can start making their millions again. Tough life.
  5. Now, if anybody took TWO seconds to read the top of my initial post, I haven't been in a fight at a Bills game in over 5 years. I did in fact grow up and am now quite the responsible adult. All that stuff happened when I was being a drunken idiot in my early to mid 20's. Now I am just a sober idiot in my early 30's who knows better.
  6. Having lived in Buffalo/WNY for all of my 32 years, The Bass Pro in Buffalo will be the only one that fails and will do so within two years. Who the hell will go downtown to a fishing store in the dead of winter? Every other store in Downtown Buffalo has failed, this one will be no different. It will actually be a shame to see the Aud torn down. They should have kept the main rink and built a Hockey complex like the Pepsi Center in Amherst with the main rink housing a Junior team and maybe some Indoor Soccer or Basketball and 4 or 5 other rinks with a proshop & a Tim Horton's or something. There is a serious lack of ice time available in Buffalo for the kids. Technically, The Aud is not "Waterfront" property. It's a few blocks from the water but it's not considered waterfront development.
  7. I wasn't calling for Kelly to retire. I know Todd Collins sucked becasue he played at Michigan. Anyways, Kelly retired because of the beating he took in 1996. The last hit he took that knocked him senseless against Jacksonville in the playoff game sealed it. He couldn't get up and walk off the field and when that happened he knew it was time to retire.
  8. Never with another Bills fan except the first one. Every one I was pretty hammered as were the other participants. Needless to say, I have calmed way, way, way, way down over the last 5 seasons. 1992- Bills vs Rams Opener. Girl with us threw a water bottle and it hit some guy four rows below. He came up with his pals and about 8 of us started throwing. All were ejected. Good thing it was the 4th quarter and the Bills were up by 33. 1992- Bills vs Broncos Championship Game. Guy in an Elway Jersey in the row behind me swung his seat cushion at me when Carlton Bailey scored. I turned around and clocked him. Double ejections. 1993- Bills at Steelers AFC Divisional Playoff Game. Post Game in Three Rivers Stadium Parking Lot. Some yahoo threw a full bottle of Jack Daniels through the back window of our van. We just got the hell out of there in a hurry and drank the Jack on the way home to stay warm. 1995- Bills vs Miami. Bills clinched AFC East and some guy in a Bryan Cox jersey threw a full beer at me in the 4th quarter, then tried to apologize and shake my hand. I swung at him instead. Double ejections. 1998- Bills vs Jets game on a Saturday afternoon right before Christmas. Bunch of us went out drinking the whole night before and continued right through Saturday AM into early afternoon. One of the guys with us was really ripped and ripped off a metal bar from a bathroom wall. He brought it back to our seats and ended up swinging it at an obnoxious Jets fan. Nasty fight ensured with other Bills fans, Jets fans, security and cops. He ended up getting arrested. Whole slew of people got tossed including the two guys with us that were passed out in the seats from halftime on. 1999- Bills vs Jets Sunday Night Opener. Scoreboard End Zone. Jets fan behind me burned my Chris Spielman jersey with a cigarette and I saw him do it on purpose. I was pretty ticked off but let it go. Later on he does it again and it was on. He was the only one ejected as everyone else was pointing and yelling at the Jets fan saying he started it all.
  9. No. Listening to Simon right now. Topic is "Should they ban all beer sales at Bills games"
  10. This will provide some interesting battles between guys and their wives and/or girlfriends at Christmas Time........ Times are EST. Friday 12/24- 3pm- Green Bay at Minnesota Saturday 12/25- 5pm- Oakland at Kansas City, 8pm- Denver at Tennessee Sunday 12/26- 12 games including Bills at SF at 4pm. Cleveland at Miami 8:30pm. Monday 12/27- Philadelphia at St. Louis 9pm.
  11. Turns out the "Red Budget" was all a big scam by County Reject-utive Giambra to pass the extra penny sales tax. The extra penny tax has enough votes to pass after Giambra promised to share some of the proceeds with town governments. Anything bought in Erie County will now have a 9.25% sales tax starting in January. It also means no big cuts in Sheriff Patrols or anything else so the Bills-Steelers game on January 2nd will not be moved.
  12. Chiefs back in it. TD with 6 minutes left. Missed the 2pt. conversion. NE 24 KC 19. Earthwind Moreland is getting smoked like a cheap cigar. Wonder why the Bills didn't throw at this guy? What happened to Fire? Boomer Esiason said if you want to beat the NE defense, throw deep outside at the CB's. Especially at Earthwind.
  13. No Sherriffs' Patrols could provide for an interesting day at the Ralph on Jan. 2nd. Traffic would be a real mess. Drinking could get way, way out of control with nobody in the parking lots. Nobody to stop the DWI's. Just hired security and no real cops in the stadium could lead to things turning insane. Like having a substitute teacher in charge of detention at the school in prison.
  14. Atlanta can have him at an inflated price. He'll be just as great as Peerless has been for the Falcons.
  15. You obviously have no concept of what we fans do to support our team. The Bills have a huge home field advantage due to.........WE FANS.
  16. If the Bills do not make the playoffs this year AND Bledsoe is back in 2005, I will not renew my season tickets.
  17. I got his autograph in the Fieldhouse before the game. Very nice guy. Total class act. I also got Lou Piccone, Ken Jones, Fred Smerlas & Phill Villapiano's auto's as well. Heard some great stories and offended Smerlas when I said "You were my grandfather's favorite player when he was a kid"
  18. Bledsoe was quite average today. What bothered me is that the Bills scored 20 points in the 3rd quarter mostly thanks to special teams & defense. Three times in the last 7 minutes of the 3rd, the Bills offense had the ball inside the Rams 30 and only managed 2 FG's and a punt. A GOOD offense would have scored at least 13 points instead of 6 (Indianapolis would have scored 21) and the put the game away by the end of the 3rd. The Rams were so bad the score should have been 48-17. Still a win is a win. You can talk about how good Bledsoe still is when the Bills win a road game and he plays decent.
  19. I can see the Yankees getting both Pedro Martinez and Randy Johnson. It's all about beating the Red Sox for George, especially after the outcome of the ALCS. No way Boston offers Pedro 4/$50 mil. No way anyone else offers him that either. Here's a real possibility for Opening Day 2005. Yankees at Boston. Pedro gets his Red Sox World Series ring in Fenway wearing a Yankees Cap and the pitching matchup is Randy Johnson vs Curt Schilling. Wow.
  20. I think he did it on purpose so he could get his vacation. I say suspend him until his trial is over. If I were the guy in the black shirt & glasses holding a plastic cup (which means he obviously wasn't the one who threw the PLASTIC CUP at Artest) who got punched by Artest for no reason, I would press full charges. This guy wanted a vacation. He was looking for anything to get suspended for. He got it. I'd suspend him for the rest of the season. The NBA will probably give him 5 games.
  21. Suspensions? Arrest Fans? You folks are nuts. Players can't go into the stands like that for any reason. One fan throws a cup at someone and that sets off a brawl like that? Indiana players should be arrested and thrown in jail.
  22. Bledsoe will have 3 INT's and a Fumble which will cost the Bills the game. Bledsoe will be booed from the pregame warmups on. The crowd will be chanting "Losman" "Losman" "Losman" by halftime.
  23. I was going to say, how in the hell did they get Buffalo snow as we haven't had any here yet? I worked at that place for a week about 10 years ago. That job sucked. Paid minimum wage and all I did was unload boxes of snow from one truck and then load the same boxes of snow onto another truck over and over and then sat around for a couple hours and smoked cigarettes. The only other thing I remember was that the "supervisor" was loaded all day every day. Funny how people remember useless things when someone mentions something like that.
  24. This game was sold out in July except for a few "single seats". Heck, mine were paid for by last May. People who bought tickets for one game in July that couldn't get the opener or Miami or New England tickets bought the Rams game. If there were a 1,000 seats left on Monday, it wouldn't have been close to being sold out. Even if it did sell out this week, how are the fans to blame for the Bills being a stevestojan team?
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