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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Early Weather report for the Ralph on Sunday- No joking- Low 31, High 43. Rain/snow showers (60% chance). Worst weather game that I can remember was a 1985 game between the Bills and the Oilers. It was 33 degrees, very windy and it rained hard all game until the 3rd quarter when the temperature dropped a few degrees and the regular rain became freezing rain. Just really brutal. Made yesterday look like a hot summer day in July and yesterday the weather was pretty nasty. Cold is fine. Snow is fine. Rain is fine. Throw wind into any or all of those three and it gets really miserable in a hurry.
  2. The weather sucked. It rained all day. The winds were a constant 25mph and gusted upwards of 40MPH. It may have been 50 degrees but after sitting out there for 3 hours in the rain and wind it was frickin freezing. It was a long game with lots of penalties. At 31-7 midway through the 4th quarter, the ticket buyers can leave if they want to. It has nothing to do with a lack of fan support. Attendance was 65,877 for a game against a less than attractive opponent and a 1-5 Bills team on Halloween in nasty weather.
  3. If you are going to call everyone out then at least spell ignorant right.
  4. Arizona is 0 for their last 9 on the astroplay or fieldturf or whatever the heck they are calling it these days. Arizona is 0-3 on the road but they have the best red zone defense in the NFL this year. Bills 6 Cardinals 3
  5. Schilling is a media whore who can't shut his mouth. The Red Sox win the World Series and all he can talk about is the Yankees and A-Rod. Boston still can't get the Yankees out of their heads and they just won the World frickin Series.
  6. They will not be chanting "2000". Does anyone seriously think that George Steinbrenner won't spend another $50-$80 million on players to make sure this doesn't happen again? This is the biggest free agency season in the history of baseball. The Yankees can reload in a hurry. Boston has 19 free agents and their owner said he was cutting the payroll from $154 million to $105 million. The Red Sox did have the 2nd highest payroll in baseball so it really isn't that much of a shock that they won. To me, it just adds another chapter to the history books. Only 115 days until Spring Training.
  7. Certainly enjoy it. 86 years from now they will be chanting "2004" .
  8. Yankees aren't permanently knocked down from anything. It's 26-1 since 1918. Red Sox celebration was pretty pedestrian and I actually thought it was quite lame. All the Red Sox players & front office all mentioned the Yankees. It was "Yankees this" and "Yankees that". Millar & Damon who have IQ's of 19 and 18 respectivley are morons. All Millar said was "Now Yankees fans can tear up those 1918 signs". All Damon could get out was "We are idiots and Cowboys". Derek Lowe said "Now at Yankee Stadium they can't chant 1918 anymore". They just won the World Series and they are still obsessed with the Yankees. Now the "fans" can burn down Boston and be done with it,
  9. Let's see here.......7,700 tickets are left. Game is not on TV. 1-5. Arizona. Halloween. Co-starters at RB. Weather looks decent. I say the attendance for the first three quarters is 66,654. By the middle of the 4th when the Bills are losing 24-6 there will be less than 20,000 left at the Ralph.
  10. So Boston would be St. Louis' daddy? Anyways, I agree. F Boston. F them where the sun don't shine. Their "fans" are world class a-holes. Can't wait to see the riots in Boston tonight. Burn the whole MFer down.
  11. Just heard on WGR. Henry is unhappy so MM said that Willis will start the game this week and Travis will start next week. I'm unhappy the Bills suck. Do I get to pay for my tickets this week and next week's are free? What a bunch of stevestojan.
  12. Ummmm.....Babe Ruth only curses the Red Sox against the Yankees. He doesn't help any other teams. Too bad he was passed out in a ghost brothel this year. He went there after game three, got ripped on ghost hooch and got ghost VD from a ghost hooker. Maybe the Cards would be better off getting a base running coach instead of relying on phony curses that don't even apply to them. The White Sox haven't won since 1917 because they fixed the Series in 1919. White Sox haven't been in the Series since 1959. The Cubs haven't won since 1908 because they were cursed by a goat. The Cubs haven't been in the Series since 1945. Amazing that Chicago hasn't seen a World Series game in 45 years and a Cubs World Series game in 59 years. How many people are still alive that were around the last time the Cubs won in 1908? Crazy. The Indians haven't won since 1948 because they had crap teams from 1949-1995 and from 1998 until now.
  13. Turn it upside down and we are #1. Bills traded their 2005 1st Round draft pick to Dallas. At least we will pick 33rd.
  14. I buy my tickets a whole season at a time in February. The alternative to buying them is not buying them and not going. I suppose it's better to have a bad team with a bad QB than no team at all. I guess this is all the Bills fans fault for supporting the team. If there were 20,000 at the games instead of 73,000 then changes would be made? Ridiculous. Bills fans could never run Bledsoe out of town. He couldn't outrun even the slowest fan. We'd catch him, sack him and he would fumble.
  15. Willis said he was starting. The Bills "brain" trust hasn't said anything in regards to who is starting. What does that mean anyways? Is Willis going to start the game and play one series and then Henry plays a series? Is Henry going to be the 3rd down back? Is Willis going to play the entire game and TH will sit on the bench? Lots and lots of questions and no answers. I hope Willis starts Sunday and plays the entire next 10 seasons.
  16. I just lived through the worst week of my sports fan career of 27+ years. From 8pm on Sunday, October 17th through Sunday, October 24th, I witnessed the following: NY Yankees lose four straight to Boston in the worst collapse in sports history. Boston College comes back in the 4th to beat Notre Dame 24-23. UB Bulls get crushed again. Buffalo Bills totally suck in Baltimore, Patriots win their 21st straight game and they don't care and neither do their "fans". Dolphins finally win a game. Red Sox take two from St. Louis to start the World Series. NHL Lockout continues- No Sabres games. Buffalo Bills and UB Bulls are a combined 2-11. How did they win two games? Thank God for alcohol. I HATE Boston. Something needs to turn around here. How was your week?
  17. Last I heard was they resurrected the dead horse just so they could kill it again and beat it some more.
  18. Well, at least the article said Buffalo is only $20 million in the hole. It's more like four times that amount at least plus Erie County is $135 million short next year. Things aren't going so well here.
  19. Exactly. June 1st, 2004 would have been ideal. Wouldn't have cost one nickle against the cap.
  20. She has two "talents" - just like her older sister. Store bought or not, who cares? Not like any of else will ever have the opportunity to find out up close and in person.
  21. She sings? I know the XL rack size runs in her family. She could go on stage and read the want ads from the newspaper for all I care.
  22. Let's go 1-15 with a little style. I hope players start calling out their teammates in press conferences and the newspaper. I hope players start blaming coaches and coaches start blaming players in public. Bledose blamed everybody (including the very hot Ravens Cheerleaders) except himself for the loss. They should, at least, make it interesting for the fans if they are not going to win games.
  23. I don't care who the QB is as long as we win. We are not winning. Mathison , Ferragamo, Dufek or that new kid from Maryland Frank Reich- I don't care. Maybe the USFL will fold and we'll get Jim Kelly. Wait, this isn't 1985. Feels like it though. At least in 1985 we drafted Bruce Smith and Andre Reed and had Kelly on the way.
  24. A blind, right handed guy with two left arms would be better than Bledsoe. Send an actual big message and release him. We can certainly lose just as well without him as we do with him.
  25. MM said after the game today that JP will not be ready to play for another month.
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