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Everything posted by boater

  1. Not rushing to sell naming rights is a wise move by Pegs. Interested bidders is pretty slim right now. But after the tremendous 2020 season the Bills will have, the interested bidders will triple and the sale price will be higher.
  2. NYS casualty rate is well less than 1%, hardly a pandemic. Don't drink the kool-aide.
  3. Kim haters, a mix of: jealosy sexism racism Most of the savants who say "she has no business running a team" probably view themselves as a better choice. A little lacking in the self awareness department.
  4. I hope he's doing OK with the loss of his wife. He took it very hard.
  5. You obviously control yourself better than the average Joe, that's a characteristic of an alcoholic. This is an important point to realize: even though your still in control, you are also still drunk -- you are not immune to alcohol. Study after study after study have show people to be impaired at 1% BAC, no matter how they feel or how confident they are. So please be careful with the driving decisions.
  6. Of course gymnasts, race car drivers, world class sailors, etc. are all mentally taxing. But the context of your question, Tom Brady learning the playbook, leads to a different question: Is quarterback the most scholarly and reactive positions in professional sports? I should say yes. Mastering the 500 page playbook, and being able to apply that knowledge in micro-seconds under pressure before and after the snap is unique in sports.
  7. I don't see a crisis to lock up Milano. Good LTs (Dawkins) are hard to find = lockup the one you have Great LBs (Edmunds) are hardest to find = lock up the one you have Good LBs (Milano) are not hard to find = pursue him when the contract is up
  8. 2025 .. it's a long contract. Dare I say dynasty.
  9. There were a number of articles last week where players stated they came to Buffalo because of it's reputation as a strong program. That's on McD. I think those articles may have caused Pegs to get off the pot and open up his wallet.
  10. I pray that they don't get the wandering eye when their contracts are up.
  11. Nice to see Beane paying attention to the bean counter side. Such an improvement since when Rex and Doug would commit to a player, then throw the contract talk over the wall and tell the contract staff (Oberdorf?) to work it out. And the result = an overpaid player. Good to see Beane taking care of details.
  12. Not necessarily. There is a world of difference between an Ordinary Obese person and an Obese Professional Athlete. 1 difference comes to mind: even Obese Professional Athletes are in superb cardio conditioning.
  13. Don't be jealous. You have just as much a chance to marry money as Kim had. Oprah is looking for a beau.
  14. He might be a COVID hold out, based on his previous comments. Zero starts. Zero yards.
  15. The dildos were not a good prank. They were embarrassing. A good prank has some class to it.
  16. You are never to old to learn something about yourself. What I learned this summer is I am not a happy gardener. My flower beds grew out of control with weeds and I have zero motivation to fix the problem. I'd post pics but they aren't for the squeamish. Dirty Harry said "One must know their own weaknesses." Knowing my weakness, I'm removing the flower beds and having them replaced with POG (Plain Old Grass). Right up to the bricks of the house.
  17. Correctomundo. It's a trap. The minute the 350 lb OL lifts his pinky, he's going to jail for DV...and she knows it. It's her end game. Amplified when their is a big paycheck involved. All the power to him for not biting. I for one, am sympathetic for the guy. Surprised this thread is still open.
  18. If Biden is elected with his stupid green deal policies for carbonless energy, NG will shoot through the roof in value. Outlaw NG, then all the sudden NG becomes more valued (because their is no viable alternative).
  19. The Redskins inhouse legal counsel and the HR department is guilty of malpractice for sitting by while all this chicanery was going on. A good lawyer would have gone to Mr. Snyder and said we need to stop this.
  20. Do you think due to COVID, New Era is on the brink of bankruptcy might have something to do with it. It's like a car loan and New Era can't make the payments. That would be so embarrassing. Pegs would never allow.
  21. A loss. The New Era name was known by millions of NFL, MLB, NBA fans. Not to mention soccer. Edit: ..and NHL
  22. This is from a popular satire site. All 32 teams need a name change. In tumultuous times, satire could end up as eventual truth, so buckle your seat belts. The name for the Patriots needs some work.
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