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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I have a huge buck that visits my yard regularly. 12 points. Saw him a couple days ago. There is a another group of three bachelor's that also come around, they are 8s They are brazen as hell, you could sit on a chair on my deck and take your pick. You'd have to walk maybe 50 yards total to pick it up and bring it back to my driveway to throw in your truck.
  2. They haven't established the tight end since roughly 1991.
  3. It's because he landed on him. I agree it's weak but that's why.
  4. Ahhh the good old border days. There were quite a few times I got back into the US from Canada when I'm quite sure I wasn't awake or cogent but was definitely underage. There were other times I remember sitting in traffic with my buddies practicing the questions so we could try to give the answers without slurring too badly. I'm sure we all sounded like we were having strokes and yet we always got back home. These were the days when you could "correct" a NY license with a colored pencil and a steady hand. We'd cross the border uncorrected and then sit in the parking lot and magically become as old as we needed to be to enter whichever establishment we were trying to enter. The ballet at 16 was a mind blowing experience.
  5. It's a long season and more broken teams than this one have won but there needs to be an awful lot of growth in an awful lot of areas and they have the air of a team that is smelling itself a bit too much.
  6. The offense is broken and has been broken for awhile. Dolphins 26 Bills 19 and many heads explode.
  7. The whole line needs to get itself together because their dline wrecks shop.
  8. Why should it have changed? All they did was go from consistently terrible for the better part of 20 years to above average for two seasons. If last week's game didn't make you have flashbacks of every single concern you had about the team, the offense, the quarterback, the coaching staff, the defense in big spots, I don't understand what it would take. They hit every single sour note they could have in week one and it's going to give people a lot of doubt for the next several weeks if not the rest of the season. It doesn't matter if they beat Miami by 40, that underlying doubt will still be there. Can they beat good teams? Is Allen really the guy? Can this be the team to push it over the top or are they fundamentally flawed and just toying with me?
  9. When you spend off-season money on Emmanuel Sanders, don't address the running game, and don't address your interior line it sort of tips people off as to what you want to do. Their best 5 players on offense are WRs. That's not a good thing but it's reality. When they take a WR off they are downgrading the talent on the field. None of their TEs is remotely as good as the WR who would come on. None of their RBs are remotely as good as the WR they could try to throw to instead. Again, this is not a positive thing. They would be better off with less assets invested in WR and a little more in interior OL and be a better football team.
  10. D at best. Too many stupid decisions. Too many wildly inaccurate passes. Two years ago that was a C performance. Now? No way.
  11. It's funny, when the balls are fully inflated that is more of an issue....
  12. He literally tackled TJ Watt. How that wasn't a flag is beyond me.
  13. I'm so glad we spent so much time talking about that in the pre-season too. Which eliminates the possibility of pass interference also. slightly underthrown is better than slightly over thrown and Josh either doesn't get that or can't do it.
  14. At first I thought it looked like McKenzie was going to turn up field and Brieda was going to be able to throw it to him. It got blown up really quickly but McKenzie never turned up field either so idk. I hope we don't see it again I know that. I also know that when McKenzies man didn't follow him through the formation Josh should have called time out because he wasn't accounted for in the blocking. It's being cute in a tight game where cute wasn't called for. You have one of the best 4rh and one QBs in football and your offense is struggling. Take the first down and move on.
  15. I posted about Dawkins twice today. Twice. If that's a drum to beat go after half the board. If it happens that the drum doesn't agree with personal proclivity get over it. And yes, talking about a persons unique intracranial processing is a personal attack whether you choose to use 25 cent words or not. Again. You are a mod. Do better. You know you were wrong because you amended your original post without deleting the first one. Own it.
  16. So I shouldn't be concerned about those other two flags that would have negated any positive play?
  17. I agree with you that the entire line was terrible. I've said as much several times today. You responded directly to my assertion that Dawkins in particular looked very out of game shape and was repeatedly abused. My assertion was that he still hasn't gotten himself together from his totally preventable hospitalization because the other players on the line who stunk today also stunk last year. Dion stinking is new and therefore more note worthy than John Feliciano getting manhandled by a DT when he gets manhandled by every good DT he faces or Cody Ford being a turnstile because he usually is or Darryl Williams struggling with speed rushers because he usually does. Moreover you responded to my post by attacking me and you're a mod. Do better.
  18. So Dion's 4 holding penalties weren't a problem? He looked ok to you?
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