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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. Jesus Christ..... I'm not a trump guy-- but these refugees are killing me. BUILD THE WALL!!!
  2. just stop giving them click...if you're using the AP to listen at least. I stopped. Can't support that bs.
  3. I love Stevie. He was a bright spot in a very dark place for the bills
  4. Funny enough....I just got 4 fillings yesterday. This is what I'm referencing just FYI: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://media.wgr550.com/a/98746703/10-31-schopp-the-bulldog-s-candy-draft.htm&ved=0ahUKEwjL25u-3MfSAhVjiFQKHVzlCuAQFggbMAA&usg=AFQjCNEKD0I4h9C7IfBleDVWGRbRMYdlEQ&sig2=FlUJGRFKdM1NNtlwbttwpw Enjoy.
  5. All I can tell you is that if you take bottle caps chalk candy in the second round of a candy draft....You're an idiot. That's an UDFA candy man.
  6. !@#$ scared of his own shadow Howard Simon and the entire candy draft crew.
  7. Opens thread...."I think Obama should be killed"....bye guys.
  8. What natural disaster hit this parking lot? A Kenney Chesney concert. My favorite thing about these guys is how they clean up after themselves, pay taxes, and don't ever do meth. GOOOOO good guys! "and the Jets but not the Bills"
  9. My point was to provide a factual rebuttal to his BS anecdote. I did. P.S. this is your cue to say FAKE NEWS!!!! SAD!!! NUMBERS HURT MY FEELINGS!
  10. States most dependent on welfare: 1 Mississippi 2 New Mexico 3 Alabama 4 Louisiana 5 Tennessee 6 Montana 7 South Dakota 8 Kentucky 9 West Virginia 10 Missouri 11 Georgia 12 Maine 13 Arizona 14 South Carolina 15 North Dakota 16 Wyoming 17 Idaho 18 Indiana 19 Oregon 20 Oklahoma https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/ Look at all of those conservatives taking care of themselves. Seems like they love my tax dollars taking care of their sh*t.
  11. Considering my generation thought JNCO pants were cool....i won't harp on flat brim hats too much.
  12. Lol not a fair comparison. Let Woods work in that offense with Brady and watch him become a 70 million dollar man.
  13. You guys hate players that smoke pot and race cars. You also hate that a player, that is a family man, receives an award for his charitable works. If Jesus himself was QB for the Bills we'd hate him too. Mostly because of slow eyes though and the fact that Tom Brady would stomp him 2x a year too.
  14. Prefaced by the irony of saying lets not get ahead of ourselves lol
  15. Never been like this in a long time. I wonder if this guy wants tyrod
  16. Very very interesting how quiet it has been
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