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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. Noted left wing liberal conspiracy Creator Senator Corker at it again. I get shrugging off some of the very glaring problems as bull **** and media created; but haven't we reached a point where you should pause and evaluate what is going on? I believed EJ was the future. After that last second game Winner against Carolina, I was sold. I also got upset at all the "haters" and naysayers that were pointing out how bad he was, with facts. A lot of the time those facts, would be pointed in an unpleasant way that made me upset. Then Texas happened. Then London happened. It gave me pause. Still shrugged it off. Then he got his final shot at home. He was god awful. It dawned on me that EJ was awful all along. I believed in him irrationally, despite all the negative noise. I thought it was media bias. They hate the Bills. They hate us. No, he was just awful. I felt silly. I was able to think clearly. Anyways that's an unrelated story about how blind Faith can be pit fall. Sometimes hearing negative things can make you cling harder to what you believe is the only correct answer. Sometimes an immense amount of smoke might mean fire though...
  2. Very rarely has it been 2 quality wins in a row. It's always beat the packers and go on the road and lose to a mediocre Raiders team. Broncos/Falcons wins followed by a Bengals win would set this team apart.
  3. But if it hurts my feelings ...can I say it's fake news ? Great article. Especially the parts about the secondary.
  4. I don't need diversions. I'm there for football. I really love the Ralph and no PSLs. That way the whole crowd doesn't leave at half time.
  5. I really laughed out loud. I truly think that we all thought Gilmore was just quiet and introspective. The strong silent type. Turns out he was just a dumb ogre relying solely on his physical prowess.
  6. can this bull **** go away now? We just beat Atlanta. !@#$ off.
  7. I dunno.... I like all of you guys when we win. Leave Scott Aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  8. Marrone doesn't go for that field goal. Maroon is also objectively stupid. What's the word? Urgency? ...... No that's not the word. Hold on...i'll come up with it...-- Urgency...
  9. This sub needs more political stuff. But !@#$ it.....it's game day!!!
  10. Serious question: Why is two bills drive basically Breitbart's sports forum?
  11. It's an !@#$ like Marrones own little he'll. I love it. You know he hates it.
  12. I know it doesn't matter what I say; and that no amount of convincing will change what you think. This was a terrible injustice today. A man that was rightfully convicted was pardoned. I know all you care about is liberal tears and winning. This is not how rule of law works; he defied a court order. He was convicted. Best of luck to you and the country. Imagine in Buffalo if Buffalo PD was profiling Polish people and randomly shaking them down based on nothing other than their ethnicity. How would you feel as a legal citizen if this happened to you? This is the United States of America and that should not be happening. Deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor But while heat wave temperatures soar to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and Phoenix officials warn locals to remain inside, hundreds of Tent City inmates remain confined outdoors. And during a 2003 heat wave, Arpaio told inmates, "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths.” Outside temperatures reached 107 degrees that year, and temperatures in the tents were measured at 138 degrees. Their shoes were melting. Place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area Arpaio, 85, was convicted in July of criminal contempt for violating a federal court order to stop racially profiling Latinos. He was scheduled to be sentenced on Oct. 5 and faced a maximum of six months in jail. During his trial, Arpaio was found guilty of ignoring a federal court’s order to cease patrols that racially profiled Latinos and stopped them on suspicion they were in the country illegally. In December 2011, as the civil suit over racial profiling played out, Judge G. Murray Snow prohibited the sheriff’s office “from detaining any person based only on the knowledge or reasonable belief” that the person is in the country illegally. The direction was simple: no more local enforcement of federal immigration laws, no arrests unless deputies have evidence of a crime other than immigration. The agency simply ignored Snow’s ruling. Over the next 18 months, deputies detained at least 171 people without criminal charges and turned them over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to its own internal reports.
  13. Watch it dick head. He literally calls it a concentration camp himself. Fourty five seconds in. Is everything fake news? Even when it comes from a convincted criminals mouth ? Snowflakes.
  14. Jesus !@#$.... Here he is bragging about concentration camps.
  15. How about who gives a !@#$ and he puts up another 1k yards?
  16. In all fairness, it was inexplicably his healthiest year he ever had with the Bills.
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