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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. https://go.teamviewe...m/v12/m63725936I'm presenting... Without sound
  2. Baby boomers digging holes and yelling down at the people stuck in them that they are lazy. Even though we are kind of lazy...... UNFORTUNATELY, BOOMERS show no appetite for maintaining the assets their parents accumulated. Public higher education, nearly free for boomers, has become dauntingly expensive. Infrastructure is neither built nor maintained, and not even “responsible” boomers take this seriously. It was then-candidates John McCain and Hillary Clinton, those paragons of boomer probity, who proposed a gas-tax holiday in 2008, the year the Highway Trust Fund went bust. Federal research and development funding also suffered, with dispiriting consequences for the future. Smartphones may be fairly recent, but their core technologies were developed with government money long ago. Enjoy your iPhone now, because your iCopter and iKidney will be indefinitely delayed. The consequences of boomer overconsumption, underinvestment, and appetite for risk reveal themselves every time a bridge or bank collapses, but can be summarized in America’s prolonged economic mediocrity. Finding decent growth requires stretching all the way back to the 1990s, and even so, the 1990s barely edged out 1970s’ squalor on a per capita GDP basis. Thanks to boomer policies, the new normal is 1.6 percent real growth, well below the 2.5 to 3.5 percent rates prevailing from the 1950s to the 1980s. For the young, the price will be incomes 30 percent to 50 percent lower than they could have been.
  3. I love Jim Kelly but I feel like I'll be more excited to see him, so much, when the current iteration of the Bills is better. Sometimes I feel like Bill's fans are stuck living in the past.
  4. For what it's worth... He's got a weird thing with Russia dude. 80 tweets/quotes about Putin/Russia. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/03/politics/trump-putin-russia-timeline/ I know you'll hate the source; but it's all direct quotes. For instance....here's him equating US politicians/leaders as being equal to Putin. They're not like Putin; on either side, (D) or ( R )- Trump included. Putin is a thug. It's a weird narrative to push; why denigrate the US to come to the defense of a known murderer? Trump says he respects Putin during a Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly. Trump defends Putin when O’Reilly calls him a killer. “There are a lot of killers,” Trump says. “Do you think our country is so innocent? Do you think our country is so innocent? (this will be deleted, but for the time being-- just saying)
  5. Stevie's groin gave me PTSD. It never healed. Hopefully it isn't the same for Shaq.
  6. Oh ****. You're back Mrags. Excited for this year!
  7. a couple years ago the kid who did the world record loudness thing did a bootleg youtube upload. Maybe he'll do it again.
  8. I feel like it's not hard to navigate once you get used to public transportation. The biggest turn off about NYC, for me, is how geniunely filthy the entire place is. Even the best looking restaurants and nice buildings are rat havens.
  9. Or maybe even she moved for a significant other ? NYC kinda sucks anyways.
  10. You can claim gambling losses at least.
  11. Mannnn it kinda makes you sad to see all these really talented kids, with impressive highlight videos, just not be good enough. Highschool and college stars make it to their NFL dream, just to find out they're not good enough. Still feel bad for kids like Ed Eagen and Eric Striker.
  12. If they go they will go. No amount of fretting will fix it. Just take comfort in the mountain of evidence that indicates they will stay.
  13. When Ryan L. Billz tells you that you're being unreasonable in a pro-Tyrod thread............... You need to step back and take a good look at the man in the mirror. P.S. I am going going to contribute more. I was thinking about creating content that is better than just click bait, like cover1 is doing. Get some real discussion going. Example: why don't the bills not care about comp picks and how do we get more? That's how the patriots won a super bowl. Thoughts?
  14. Is it worth it? The fancy mango drink stuff is generally 10$ per...I find I would have to get hammered to meet the cost effectiveness of the all inclusive.
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