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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! This organization has finally hit rock bottom!
  2. That would be hilarious if somebody in Buffalo put up Help Wanted signs for the Bills in grocery stores and things.
  3. Ugh...I just had ESPN radio on and in the hard news section, they referred to Sanchez as "Sanchize", a nickname for him in NYC. To me, that's unprofessional. That belongs in commentary, not news.
  4. Remember when the news broke that the Bills had their guy for the HC position? Now I get it, that was put out there by Brandon/OBD so that if the coaching search went south (like it is) then once they hired somebody they could point to that statement and say "This was our guy all along." Basically, that was a CYA statement, and there is no "guy" that they have in mind.... Our Front Office is run by a salesman folks, this is the stuff they do and what we can expect.
  5. This is exactly what Joe D has been fighting for, and rightly so.
  6. Coordinators turn down jobs, not interviews. This is especially embarrassing.
  7. I hope he marched into Brandon's office and told him to go F himself when he found out Fewell was named Interm Coach and not him. April's the best coach we had this decade, I wish him the best.
  8. "We'd like to introduce you to Leslie Frazier, the man we targeted all along" - Russ Brandon, near future.
  9. We poured a ton of tax dollars into New Orleans - much of which ended up in the hands of corrupt government officials.
  10. To start, would love to open it to discussion, and will take one for the team and be the jerk who starts the political discussion about a tragedy. My brother emailed me yesterday: "can we compare haiti to new orleans? aid is there but there is not competent emergency plan to distribute ? even though the UN bldg was flattened -- what have they been doing for years -- considering past hurricanes etc .." This whole thing is almost identical to Katrina, which the media pinned on Bush. Who takes the fall for the lack of preparedness this time, and why was the Bush admin criticized for taking so much time to get supplies in and the same thing is happening now? Also, just like South Park called out in the Beaver Dam episode, the media is again inflating stories. They were reporting 500,000 dead, now Red Cross is saying 50,000. Still a high number, but c'mon. They're now reporting looting, but don't appear to actually be witnessing it.
  11. I've never really had much of an issue with Patterson, I hate his fat tax and the attempt at a license plate fee, but otherwise he's trying to cut spending and keeps calling out the senate and assembly for it. I also like that he doesn't have the support of Obama and has basically stiff armed the Obama administration. I would have liked Rudy to run....
  12. I see your 3 and raise you one gaffe..uses trade towers in an ad to describe Brown's greed...whoops: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/15/dscc...-anti-brown-ad/
  13. Gene Tundo from Orchard Park High has reportedly turned down an interview.
  14. If no ownership change, then Ralph needs to demote Brandon back to the Marketing and Sales Department and either give the full reigns over to Nix or some other football mind. No coach wants to report to Smithers who is a make believe GM. People need to stop living in denial, Brandon is calling the shots at OBD. I said it the day Nix was hired and Brandon was promoted that Brandon's promotion would screw us and was attacked by everybody here. Well, look whats happened.
  15. Face it, Nix reports to Brandon. I don't care what Ralph says, CEO oversees all, and Brandon certainly has more say in football decisions than Brandon's groupies understand. No established coach wants to come to Buffalo where they know they'll have to go through Brandon AKA Smithers AKA a glorified used car salesman. Yes, Wilson is the ultimate cause of all of this, but anybody that doesn't think Brandon being CEO and having Nix report to him is scaring people away is crazy.
  16. That's because the rest of the free world reported that Cowher shunned the Bills back in December and had no interest in talking to them...and Sal reported otherwise. Sal was right, the rest of the free world was wrong.
  17. Can somebody explain why Grimm is being considered as a head coach as only an O-line position coach? Why has he never been promoted to O Coordinator? Since he's never run an offense or defense, how does anybody know if he'd be a good coach?
  18. Can somebody explain why Russ Grimm was never promoted to Offensive Coordinator, and why he's the only position coach to be considered qualified to be a head coach? I'm not against him, just don't get it.
  19. Its because nobody knows whats going on inside OBD.
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