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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Can't see them firing Kubiak now....one less opening to compete with.
  2. 1) You won't know if you got a good one for at least 3 years 2) For season ticket holders who are on the fence (like me) who want proof the team is doing everything it can to fix the organization. Interviewing Guy, Modrak, and Nix for the most important job in the organization when 2 of 3 should be fired doesn't accomplish that. 3) Potentially hear what people OUTSIDE of the organization think of the Bills, you know, NEW ideas.
  3. I went to Fordham, the football program there is a joke, no thanks.
  4. Really? Hmmm....well Warner's wife had that short hairdo back then....
  5. Encouraging. Just wish the Bills would have handled the hiring better by bringing in some outside candidates to interview as well. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/1/3/1...dy-nix#comments
  6. WOW....you just summed that up better than anybody could have! If heads in the FO roll this week and we see some folks brought in from different teams, then yes things are changing at OBD. But if we don't see heads roll or we see some internal promotions, then it'll be the same old same old. Fresh blood is needed.
  7. The Bills could do worse than purging some coaches from the Colts.
  8. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Unless Nix cleans house internally and steals some front office folks from under AJ Smith's nose, its gonna be the same old same old.
  9. I have read that Nix reports to Brandon, including BillsDaily.com
  10. The Bills should have hired a fresh set of eyes at GM from another team that's actually built a Super Bowl Champion, but what's done is done. At least Nix has a strong resume. The Brandon promotion ticks me off, he should NOT be the CEO of the franchise which gives him final say on decisions, including those in the football department. First off, Brandon has been WAYYY overrated. There was nothing impressive about the TO signing. It sold tickets, so what? Anybody could have made a simple move like that. The Toronto thing is a joke, it was more Rogers throwing money around trying to get an NFL team. Brandon has done a terrible job making it successful and has been nothing short of embarrassing. And let's be honest, ticket sales are more about loyal fans trying to keep their team here, not genius marketing. That said, Brandon is a glorified used car salesman who got on Wilson's good side and was happy to pose in pictures with TO and be front and center in the offseason taking credit wherever he could, but once the team became an embarrassment vanished behind closed doors and took no accountability. Nix reporting to Brandon is laughable, a salesman with no football knowledge will have final say on all football decisions. That folks is the worst thing that could have happened, just next to Brandon playing make believe as a GM the last 2 years where the team has played the worst football seen in 20 years. In the end, I'm convinced they went with Nix because no serious outside GM/Coach would share power with a guy like Brandon. The Bills would have been better off dropping Brandon and going after serious GM.
  11. Chuck Lester Who else will pour the coffee?
  12. Sing with me "What do you do with a problem like Mar-Shawn?" Anybody else watching Sound of Music?
  13. http://flashmediastreamings.com/fbgame100.php
  14. I think the person who usually does this took this week off.
  15. Can't get that to work, says I need updated flash player and when I download it won't open.
  16. I'm not waiting here for somebody to pm me or post a link to the game. That would be a terrible thing to do.
  17. That one's been shut down already? Not that I clicked and looked....
  18. Doesn't look like NYC is carrying anything on CBS at 1?
  19. Cuz he was happy to act like a GM in the offseason smiling next to TO when he was signed and giving interviews like he was in charge, then once the crap hit the fan took no acountability and vanished behind the curtain.
  20. He's moving his boxes from the GM's office back down to the Sales Office where they belong. Make Believe time is over.
  21. Chroise is back, the balance of the universe has been restored. I can sleep well tonight.
  22. WASHINGTON -- The Senate is in health care gridlock after a Republican senator forced the clerk to read aloud a 767-page amendment. GOP Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma had sought approval to require that any amendment considered by the Senate must be offered 72 hours in advance and with a full cost report. When he was rebuffed by Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, Coburn invoked his right to require that an amendment by another lawmaker be read aloud. That sent the Senate into limbo, since the amendment by Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, is 767 pages long. It's unclear how long the procedural standoff will continue. Democrats are struggling to pass their bill by Christmas. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/12/16...mendment-aloud/
  23. http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings?year=2009&week=15 25 (26) Bills 5-8-0 The Bills' victory over Kansas City might have set football back 10 years, but interim coach Perry Fewell liked it. (Clayton) He's right, and it hurts.
  24. I'd hate for someone to pm me the access code.
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