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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I don't think Geithner or Bernanke are always on the same page with Obama, its happened before that they don't agree with him. They should speak up instead of always bowing to him.
  2. Was just thinking how funny it is that Dems/Libs always said what an idiot Bush was and didn't deserve to be president. Bush got his agenda though with both a majority and without in Congress, and Pelosi/Reid would always back down. Dems/Libs proclaimed Obama the Messiah. Obama couldn't get anything done with a SUPER MAJORITY, and blamed everything on Republicans and Bush. Who's the idiot?
  3. Its gonna be a QB, you can bank on it. 1) Its the position that easily creates the most excitement. 2) Buffalo was desperate to bring in a head coach that can groom a QB.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4aQCiRjvZY...layer_embedded# "We are the ones we've been waiting for"..hahahahaha!!!
  5. Just read this, don't get me wrong I'm happy Brown won, but I think making a comparison like this is bad journalism. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/bam_...753r5LTnvMM9pwI BOSTON -- The Republican knockout victory here last night should be a Code Brown alert for President Obama. It was a political earthquake of equal magnitude to the temblor that crushed Haiti. Amid the aftershocks and bewilderment, however, it appears that Obama -- Mr. Hope and Change who was inaugurated one year ago today -- may not fully grasp just how personally responsible he is for the thrashing here in the Democratic heartland.
  6. Axelrod was just on with Gibbs, which is said to be the first time they've done an interview together (which makes me think Axelrod is in overdrive controlling the message, even Gibbs can't spin this) He said the election was all about people's anger with the economy that "existed before" Obama and had nothing to do with healthcare or the president's agenda. Even MSNBC asked "How can you say that?"
  7. You know what, Coakley conceded early, bet she did that to screw over DC so they couldnt delay Brown being seated as payback.
  8. Well, with Lieberman, they're down to 57 for, 43 against, and the election has only been over for an hour!
  9. http://www.politico.com/arena/ This is a great read, live reactions from both sides. Most Dems are saying this was caused by DC....but this one stood out to me, and is EXACTLY what libs are going to preach all week: Yousef Munayyer Exec. Dir., The Jerusalem Fund : I wouldn't interpret this as a message about Washington or health care. Coakley came off as more "out of touch" with the electorate than most candidates. Her calling Curt Schilling a Yankee fan was a good example. What no one accounted for was all the Yankee fans who crossed the state lines to campaign for Brown hoping to distance themselves from Coakley's sacreligeous baseball comment. Also, why should Massachusetts independents support a health care bill that would increase spending when they already have universal health care in the state? The incentives to vote for Coakley quickly dissapated. Make no mistake, the effect of this election may have national reverbirations, but the causes were entirely local.
  10. Well, Reid may delay it long enough to get the HC vote passed....... Another point, NJ and VA can be argued it was about local politics...THIS can only be attributed to DC, and anybody that argues different is lying.
  11. Hmmm...Reid just said Brown will be seated when paperwork is done.....being discussed on Fox News now. Means it may take some time to seat him.
  12. Me too Dems think Obama should ignore the election and forge ahead according to analysts.
  13. He has said he'll be the 41st vote against it.
  14. What the....O'Reilly discussed it for 15 min then moved on, and Fox News isn't showing the numbers coming in???? Switched to Olbermann who went of on a tirade calling Brown outrageous names.... Then switched to CNN who's doing a good job covering it.
  15. They said they wanted a HC that can groom QBs, you can bet they draft a QB early.
  16. http://dailycaller.com/2010/01/19/pollster...ts-senate-race/ "Instead, says Luntz, they’re ashamed. “They don’t want to be on television defending Martha Coakley. It’s passé. It’s socially unacceptable. I never dreamed I’d see Democrats in Massachusetts embarrassed to admit they’re Democrats.”
  17. I asked Mort via Twitter if the Bills turned him down: mortreport @MattKabel He definitely did not turn down Bills. He wasn't offered. And league rules wouldn't allow that to happen but they wanted HC experience
  18. I worked at the top orthopedic hospital for 5 years, its amazing what they can do today. I remember a surgeon once telling me a bone break is better than tearing a muscle, the bone will often grow back stronger.
  19. I don't know why, but I pictured the old guy from Pet Cemetery saying that.
  20. What happened: Starts with Ralph..... No respectable GM wants to work for Ralph, so they promote Smithers/Nix internally.... No respectable coach wants to work for Smithers/Nix, so Bills are forced to hire Chan Gailey.... Will it continue to trickle down? Will no respectable players want to play for Gailey.... And will no fans want to watch the players that Gailey has? Starts at the top, and trickles down to us, the fans....
  21. Fired in Dallas, fired at Georgia Tech, fired in Kansas City. GREAT RESUME!!!!
  22. Belichek Ryan and Sparano are shaking in their boots...SHAKING!!!! I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry.
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