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Chuck Wagon

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Everything posted by Chuck Wagon

  1. It's pretty obvious there's a double standard towards Winston. If some girl consents to some random guy, but later changes her mind and goes to the police with evidence, the guy is going to be in trouble. Especially in a college atmosphere with alcohol present. In my college days there were posters all over campus stating a girl under the influence couldn't legally give consent. It's a he said, she said, and the guy is going to lose in every situation unless they are protected like Winston.
  2. I'm pretty sure the conversation went something like this: ESPN Front office guy 1: "We really need to get someone better than Rodak on the Pats, that's one of the teams we actually care about" Guy 2: "Yeah, but Rodak hasn't done anything wrong, we can't fire him" Guy 1: "Just have him cover the Bills, Walker hates covering them anyway and no one in our target markets care about them" I hate the Browns, but I'd gladly be paid to write about them. The audience would hate me as well, but you are putting together a solid resume, getting paid well and talking about football all day.
  3. I almost feel for Rodak (but I don't). You are basically working a dream job, but your target audience hates you, you are covering a team you clearly don't want to be covering and living somewhere you don't want to live.
  4. Bradford doesn't seem like a Roman/Rex guy. It seems they want to be a run first team and use a QB who can move the pocket/run some read option. Bradford can't step out of the shower without damaging some ligament.
  5. So the Bills are done with Rodak and he needs to get info from the other team?
  6. I think the Browns want Bradford BAD and we are doing the Rams a solid by presenting an alternative to help create a "bidding war". If the Rams want Mariotta, dealing Bradford to the Browns would take out a Mariotta bidder while giving the Rams more ammunition to move up, especially if they get the 19th pick from Cleveland.
  7. The thing that worries me is St. Louis doesn't have a better option (unless they are sold on Austin Davis). This isn't a similar situation to San Diego with Brees and Rivers. St. Louis knows him better than anyone else, if they are actively putting him on the block that's all the red flags I need to see.
  8. Then a 2nd it is. St. Louis is obviously ready to move on from him and he might be a cap casualty, giving up a 1st round pick for him drips of desperation.
  9. A 3rd rounder is fine. A 2nd and I could maybe talk myself into it. A 1st and it's idiotic.
  10. Players feelings on the media range between tolerance and hatred. No one is making a FA decision off what bESPN says. Generally money is the first factor, winning the second factor, scheme fit/coaching the third factor and city location the fourth factor. Money almost always comes first.
  11. Yes, Peyton got inappropriate with a female trainer. Finebaum has mentioned how Archie played damage control and called up all the media guys covering the SEC to basically tell them to be quiet or his family would no longer talk to them.
  12. Kiper freely admits he's a Notre Dame fan and he overrates all of their prospects. Stupid Clausen, if he were just a bit better as a rookie (and we don't win close pointless games against Detroit, Cleveland and Miami) then we could have Cam at QB.
  13. We spent 1 first on Losman, we traded Dallas a 2nd, a 5th and a future 1st (that turned into Ware, what an awful trade)
  14. Does anyone else imagine Rodak having the biggest smile on his face whenever he writes anything negative about the Bills?
  15. That season he started out as a relative unknown and was gangbusters the first 4 games of the year. After that: Cameron's "breakout" 2013 final 11 games (only played 15 games) - 50 catches, 557 yards, 2 tds Chandler's 2013 final 12 games (played all 16) - 39 catches, 500 yards, 1 td Obviously Chandler out produced Cameron last year.
  16. Funchess (hybrid WR/TE) and Clay (hybrid TE/Hback) would be awesome. We could be a two TE power team or a wide open spread team with the same personnel if we got those two.
  17. James always seemed like he was being slept on by the mock experts, he's got the prototype size and is athletic.
  18. Glennon is hot garbage This isn't surprising. Who is going to trade a QB unless they know the guy can't play?
  19. I might be overstating it on Searcy but it's just continuing the trend. I'm not overstating it on Winfield, Clements, Whitner or Byrd. Each of those guys were high draft picks, proved themselves on the field and we let them walk out the door the first chance they got. If we let Searcy walk and simply replace him with Duke, Rambo, Meeks or other players we sign then it's no big deal, but if we turn around and use our 2nd or 3rd on a safety then it's a poor use of our resources and continues the trend.
  20. You must be pretty young. Ryan Leaf was easily a bigger bust than Jamarcus. There were legitimate debates on Peyton vs Leaf for over a year before they were drafted. Jamarcus wasn't projected to be the #1 pick all season long in college, he got hot at the end of the season and the Raiders fell in love with his big arm. Everyone knew Jamarcus was a project with major risk involved, Leaf was supposed to be as sure a bet as you'd get.
  21. I get not resigning Searcy and spending money elsewhere, but I'm starting to get fed up with the musical chairs we play at some positions, primarily DB. We use a high pick on a DB, he ends up playing well and we let him walk over money so we have to use another high pick on a DB. Winfield, Clements, Whitner, Byrd, Searcy, etc. letting some of those guys walk was wiser than others, but the constant high draft investment on DBs (and ignoring positions like TE) only to let the ones who can play walk is one of the factors to why we've been soo bad for soo long.
  22. I believe is Ahh-j-IIII (long A, j and long I). That's how they always said it on espn. The online guide is different.
  23. Prime Brett Favre couldn't have gotten the ball to the Chiefs WRs as bad as they were.
  24. Belichick outschemed Kelly when Jim had a HOF RB, a HOF WR and a beast Oline. What do you think he'd do when Jim had a bad oline, extremely inexperienced wrs and below average RBs?
  25. I think Stevie was traded because they could get something for him and they didn't want to risk any negative attitudes around Watkins & Woods.
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