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Chuck Wagon

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Everything posted by Chuck Wagon

  1. I don't like the collar and wish the NFL allowed for multiple helmets to get the red one back occasionally, but otherwise I have no complaints.
  2. Reasonably certain Spence isn't in this years draft. He transferred to some directional Kentucky school
  3. Literally the only reason I want to sign McCown is because we aren't allowed to sign anyone else yet.
  4. The biggest misconception is these guys all made tens of millions of dollars. There's a lot of guys who got worthless college degrees to stay eligible and basically wrecked their bodies for over a decade to gross a couple of million, half of which was taken out through taxes and most had several friends and family members with their hands out all of the time. And those are the success stories. It's tough not to feel for the guys who played in the 70s-80s, when football was actually football and not glorified two hand touch, no one was making ridiculous money and the league has ignored them when it comes to medical needs.
  5. Ngata and/or Marshall The rest of those guys are washed up or we don't need. People want Schaub or Bush? Seriously? Ryan Fitzpatrick is worlds better than Matt Schaub at this point. Bush lost his job to Theo Riddick and Joique Bell. Iupati, Boling or Orlando Franklin are way better than Jahri Evans. They can't wait to see who is available in the draft before signing a big WR, any FA who can play will be long gone unless they are a post June 1st cut.
  6. If I trade what they did for RG3 and he has the rookie season he had, I'm going to be 110% sure he can't be the long term guy before I move on. On the flip side, there's only so many coaches you can cycle through in quick order before no one you want returns your calls and only so many quick hooks you can give to QBs before everyone you bring in is constantly looking over their shoulder.
  7. Right now they've moved on from Rex and have their new shiny toy. Now if they have another 4-12 year and Rex pushes us into the playoffs their opinions will likely change.
  8. It says all you need to know that Cameron flat out refuses to resign, Shanahan begged out of his contract and Hoyer (as Cleveland as they come) is only interested if he's paid like a real starting QB. For the tire fire that is Washington, you don't see that happening. The Redskins are depleted talent wise because of the RG3 trade, have to deal with RG3's act at QB and have a clueless owner, but you don't see anyone begging not to be there anymore.
  9. The Browns winning 7 games last year was the biggest mirage of any team in the league. That's a 3-13 football team that played by far the leagues easiest schedule. They played 1 great game against the Steelers (who had their own problems playing down to bad teams), caught "Prime Time Andy Dalton" and otherwise won some close games against teams who'll be picking in the top half of the draft.
  10. I'm not convinced he's any better than Locker. Both have major durability concerns, but Locker can actually move around and has a stronger arm. Their completion %'s are almost dead on, their QB ratings are almost dead on and Locker averages .8 yards more per attempt. (The Titans were much more of a downfield offense than the Rams). For the life of me I can't understand why people seem to dismiss Locker without giving it a second thought but are so convinced Bradford can be the answer.
  11. In my experience, diehard Browns fans don't share that sentiment. They look down at us as just sad sacks while they look at themselves as being one of "THE" classic historic franchises. In their minds our 4 Super Bowls don't measure up to their disappointments and they take great pride as being the most heartbroken sports city.
  12. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Sports_Illustrated_Appalachian_State-Michigan.jpg That ruined Lloyd's legacy In 1998 Cooper had conditioned everyone to expect the disappointment. 2013 really stung as that felt like Urban had lost to Tresselball.
  13. Come on, if that were true they'd be the Steamers.
  14. There's a generation of OSU fans who vividly remember the devastating losses Michigan handed to OSU in the 1990s. But there's kids driving now who only remember beating Michigan 80% of the time. I think a lot of their views of Michigan are shaped but what they are told, but the reality of it is I imagine a good percentage of them hate the SEC more than they do Michigan. I think the Bills rivalries might be pretty similar. There's people old enough to really hate the Dolphins, but there's also a whole generation that hasn't seen relevant Bills teams and hates the Pats simply because they win every year. I voted the Pats as our current biggest rival simply because they are the benchmark we must clear, but in order to be a true rivalry there needs to be some games with something at stake. Traditionally I view Miami as bigger rivals because of the Kelly-Marino battles during my formative years as a football fan and I recognize the Jets-Pats is a bigger rivalry for those teams. Keep in mind the Jets have beat the Pats in the playoffs during the 2010s and they've got the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry between the two fanbases in baseball.
  15. I completely agree on the fullback point. I'd rather split the fullback spot between Dixon and a guy like Clay in FA or Marquise Gray. I'm interested to see what Rex/Roman will do because I believe both are old school fullback traditionalists. I completely get what Fred means to the fans and the organization. But I also understand what Thurman, Andre and Bruce meant to the franchise and fans and they spent their final seasons in other uniforms.
  16. I think a big part of it is the emotional connection to Fred. Everyone recognizes we could really use a workhorse back. Dixon is a strong special teamer and represents our only real power option. Brown is young and cheap with untapped upside. That leaves one of Fred or Spiller that needs to go to allow for room to bring a different back in and CJ is the one that's easier to say goodbye. If we were looking at it objectively (and Spiller comes at a Sproles price) then the best move talentwise would be to retain Spiller and add a back in the 2nd-3rd round leaving our stable of backs as Rookie-Spiller-Dixon-Brown. But fan emotions don't allow for that objective POV.
  17. Call me a pessimist but I find it ridiculous to suggest Fred has a few years left in the tank. I know we all appreciate what he represents, but when backs his age start to lose it they don't get it back. When players mean as much to the franchise Fred does, people want to realize the decline until it's painfully obvious. He's entering his age 34 season and I'd be shocked to see him playing at 36. Counting on him for anything more than an emotional leader and occasional contributor is foolish.
  18. Seems like all american looks is a contributing factor to great NFL QBs, almost as if the league wanted people like Tom Brady to succeed......
  19. More likely to deflect from "text-gate" (can we stop putting "gate" on anything remotely controversial already) and the string of negative media attention painting Haslam as a more clueless Jerry Jones or Al Davis wannabe.
  20. Mannion reminds me of a worse Mike Glennon, if the Bucs are ready to move on from Glennon I'd much rather give them a 5th-6th for him than take Mannion, and I don't think Glennon can play.
  21. Miami just feels like a more natural rival. I'm of the age of vividly remembering them being our main division competition when we were actually relevant and the Jets and Pats being in the background. Miami is all flash and warm weather, Buffalo is working class and cold. Plus the vision of Thurman (my first favorite Bill) wearing a Dolphins jersey is forever burned in my memory.
  22. The new "Dog" logo is waaay worse. I have a bigger problem with the way the franchise hyped it all up in the media as this grand unveiling. Feels like they wanted to distract people from the mess in the front office so they promised something big, realized they couldn't actually put a logo on the helmet and had to do something somewhat noticeable so changed the orange and facemask. The Browns are such a joke. It seems every year their fans get completely fed up by the end of the season and swear off the team, then the team does something flashy (draft Johnny, hire a new coach, hire a new gm, "change their logo") and people forget they were mad and go right back to blindly buying in by the time August rolls around.
  23. I hate the Dolphins more from growing up in the Dan Marino years, but the Pats are the current target as king of the hill. I have a friend on the Jets, it's fun to beat them to talk trash but otherwise it doesn't move the needle a whole lot. I hate the Dolphins, Cowboys (SB years) and Browns (living in Ohio) more than the Pats or Jets
  24. He also missed most of his final year in college.
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