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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. Have there been any Mathews injury updates? Any chance he is back for Oakland?
  2. I had us at 1-4 going into the bye, at 3-2 I don't think the D has been wasted. I think we've taken advantage of the D and snagged 2 extra wins. Tyrod seems to need his 1 go to guy. He spent the off-season getting in sync with Sammy, when Sammy left he started to get in sync with Mathews, then on to Clay. Now he needs to spend 2 weeks getting in sync with Zay (who did make 1 great catch out of bounds - he's got some skill). If Tyrod and Zay can get on the same page and Tyrod runs more often I can see this being a playoff team. With some good crowd noise and 2 strong defensive performances at home this team can make a move to 5-2. Winston & Carr* (*or EJ) do not have great road records, Winston looked poor against New England at home.
  3. I'm amazed we're at 3-2 heading into the bye. Had us at 1-4 or 2-3 best with any predictions I made. If the Bills fans show up and bring some noise for the next 2 home games this team, this amazing defense, can bring us to 5-2. Carr* & Winston are both under 500 on the road (*Manuel is 2-7 on the road if we get him). After that who scares you other than the Patriots & the Chiefs? Every other game is winnable with this defense.
  4. That's funny. I took my info from the Bengals site http://www.bengals.com/team/all-time-results/bills.htmlfigured it would be accurate.
  5. We've lost to them the last 3 times we played them. Haven't beaten them since 2010. A bit of recent historical doom for this one (though we beat them 10 straight before that). EDIT from the Bengals site, which I figured would be accurate, apparently not http://www.bengals.com/team/all-time-results/bills.html
  6. I swear I saw padded leather seats in the end zones. I can't imagine those fans are getting into the players heads. As a Bills fan this was the most exciting game I've seen in ages. As an NFL fan that was a sad TV spectacle.
  7. Sure would love to face the EJ Manuel Raiders on Oct 29th.
  8. He could have stayed on, could have been a great mentor to Jones, could have helped Jones through the rough patch that he has started with, could have believed in the process instead of bailing when Sammy was traded. So in short, no thank you.
  9. Terrible odds of drafting a good QB now
  10. and technically the league is trying to gift Buffalo wins.
  11. No way in hell I'm honoring that boycott.
  12. There was a lot of yelling and booing going on and I couldn't make out much over the boos. There were also a lot of people standing quietly like a regular anthem. The players are divided, the fans are divided.
  13. Thanks again for the write up. The crowd was loud at times, people are starting to believe this defense is the real deal and their ready to throw their voices behind them. I'm keeping an eye on the aftermarket for the Dec 10th & 17th home games (currently available for $22 & $26) to see when/if people start believing this team is the real deal.
  14. Shady was directly in front of me for the anthem - He stretched almost non stop, what you might call vigorous stretching - almost like he was making his own separate point although only Shady knows what that point was. He did kneel as the anthem was ending.
  15. Thanks - I've had seasons for 14 years and I've never purchased water (coffee for cold games, but that's cheaper than water... go figure)
  16. This week's game alert "Weather: Sunny, 85℉ ☀ Bottled water for this game is discounted to only $3. Fans are encouraged to stay hydrated and drink responsibly." ONLY $3 for a bottle of water. WTF do they usually charge for it?
  17. But I said I'm playing until I'm 50.
  18. The guy in front of me was wearing a Buffalo Bills Micah Hyde jersey. I'm guessing that was the only one in the stadium?
  19. Thanks - where can I find the snap counts? I googled it but all I see are old games listed.
  20. It was a quiet tailgate, quiet game, quiet post tailgate and a quiet drive home with almost no one at the border. We won a game we were meant to win against a team that brought few away fans. No away fans at the tailgate = none of the back and forth chatter that usually gets people ramped up. I mentioned at our tailgate that it felt more like a family reunion than a party, if you know what I mean.
  21. I was surprised at how many times I looked at the sidelines and saw Dareus being held out for consecutive plays. Don't know if his snap count was down or if it was just coincidence that he was there when I happened to be looking.
  22. No kidding. I thought I didn't care about this season. I thought I would be going through the motions. Then last nights game came along and I was yelling at my TV and giving the finger to every sad sack Pats fan they showed. This morning my thoughts of the Bills going 6 - 10 this year have magically turned to thoughts of the Bills going 10 - 6. We haven't even played yet. The Pats losing is one mighty strong tonic.
  23. I'm still watching because we're going to go 7-9 and win the AFC East ... by 3 games :-) Just let me have this moment...
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