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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Everything posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib

  1. Well looks like we are 2-2 in those games. The other teams offense has to play in those ugly weather games as well. We had a lot of injuries and scheduling conflicts when we went 0-2 against the Titans and Chiefs. I like our odds a lot more today against both those teams in the same weather conditions.
  2. If I am Watson, I'd be trying to force a trade to the NFC with my no trade clause. Yeah, you want to play and compete against the best and all that, but let's do that in the Super Bowl. Not in the divisional title game and conference championship game every single year. I know the two teams with the biggest assets are in the AFC, Jets and Dolphins. But who are the candidates in the NFC? Bears...they've been killed for taking Turbitzky over Mahomes and Watson and now they have a chance to right that wrong. Saints... cap hell? So maybe not a realistic option. Wash Football Team...Do you really want to hitch your wagon to Heineke or Kyle Allen? Vikings...Cousins is Phillip Rivers 2.0 Nice stats but never good enough to get you over the top. Time for a change and youth movement. Lions... See Cousins Rams... if they have really soured on Goff, I could see this team making a move. They've shown they like to make big moves. 49ers...same as the Rams if they have soured on Jimmy G. Eagles...Can't imagine Watson signing off on going to the Eagles. Panthers… Bridgewater is not the future. I think there are more teams in the NFC that should/could make a change. They just don't have the assets. Although with a lot of these, contract wise, Cousins, Goff and Stafford it's more of a somewhat even trade so less need to give up multiple first and second round picks.
  3. Ah, maybe this is the one i saw sail towards the sideline. It appeared to do it towards the very end.
  4. Yeah I can see that now looking at your third image again as Allen is nowhere close to winding up yet. Looks like the bottom line is Allen threw the ball to Diggs way too late. The ball should be out a split second before the third image. My guess may be that Allen was deadest on going to Diggs at the snap seeing the look the defense gave him. Didn't anticipate the safety getting over and even though the safety did he thought screw it I can get it there and just incase I'll put a bit extra on it to make sure only Diggs will be able to get there worst case scenario. So in a way he put a little extra on it to make sure it definitely wasn't going to fall short where the safety could jump it. So I supposed it could be considered a semi throw away with the hopes of still being able to make a play.
  5. Watching the replays it looks like the wind sails the ball far to the right towards the sideline towards the end of play. Hard to say. The frustrating thing about the play is that we are going for the big play there when all we need is six yards. But at the same time hard to blame Josh because it absolutely looks like single coverage and even if the safety bails to help at the snap you probably figure you can beat the safety. Looking at the images the ball maybe needs to come out immediately to get the ball to Diggs around the 30 yard line when he is still single covered before the safety gets there. But I'm thinking Josh didn't expect the safety to be able to make up so much ground. Also, I trust Allen to put the ball where it needs to be on Besley but you are right. In doing so Beasely gets tackled or ran out of bounds at least two yards short of the marker. Would have brought up an interesting decision on 4th and 2. Bills probably would have went for it. Also, I don't think that pass to Diggs was a throw away in anyway. The fact that the kickers combined to go 2 out of 6 on attempts all well inside the 50 yard line tells you that the wind was a major factor in the passing game. Particularly so on deep passes.
  6. It's like he thought he was Josh Allen. But he forgot to make sure to put it over everyone's head to be safe.
  7. I'd wait to get a deal with an NFC team. Bears, 49ers, Lions, Eagles and Redskins all come to mind. Plenty of QB needy teams in the NFC. Even if that means having to call his bluff for the 2021 season. I get that the Jets and Dolphins have the assets but you just can't trade him inside the conference.
  8. Option 2 without a doubt. I'm assuming option two includes the option of multiple super bowl losses and not just one and one in the playoffs? One Lombardi this year and then 15 years of losing seasons would be too much too handle. Something would seriously have to go wrong for that to happen given how good this team is right now. If I was over 60 I'd probably take the first option. But being under 40 I have plenty of time still. Knock on wood.
  9. Haven't donated to this one. But serious question, Bills win the Super Bowl, how much will we collectively donate? I'd think $10,000,000 is easily in reach.
  10. Fair. Enough. Just making sure you everyone realizes it's a near certainty that this year was not a fluke and that Allen's floor is likely a notch or two above decent play.
  11. Doesn't look like he touched it too me. But nice effort and hustle nonetheless.
  12. Totally. Lamar was great on those. Should have been huge losses. On one of them Milano was straight lining for the ball and where Jackson was rather than playing it wider and anticipating Lamar rolling out after picking up the ball.
  13. Truly amazing how one player like Murphy on defense gets called up just for a game like this and plays his role perfectly. Do we need to activate him vs. Mahomes as well? Mahomes broke our back with a couple scrambles in the first game. But then again, Murphy was probably playing in that game.
  14. Next time let's have someone play the role of their center too so we can recover one of those high snaps.
  15. On the bright side Brown stepped up last night after not looking that great last week.
  16. Didn't even need a turnover. Just needed to stop them on 3rd and 17 I think it was and we get the ball back with about 3 minutes left only down six. But Kelce made a heck of a catch on a poorly thrown pass from Mahomes if I remember correctly. I fully expect the rematch to be a one score game.
  17. I think they are pretty bad. I mean Dez Bryant gets meaningful snaps. Not quite as bad a unit as Allen's 2018 supporting cast but they are definitely near the bottom this year if not at the bottom.
  18. Anyone able to find stats on which QB's lead in drawing roughing the passer penalties since 2018? Feel like Allen has to be number one by a mile. Just another example of Allen being that complete QB.
  19. Just "play decent" is what you want out of Allen. Given his improvement since his first start and his track record I find it hard to believe he won't at least play at a decent level. Even looking at the full seasons, the press can see the dramatic improvement in Allen. I like to break it down by half seasons because when you do that you can see that it's not as shocking that Allen made the massive leap he did this year from year 2 to 3. Heading into this season their was legitimate talk about whether Allen's 2019 season was a fluke and if his third season would be similar to Mitch Turbitzky. People thought he could be like Turbitzky or Bortles. I don't think we are worried about him regressing back to those levels. He's at minimum decent. Allen has all the skills and talent and then some of say an Aaron Rodgers who just put up a 121 passer rating season. The only thing Aaron has on Allen currently is experience. But Allen is gaining experience with every passing minute. It feels like it is only a matter of time before it truly all comes together for him and puts up a similar season to the one Rodgers just had. Rodgers was in his 4th season starting and 7th season overall when he broke out with his NFL record 122 passer rating season.
  20. Correct. So you are suggesting Watson took bad sacks or made poor throws in those one score games that lowered his QBR? That would seem fair.
  21. Agreed. The overthrow from Allen to Diggs they keep showing it looked like the ball just gets swept away toward the sideline. Pretty sure the win played a hand in that one and likely a few others. The longer the ball was traveling through the air the more the wind was going to carry it.
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