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Everything posted by buffalo2218

  1. This reminds me of the Karlos Williams issue when Rex was here. But Becton being a first round pick coming to camp out of shape in his second year? I hate the Jets but can't deny their franchise is snake bit
  2. About 14 hours given good weather and light traffic
  3. Very well written and ty for this. I gotta give a strong shout out to Jordan Palmer as well. His work with Josh has been so immensely beneficial
  4. From what I’ve been reading about Hart, send him and our 5th to Miami for nothing more than the condition that he has to start and play the whole game every game
  5. I'd throw in run defense as well, although were not exactly playing against Adrian Peterson in his prime
  6. I'm hoping he gets a taste for owning the phish the way Allen does
  7. Curious to see Antonio Williams tonight, hopefully he picks up where he left off after he gassed the phish defense
  8. My thoughts exactly, geez. Listening to him speak, how does this pic not come to mind?
  9. Geez 6’8 311 lbs? Him and Rousseau on the D line could block a ton of FGs
  10. I had a friend that was an insane Marino homer. He kept talking him up over and over. At this point, I didn’t have a favorite team. But as my friend kept kissing Marino’s ass, the more irritated I became. I noticed that Marino was quite the crybaby. I also noticed that the Bills were the best at bringing out Marino’s misery. After watching guys like Bruce and Thurman causing all kinds of problems for the Dolphins, I soon started representing the Bills. He still kept talking up Marino, but I quickly shot down all the accolades. Have stayed a Bills fan ever since
  11. Running as far as he ran, slow walk was totally understandable
  12. This just dawned on me and it's a scary thing to think about. If the Jests end up getting Watson, they may end up getting Watt as well. That would be crazy with Watt and Mosely and getting a top 5 QB
  13. I was at first hesitant to bring Watt in. Now I’ve changed my mind. I think he would add the best leadership to this defense. Let’s not forget all the good he’s done off the field too. He’s a total class act and I think he would give this defense a massive boost.
  14. The comparison is flawed in terms of character. Newton has always been a me first diva. If anything, Allen is more like Elway than anything like Newton. Look where Newton is today. A broke down and out clown that’s trying to be like Dennis Rodman with his insane asylum fashion. Allen cares far more for the game and is too determined to be the best he can be to be compared to Newton
  15. Moss did well, but I just can't see him as a bell cow type of back. But until we know for sure what the cap is, all these names are just that, names
  16. Some have said Brown may be a cap casualty, I'm not sure. He never did seem right after coming back from injury. But a very hard no to Beckham, unless he wants to move to TE
  17. Yeah, but I'm almost certain we wouldn't have got away with anything like they did, and they did for sure. That's ok, what goes around comes around
  18. I can't see Beckham and Diggs getting along at all. I do have a feeling Beane goes after a running back
  19. I didn't see Allen revert, I saw KC have a gameplan he never faced. No team we played this year covered our receivers the way KC did. I'm not worried or concerned. Allen will figure out how to beat it
  20. Considering the season he had, the spotlight was on him long before this. This is one of those motivational things, and I have absolutely no problem with it. It'll push him harder next season, and harder from this season will make him dominant at the position
  21. Um, I'm not even sure what this means. Sure you're not talking about Singletary?
  22. Way ahead of you on that. Only looking forward to July from here on. Allen turned a corner after losing to the Texans. Let's see what he does after tonight
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