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Uffalo Ills

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Everything posted by Uffalo Ills

  1. There was a rumor that Pegula actually had offered Marrone a contract extension that Marrone turned down. Has this rumor been dispelled yet? Are there any details/ evidence around it? Thanks.
  2. i like domes because they are cool. plus we played best at ford field, a dome stadium, so theres that. with that said, i think the bills should have an open stadium. let it snow!
  3. its not like luck is a statue like orton...
  4. https://twitter.com/RDotDeuce/status/551767689740693505 This might help...
  5. I think he might though. He says he wont be going back to the Cards. He IS old and a bit washed up, but he will be one of the best WRs that Brad will have thrown to since Moss. Brady's contract restructuring might have been preparation for a bold move. This bold move could be this. Fitz would have no problem doing this. A few years being payed gobs of money playing for one of the best HCs ever and at the receiving end of passes thrown by a future HOFer. Brady and Fitz would be Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, going out together, fighting, before they retire. Just my speculation...This is a very scary speculation. Better get ready for this by bringing on great DBs...
  6. Dont know what to make of this...Interesting perspective...So you're saying we should sell the farm to get Kelly?
  7. I third that. Dareus' contract lasts one more year. Another several of the key players will be on contract year next year. They might leave. Hell, Shwartz might leave! Wasting that by tanking is the exact opposite of what we need to do!
  8. I have never seen him play other than on youtube, being born WAY after his career ended. I have never seen his movies either. I always knew him as a Bill first and criminal second. He (allegedly) did terrible things. But still, I find it very difficult to want him to be erased from Bills' history and legacy. His name on the wall does not condone his actions off the field, but plaes him in a symbol of the greatness of the Buffalo Bills organization on the field.
  9. This is all very true and I agree completely. However, what good is it to say this? All Bills fans want experience at our HC position. All Bills fans want a good HC. No one wants to settle for less. You say great things, but what's your plan? Any great, experienced, talented and intelligent HC's with trophies out there and willing to crawl out of retirement to work for a team without a QB? We might have to settle for some of the new guys. Its not always as easy as you make it seem...You cant always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need. He was cheap...
  10. Do me a favor please: Explain where the line Classic cam comes from. I dont know if youre referencing the same thing i think youre referencing, but please explain...
  11. Dang, wish i had started Stewart in NFL playoff Fantasy Challenge. I was going to, but didnt.
  12. Yep, pretty much. I agree completely and dont really want him. To me, he is public enemy#1 for the bills. But, playing the devils advocate, those 2-3 years might be worth it so we can take advantage of our stellar defense. But I still would hate his guts.
  13. Yeah we might end up something like this: BUF: 1 NFL appearance, no wins
  14. seems legit. The sad thing is that the Redskins would fall for it (see: RG3 trade).
  15. nah. what makes you think the coach would just get rid of a young but proven qb hat is the heart and soul of the organisation? That would be crazy unless he got 3 or more first round picks which we dont have to give. Plus Matty Ice gets paid a ridiculous amount which we probably cant afford.
  16. You might have more firsthand knowledge than me on the opinion in Philly. I just cant help thinking that Kelly is happy with sanchez in some ways and wants sanchez or someone like him. clearly sanchez has been executing the offense incredibly up tempo. and even if sanchez leaves, i think the league has seen ej demonstrate his ability to manage up tempo offenses as he did for a lot of his rookie year. Kelly might be under the assumption that bad coaching has caused ej to underproduce. this is just my speculation.
  17. If he gets Sanchez back, which is likely, he might. Plus if we trade ej. crazier things have happened.
  18. Does anyone have an opinion on Foles or what you would be willing to give up for him? I personally think foles is worth a shot to trade for. We cant pick him up in free agency until after the 2015 season because he has another year left on his contract, but imo it might be worth it to trade some picks or even ej to philly. Chip hasnt always been that intrested in foles, and since Chip has been promoted to HC/GM, he might have more power and be more motivated to get rid of some players that dont fit into his scheme On the flipside, he has to realise that the sanchize isnt the solution. I was rooting for the eagles to make the playoffs so that kelly would be more willing to let foles go, but alas, no. Still EJ might be tempting for Kelly because Kelly might think he can mold EJ into a franchise QB and EJ fits into his scheme well.
  19. I was thinking to do just the opposite...I think the bills should considering trading ALL of their picks this year (maybe even a first or second from next year if needed) for the best OLine that we can build and maybe a few options at QB. I'm not 100% serious here, but i thought this idea was worth a shot or a thought at least...
  20. At least we cant be worse than Cleveland. Now theyre the laughing stocks of the NFL.
  21. "Best intrest" is a good point, but if every bill coach had the best intrest in mind, they wouldve made the playoffs. Honestly, i think that some coaches are irrational...I hope youre right and Shwartz is smart about this.
  22. I'm gonna pass on Kaep...I find that amusing. I get your point: As fans we are obligated to be loyal to our players. I just truely believe that Sammy is better than most of whats out there. Not many rookie wideouts can claim to have directly won 2-3 games (at Min, at Det, etc). without him we'd be 7-9 and none of us would be cheering about all the progress we've made. Without Odell, the giants would still suck...he won close to zero games directly. He made an impact on the box score, but not the win column. that was my unrelated sidenote. now: Ej and mariota are similar in how the work in the pocket in my opinion. They overthrow WR's a bit, which is OK in college when the dbs suck at hitting, but isnt good when the wr you are throwing to is playing with broken ribs. plus i think it will be another reach by the team that drafts him so high in the first round, just like drafing ej at #16 was...they also both stare down wrs, watch some film...they are similar You hit the nail on the head....even if I hate the A's to my core.
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