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Uffalo Ills

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Everything posted by Uffalo Ills

  1. The most important statistic in football is wins. Sammy had more of those than Beckham or Evans. End of story.
  2. If he's sooo good, why isnt he in the NFL? Bring him in if you can/when you can and he's cheap, but dont expect the second coming of Peyton Manning. His QB sneak was impressively Brady-esque though.... That Floater INT was pretty Fitzpatrick-esque, though...
  3. Just a bit? I hated his butterfingers and his loud mouth, but man, he had moves... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5zFbLzEdzM He could teach Sammy a thing or two about getting open, in my opinion. PS: Does anyone know when his contract with the 49ers ends? I would really be open to taking him back. Its not like we need him or anything, but, I'm just reminiscing
  4. He's never had a defense quite as good as buffalo's... His WRs are usually better, but Sammy would be epic.
  5. yup, it is, no question. but dude, you got to change that profile pic...
  6. youre missing the peyton manning rumors about the team cutting him if he performs poorly in conditioning/testing...
  7. so will coleman by most accounts... 2nd: Tevin Coleman (if available) or Laken Tomlinson 3rd: TJ Yeldon (again if available and we didnt already draft coleman) or Clive Wilford 5th: Doran Grant
  8. I know, I know, there is too much on 2BD about incognito...But, on 2BD, i have sometimes seen Greg Hardy's name mentioned as a possible FA target for the Bills to replace Hughes. I was wondering what the rest of y'all think about whether or not the Bills signing incognito makes any difference on a possible deal with Hardy. Personally, I think it makes it less likely, even though the charges against Hardy were dropped. I just think that taking in 2 league blacklisted individuals might present too much for the bills to handle. Alternately, the Bills might have shown they are not afraid to sign shady individuals, making a Hardy deal more likely... Then again it could have no effect at all... Any thoughts?
  9. Needed to be updated... sorry to be repetitive... haha, it was too good of a choice. too bad it was already taken...
  10. Our front 4 (soon to be front 3) is most certainly the best in the NFL right now. I would make the case that they are one of the best in NFL history, but that's just my opinion. IMO, we need a sick nickname. All the great defenses of the past had cool nicknames like the "Purple People Eaters," "The Steel Curtain" or the "NY City Sack Exchange." It's time for Mario, Kyle and Marcell to get their own group nickname. Any ideas?
  11. true. not only is it wrong to bully anyone, its unpatriotic to bully someone because their parent died serving this country...
  12. Good for us...Mariota will fail in an NFL scheme against NFL defenses. Unless he goes to philly.
  13. Interesting thought. I'm inclined to agree, but he would cost a crap ton of $$$. I think we should let hughes walk and worry about signing iupati.
  14. yep, yep and yep I'd add iupati to my wish list...
  15. he isnt bad or anything. i guess im spoiled by being a bills fan and getting to watch the best dlinemen in the nfl tear it up every sunday, but, while suh is talented, he is set to get paid a ridiculous amount. by comparison, marcell dareus is leagues better, but gets less recognition. suh gets more hype than he deserves due ti his on the field antics... 8 sacks isnt bad, in fact it's superb, but a couple of years ago, he only had like 4 and still the whole world was going crazy over him and that doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me
  16. No need to trade he's FA, I believe... Plus he's a lot of money. Defense wins championships, but offense wins games. chung would be an intresting option for us, or mccourty... Does revis also play QB? Because if so, give him all the money he wants...
  17. My list is similar: 1)Kaepernick 2)DJax 3)Keenan Allen 4)Percy Harvin 5)Suh
  18. Ok, I know, RB is not the first priority for many of you, but Coleman isnt a reach for us in the second round, and NFL.com rates him pretty well: http://www.nfl.com/draft/2015/profiles/tevin-coleman?id=2552453 Havent heard his name much on 2BD... Is a second too much for a good RB? They come a dime a dozen this year, but he's raw and has got great explosivity and strength.
  19. I always get the feeling that Senior Bowl athletes are ok, but not great as pros. True studs declare for the draft by junior year. Then again, my experiences with the Bill drafting from the senior bowl includes EJ...
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