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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Just wondering if the rule is still in play that lets teams make late June cuts and save being hit for the full-bonus amount in 1 year? If so, maybe the Bills are counting on those cuts to fill a spot on the roster with a vet. I have faith in Marv, but I can't ever remember being this late in free agency with 4-5 starting spots open on the team. Realistically, can the Bills find a starting corner, rb, lb (2?), fb and nt through the draft? Allay my fears, will ya?
  2. Anyone remember Anthony Gray? Gray actually led the entire NFL in preseason yards for the Bills in 1999. The Bills then promptly cut him when they got down to the final 53-man roster. Here's a link: 1999 player moves (Check out the contracts. Winfield 5yrs/7million - can you imagine getting a 1st rounder for that today?) Jackson = Gray
  3. Niagara Falls Reporter My wife is married to one of the writers.
  4. Steven Wright's stuff is only funny when Steven Wright does it. Without his deadpan monotone it comes off really plain on the written page. Same goes for Bill Engval's "Here's your sign" bits. Here's a joke that's good spoken or written: A newly married couple falls on hard financial times and the husband spends hours trying to balance their budget. Finally, he calls in his bride and breaks the bad news to her that the only way they'll be able to make ends meet until he lands a job is if she turns some tricks. Being a dutiful woman, the man's (very good looking) wife agrees. That night, the husband tricks out his wife and pulls up to a seedy street corner on the wrong side of town. "Now remember," he tells his wife. "I'll be here in the car just around the corner if you have any problems." The wife goes and stands on the corner and within seconds a car pulls over. "Want a date?" she asks the driver. "How much for straight sex?" he inquires. "I'll be right back," she tells the man and totters around the corner on her 6-inch heels back to her husband's car. "He wants to know how much for straight sex." "Tell him $100.00," replies her husband. Making her way back to the man she gives him the price, but he says he doesn't have that much. "How much for oral?" he asks. "I'll be right back," she tells the man and again makes her way back to her husband's car. "He wants to know how much for oral." "Tell him $40.00," says her hubby. She goes back and tells the man, who quickly agrees. She gets in his car and they pull over into a parking spot and the man takes down his pants to expose the biggest example of manhood the woman has ever seen. "I'll be right back," she says to the befuddled man and makes her way back to her husband. "Now what?" her husband asks. "Sweetie, can we loan this guy $60.00?"
  5. Laker Girl Paula "I'm not drunk, I'm just drinking" Abdul
  6. The people of Buffalo come through in spades again. I received this e-mail today. Hi all, Just want to let you know that your votes have made it!!! Carl Andolina, my nephew will be on America's Most Wanted (John Walsh) show THIS Saturday, March 17 at 9pm on Fox. I guess voting is done for now because he received RECORD VOTES to get him to the Top 8 on the All-Stars. So set your VCR's & TIVO's for 9pm on Fox, Saturday, March 17 and you will see his interview. Fox was in Buffalo yesterday to interview him, etc...Thanx - good job from all who helped!! Bettie Make sure you tune in as America honors one of Buffalo's true heroes.
  7. At least they got a win under their belts before meeting Kansas. I still can't fully embrace the guys on this squad after what happened this summer, but as a Niagara Falls born and raised boy - Go Purple Eagles!
  8. Never got to see the "Big Cat" play football, but I did see him wrestle in the Aud in the mid-70s. As I recall Bruno Sammartino was supposed to be on the main card, but was a no-show. When the announcer relayed this to the crowd the boos were deafening, until that is, it was announced that Ernie Ladd would be wrestling in his place. Suddenly, it sounded like HSBC does today when Danny Briere pots one to win a game. RIP "Big Cat" (This should be at OTW though)
  9. It only takes a minute to vote, and if you don’t already know the story, it is on this site. Buffalo police officer Carl Andolina has been nominated for America’s Most Wanted All-Star Contest. Check out his bio, give him your vote, and pass this on so your friends can vote also. Thanks America's most wanted all-star contest.
  10. Least: Reggie Rogers (Killed 3 teens in a drunk driving mishap) Most: Bob Kalsu (Only professional athelete to die in Vietnam War)
  11. I've been watching the Sarah Silverman Show and think it's really funny. Ex- On a recent episode SS meets a lesbian and immediately decides that she too is gay and is meant to be with this woman. She begins to come on to the lesbian and says a bunch of provacative things, which lead to this exchange: Lesbian: If I thought you were serious I'd really be interested, but you're getting in way over your head here. SS: Really? That's interesting because that's where your ankles are going to be later tonight.
  12. John Clayton is the world's oldest talking baby.
  13. Ty Conklin According to this article, Conklin was on US Olympic team. "Ryan Miller didn't make the U.S. Olympic team and Conklin did, but they were partners at a world championship, and Conklin knows that the Sabres starter likes plenty of work." If memory serves me, the 3 knuckleheads that got the nod ahead of Miller (still boils my blood) were DiPietro, Grahame and Esche. Does anyone remember Conklin being part of the mix?
  14. They can have Moss, but wake me if they sign this guy!Cortez the Killer
  15. Spider-Man 3 Maybe I'm just being nationalistic here, but why should the most profitable market on Earth have to wait to see one of the biggest blockbusters of the summer? With the speed of the internet this is sure to result in many spoilers for Marvel fans. Maybe I'll give my dollars to a flick opening in North America the same time as the rest of the world.
  16. Nate Clements is now the highest paid defensive player in the history of the NFL, while Dockery now holds the title as "Highest Paid Bill, Ever!" Wow. I realize both cases are just products of the new inflated cap, but based on merit both of these guys are far down the list of folks deserving that kind of scratch for their service to both the Bills and the league. On a related note: based on the lack of buzz by Bills fans and the media alike, how much dough do you think you could have scored by hopping a plane to Vegas and betting that the Bills would sign the first player in free agency and would ink their biggest contract ever by the end of day 1?
  17. There are times when I really enjoy their show and there are times when I'd rather listen to dogs howl to Britney Spears' "Greatest Hits" CD. What irritates me is when they get caught up in non-sports related minutiae - like American Idol or Bulldog's motorcycle escapades. It seems to me that time would be better spent discussing the NBA or NCAA. Case in point, Niagara's men's team has been on an unbelievable late-season run and they haven't spoken word one about it, but they have plenty of time to throw people out of the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
  18. Maybe this jersey will solve the problem for everyone. Funky Sabres Jersey
  19. Also rate the Marty, Ty deals. ESPN Trade Ratings
  20. Sometime during the Christmas season a guy phoned in to ask what Sabres jersey he should buy. He stated that he didn't want to drop $250-$300 for a player that would be out of town by next season. After a few seconds of thought Schopp suggested Juri Novotny, saying that the Czech was an up-and-commer that would likely be on the team for years. I'm not knocking Schopp, it's hard to offer opinions for 4-hours each day and not stick your foot in your mouth occasionally, but I hope that guy didn't take his advice. If he did there's going to be a very angry ebay auction for a #13 jersey this morning.
  21. I guess King must have had Sunday brunch with Marv. Talk about clairvoyant.
  22. I wonder how many hours he put in before he mastered this shot. 2 Lane 7-10 Spare Pick-Up
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