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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Ty Conklin According to this article, Conklin was on US Olympic team. "Ryan Miller didn't make the U.S. Olympic team and Conklin did, but they were partners at a world championship, and Conklin knows that the Sabres starter likes plenty of work." If memory serves me, the 3 knuckleheads that got the nod ahead of Miller (still boils my blood) were DiPietro, Grahame and Esche. Does anyone remember Conklin being part of the mix?
  2. They can have Moss, but wake me if they sign this guy!Cortez the Killer
  3. Spider-Man 3 Maybe I'm just being nationalistic here, but why should the most profitable market on Earth have to wait to see one of the biggest blockbusters of the summer? With the speed of the internet this is sure to result in many spoilers for Marvel fans. Maybe I'll give my dollars to a flick opening in North America the same time as the rest of the world.
  4. Nate Clements is now the highest paid defensive player in the history of the NFL, while Dockery now holds the title as "Highest Paid Bill, Ever!" Wow. I realize both cases are just products of the new inflated cap, but based on merit both of these guys are far down the list of folks deserving that kind of scratch for their service to both the Bills and the league. On a related note: based on the lack of buzz by Bills fans and the media alike, how much dough do you think you could have scored by hopping a plane to Vegas and betting that the Bills would sign the first player in free agency and would ink their biggest contract ever by the end of day 1?
  5. There are times when I really enjoy their show and there are times when I'd rather listen to dogs howl to Britney Spears' "Greatest Hits" CD. What irritates me is when they get caught up in non-sports related minutiae - like American Idol or Bulldog's motorcycle escapades. It seems to me that time would be better spent discussing the NBA or NCAA. Case in point, Niagara's men's team has been on an unbelievable late-season run and they haven't spoken word one about it, but they have plenty of time to throw people out of the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
  6. Maybe this jersey will solve the problem for everyone. Funky Sabres Jersey
  7. Also rate the Marty, Ty deals. ESPN Trade Ratings
  8. Sometime during the Christmas season a guy phoned in to ask what Sabres jersey he should buy. He stated that he didn't want to drop $250-$300 for a player that would be out of town by next season. After a few seconds of thought Schopp suggested Juri Novotny, saying that the Czech was an up-and-commer that would likely be on the team for years. I'm not knocking Schopp, it's hard to offer opinions for 4-hours each day and not stick your foot in your mouth occasionally, but I hope that guy didn't take his advice. If he did there's going to be a very angry ebay auction for a #13 jersey this morning.
  9. I guess King must have had Sunday brunch with Marv. Talk about clairvoyant.
  10. I wonder how many hours he put in before he mastered this shot. 2 Lane 7-10 Spare Pick-Up
  11. Set to AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" Hockey Fight Montage
  12. Now these are some dudes you don't want to run into in a dark alley. Gangs From The Warriors
  13. LT's dad killed in car crash. RIP Car Crash
  14. I know that I shouldn't touch this, but on the off-chance that you're not being facetious here's a menopause primer. Menopause Women cannot get pregnant once they've hit menopause, but sex - that's forever.
  15. Reminds me of the Chris Rock "Women are the biggest liars" bit. Chris Rock Unadulterated Transcript "And you want me to tell the truth? !@#$ you!"
  16. Ever wonder how your favorite band got its name? Check out this comprehensive list of name origins. Band Name Origins I've always been partial to the UB-40 story, but I can't beleieve I never figured out Buck Cherry until I read it here.
  17. Don't know if this has been posted before. It ran on CTV in Ontario. Funny stuff!
  18. In a related note: In the band long enough for a cup of coffee lead singer Gary Cherone is reuniting with his right hand while dreaming of what might have been.
  19. Darin's so cool he actually makes the temperature drop in Alaska.
  20. From the ESPY's a few years back. If you haven't seen it, it's a riot. Jules on Ice
  21. Whipping Post The Allman Brothers Whipping Post Lyrics
  22. There are times when I'm maddened by the decisions NFL coaches make late in games as it pertains to clock management. The Bills/SD and Bills/Colts games are two cases in point. In yesterday's game the Bills needed a touchdown and a field goal to tie. At the 2-minute warning (which came at 1:53) they had the ball at the SD 23 and no time outs. Why not kick the field goal there and try the onsides kick immediately? (I know that wind conditions were a factor, but go with me on this as they wouldn't have kicked in a dome). That way, if you recover the kick you have over a minute and a half to drive for the tying touchdown. I like those odds much better than the way they played it, where had they made the onsides recovery they had but 20+ seconds to try and get within field goal range. Case #2 the Indy game where they found themselves playing defense down by 1 with less than two minutes to play. Indy had a third and mid-range. If they pick up the first they can run out the clock - game over. Why wouldn't the Bills coaches tell the players to play the tackle up to the marker and let the guy go to the house past it? That way you're down 8 with a chance to get the ball back and have a chance for a TD and a 2-point conversion to send it to OT. Instead, the Bills D made the tackle and the game was essentially over. In basketball a guy has no problem intentionally bricking the second end of a 1 and 1 when his team is down by 2 with a couple of seconds left. Why don't NFL coaches think out of the box and give their teams a better shot at winning? Thoughts?
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