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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Just standing there? When you have to lie you're losing the argument. I'm sure you think Portland hasn't been burning for nearly two months and that Trump incited it the violence.
  2. That's excessive? Looked necessary to me.
  3. Wait. Who's George Floyd? Sometimes children need to be spanked when they wreck the house.
  4. I see you've never encountered Bull before. "... the constitution or whatever."? Classic
  5. Nope. I watched the movie with Jemaine Clement. It was pretty good. Is the show better?
  6. The saddest part about you is that you're too much of a coward to post in PPP under your real TBD name. That's saying a lot.
  7. Thank you. Not mine. Only one family comes to mind where it seemed like they just had the worst luck. Illness after illness to the parents who weren't the brightest, but work ethic was amazing.
  8. Thanks to @DrDawkinstein, I'm also binging all the seasons of MasterChef I never watched. I should paypal you for this treat. ?
  9. I feel the same way about poor people (which I was growing up).
  10. Your use of the term "peaceful" is like my use of the phrase "I get laid a lot". Patently false.
  11. Our very own Big Cat wasn't too happy about this move. Part of me understands that he feels hurt about being out of the loop. He also hasn't let his politics get into his Barstool persona that often. I just don't think he would have cared one bit if it was Obama. His posting history here makes this all seem disingenuous. What he really wanted to say is "Orange man bad!"
  12. @Deranged Rhino Thanks for posting the Portnoy videos. I came here to do that. Totally humanizing.
  13. @DrDawkinstein Great movie. Very funny. I was expecting a little more comedy but the storyline and acting were great. Thanks for the advice on going in blind.
  14. Its amazing the things they tell you under the banner of entertainment. They add a few things that don't seem technologically possible. People react saying "No way this couldn't happen. This is too far fetched." They then laugh at how naive we are. Edit: Full disclosure. I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I loved this movie. I'm a sucker for horror/thrillers. In the same vein.
  15. Biden is in a basement with 19 live streamers watching. Trump is hanging with El Prez. That's a big get IMO.
  16. Wall Street Journal standing up to the whiny mob. https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-note-to-readers-11595547898 This is what bending the knee will do.
  17. I'll be peacefully protesting this weekend...
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