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Agent 91

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Everything posted by Agent 91

  1. I have seen Kyle Hundley UCLA in the second on one or 2. I didnt think he would even go in the second round. But whatever.
  2. To your point of Dareus being an obvious stand alone star, that can be said for any of the 4 with this line not being greater than the sum of their parts. Only Mario and K Williams are proven studs... in more than 1 system at that. Whoever you dont block with 2 on this line goes off. Now the Spikes issue is interesting. Thr reason we have him is due to the fact that neither our DTs are very reliable against the run. Spikes is almost used as a 3rd DT which frees up Kyle and Marcell to do what they do. So do you extend him for that purpose. Or do you go find a run stuffing DT. I say we just resign Spikes and keep this defense clicking. We have Dareus atleast 1 more year. Get 2 winning seasons tied up and let the money work itself out later. A winning team has an easier time keeping players.
  3. What about the... your boy... MIKE WILLIAMS catch in that same bears game that extended the drive. I KNOW that was 3rd down atleast. But that was clutch too. How many times will Orton complete 4th and 20? What about Manning. Sometimes it happens... sometimes it doesn't. Thats football
  4. You are correct sir. Leo is up there with Graham for to cb on this team for me.
  5. The cliff scott era wasnt bad. They fielded a nice looking team then. Talent in spots. Bill Tipton, Anthony Swan, Craig Guest, I believe Carlson an Ed Ellis were there too. I wonder what happened to his brother the DE. The Scott family used to own the Kensington Place. Wasnt Kali Watkins on that team for a little too? I think there might bw something to Orgeron? Maybe even the WR specialist
  6. That defense is pathetic as well. But the only reason I say that. Is because he has a lot of B.C. experience and knows the system. I have to admit, I have never been LESS excited about UB football than I have been this year. Even Randall Secky years.
  7. I dont think he is ever gonna attempt to leap over numerous players a game
  8. Only way I take gill back is if you bring back Willy, Starks, Roosevelt, Newton, Shannon, Winters, Cook, Hamlin and Najja Johnson. You notice that Gill SUCKED without Starks his senior season. The team was somewhat successful but nothing special. 08 will not happen again anytime soon Thank you for that. I didn't hear this
  9. I'm curious as to whether Lou Topper is going to be the interim? I didn't hear a succession plan. Forgive me
  10. All who said some variation of " the bills aren't good enough to sit their players". Bravo. It's funny because teams are most assuredly saying the same about us. If we weren't ALL bills homers we would see that. I love my team. But as the saying goes. This is a proverbial face only a mother could love.
  11. Hey PTR we never got to compare notes on Licata. But I will have you know I was at the very first game at that stadium. And everyone after that. I got to see Craig Guest there. I got to see Gerald Carlsons all time long there. The Roosevelt catch... Its sentimental lol. It is basic though
  12. No. He didnt play well means he didnt play well.
  13. That has nothing to do with biscuits point. Now her did he mention win loss or a specific game.
  14. We were never... NEVER in that game. It was just a matter of time before Brady and the pats woke up. Its not going to work trying to convince anyone Orton kept us in the game. Chandler and Robert Woods kept us in the game. And thats because of their tenacious physicality. Orton was off. Accuracy wasnt there it was all about the receiver tenacity. To say flat out EJ definitely cant make a throw is false. Woods went and got that conversion. WENT AND GOT IT. That play started and ended with Woods. See the bears game. Mike Williams went and got that high ball that was placed right. Woods went and got that jump ball and had a nice gain after the reception. Im am sure you dont remember the pin point ball EJ threw to Chandler on the sidelines in the Dolphins game. Or the ball that Grimes broke up that against anyone else was a touchdown I CHALLENGE you to provide footage of Orton bootlegging to the right and throwing an 80 YD td across his body. I am not saying that ej is better than Orton or the other way around. But I know for a fact that there are things that EJ can do. I wills concede that the BEST play orton made was changing the play on the conversion. Facts are... EJ led offenses beat the Bears, who we were supposed to lose to. And a Dolphins team fresh off of euphoria of beating NE. Orton beat a team who had 3 missed field goals and missing the most dynamic offensive player in the league. BARELY. And lost to the Pats who started very late. He BETTER beat Minnesota and a more than likely 1-6 Jets team. 3and1 is an ooooooooook weeee moment.he better do better than that. I dont want EJ playing this year. I want him to learn. But this revelation that Orton is way better is nonsense.
  15. The ONLY... ONLY basis for correct justification of benching EJ, although Watkins has now seen same results from both. If Orton doesnt get him involved more often sooner than later. What does it matter. Chandler was EJs guy on dump offs and Woods USED to have chemistry with Manuel. Mike Williams can work with Manuel. But as you said. Do they want to? Would they be willong to play for him again.
  16. Utterly worthless I cant get there. BUT your overall point is made. I cant argue that.
  17. Let's look at it this way. Larger sample size. 3352 yards 20td 12int. 744 yards rushing and 8 more touchdowns on the ground. If you are looking at stats in a vacuum thats what EJ gives you. And he clearly sucks so.... why are we talking about Orton. You are correct. But I think you kind of qualified yourself a bit which is that Spiller might find a hime somewhere else. He is clearly being wasted here. I honestly see Bryce Brown as a lesser Spiller. Philly without or maybe even spelling McCoy would look a lot different. We dont have big athletic guys with footwork on this line. Thurman and co. Did. Those guys pulled the moved and they picked up their assignments. Our line is devoid of anyone like that.
  18. Would you ask Jamaal Charles or Lesean McCoy to just follow to guards every play? Yes Spiller should have the capability of doing it BUT! Is that all you want to do to produce the biggest gains in Spiller? Do you feel that he is being used to his full potential. Is this the right system ir are you trying to fit a square peg in a round hole? Dixon and Fred are the up the middle guys. And how is their production as move the pile guys in this offense? I know what you mean in regards to Spiller let off the hook. But I dont wanna grade him too much in a scheme that is predicated on what the OC knows how to do vs the system fit of the player. All in all its just not fair.
  19. the only starting db thst is safe for me is Aaron Williams. Searcy would be number 2 believe it or not. And we need to get Corey Graham in at cb. The other cb is up for grabs in my eyes. I couldn't comment on the qb situation any better. I never said we need. But I think Bridgewater might be a legit upgrade on EJ. Let's see this Sunday. But you're point is echoed by realist all the time. It really is we just need... insert qb not on a bills roster. And it's getting old
  20. Prior was out there. Could have got him if they had a clue as to the identity without losing a step. EJ and Terrell are pretty similar. In game style.
  21. Im torn. Reich would be intriguing but I am kind of sick of coaches in their first head coaching gig here. I wish there was someone established. I want to see someone who can develop young talent. And I dont know id Reich is that guy. He would certainly be a good evaluator for EJ but other than that? So you talk about Hogan? A 6th wr who outplayed all wrs not named Woods? Yes he dropped the ball. But so did Chandler right before him. Hogan also made a diving grab that was pretty impressive. He was definitely not a problem. What wr ever could you say owns revis... I have never seen such things. But seriously. I think Henderson can do it. I believe in Seantrel. He can get off. I was screaming at the TV. I went as far as to call Marone Hackett and Orton gutless. We invest 2 firsts and a 4th on this guy and dont utilize him. Its maddening. We have the number 4 overall pick on this team a weapon who should be assumed to be able to get open... and they dont even look his way? Revis is but a man. A man who as another poster mentioned was beaten every time by a certain ex-bill. It can be done. And I believe Watkins is up for the task. Wasnt garbage time as much as he had a lot of YAC yards. There is so little EJ has to do to get on that level. He needs confidence. He needs to learn to lead his receivers and he needs to get the ball down field. He does those things and he will be inserted in the lineup again. I know EJ can... but he wont. Maybe he is scared. Maybe the coaches told him dont. But thats neither here nor there. We are who we are atleast for now. And Orton is the guy we at moving forward with. Dont like it. But hey.
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