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Orlando Tim

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Everything posted by Orlando Tim

  1. Do you actually think a person who creates a computer simulation is a scientist like Tesla and Edison?
  2. imagine Republicans complaining about a problem that is 100 times worse in Republican areas and blaming Dems for the failure. This dude is such a a joke
  3. Global warming alarmist are some of the dumbest people on the planet, they believe that the earth has had the hottest and coldest weather in the planets history all within 150 years of each other and within 3 degrees of each other. https://mashable.com/article/climate-change-cold-records-rare
  4. You set a standard that we all know won't happen, a bunch of people whose jobs rely on the climate being a problem need to come out and admit their jobs are meaningless. You also are comparing actual scientist- the FAFO type- with computer modelers. The models are often garbage but we don't discard them entirely if their results are favorable.
  5. You are comparing environmental activists to medical doctors and I am absurd? Even among real doctors there are quacks, and they often have the loudest propaganda. My children's doctor told me in 2021 that my children should get the COVID shot, which at this point we now know was a terrible idea for healthy teenagers. But your final point that 7 billion people are affecting the climate in some ways is not some intelligent statement that helps your point. The argument is, and has always been, what rights can be taken away to "save the planet" and if your only consensus is that it is changing in some way but without a specific direction or solution the government needs to stay out of it.
  6. Remember that time when all the scientists stated that COVID started in the market? Or all the experts said Josh would suck and other Josh was better? If you let "experts" tell you what to think you are dumb. The earth has changed 40 degrees in 400 years but we are currently arguing 1.5 degrees in 150 years are unnatural and man made. I also want to ask what consensus are you referring to?
  7. My hatred to the Pats* will always center around the cheating. I don't like the Chiefs but I don't even care they won last night, I am just annoyed the game was so boring until the end. So I am a 5, with no one else being above a 4.
  8. Obviously there is nothing that could prove it to you. If your goal is to simply minimize pollution while also promoting a strong economy I would be with you but since your plan is to shut down the economy if some arbitrary numbers are not hit I will point out how stupid that is.
  9. I appreciate you admitting you are lying to people to spare their feelings, not helping your community at all, and you refuse to learn from the past. Where is the good in any of that? Or do you have no idea what that saying means?
  10. For both of you I ask a simple question, what would convince you that man made climate change as described by the media is not real? I admit you can't convince God is not real, no matter happens, everything else I can consider. So what standard much be reached for it to convince you it is fact that it does not exist?
  11. This conversation is always confusing to me, if cheating is a problem then Brady is not impressive but if not then he is clearly the goat.
  12. The solution to so many problems that we face are simple: 1) tell people the truth. Don't allow delusions run wild to make them feel better. 2) help your community in this order- family, neighborhood, town, state and nation. 3) learn from past but don't try to correct it, only morons discuss correcting events that happened to their ancestors. 4) social media is fake, most people there are liars. These four ideas will fix the majority of our problems, I truly think in order of importance.
  13. You truly are the only person who doesn't know that Biden ran for president in 1988 and 2008. If you did know these facts then this claim would just be comical.
  14. I had the Bengals game flipped with the Broncos game in my head, Doc Brown showed me the error of the my ways along with you.
  15. The Turnovers in two of the most public games this year costing us the two games- Jets and Bengals- is why he lost. Most voters don't watch every game of each "candidate" or even close to all and therefore your biggest televised games will matter. It is almost as bad as the guys picking the college final 4 only really watching a few games of each team.
  16. Also Mariota scored on his own pass, I remember because my friend were here doing a fantasy fantasy league style bet on that weekend and they argued about how to score it.
  17. You are just trying to come off as stupid as humanly possible aren't you? FDR was elected 4 times which is now illegal, he was not doing anything illegal but apparently you are unaware of that
  18. To piggy back on your thought- I see a bunch of prediction that Keon Coleman will be available in the 20's but gone before us, that guy I would swap firsts and give up a second rounder to get, he is a beast. If he ends up in Cincinnati or KC he is gonna be a thorn in our side in the future.
  19. Leslie Frazier is great at setting up a system based on the talent he has but his on game decisions need help. I wish him the best and hope Seattle is good under his leadership.
  20. I bet is similar to the Colin Kapernick contract, where they can buy out of the contract every other year for a reasonable hit.
  21. This is vaguely related but WTF is he doing with these cryptic comments after a very underwhelming last 8 games? Unless he wants to return a large portion of his signing bonus, shut up at this point and prep for next year. You were a detriment to the team in the playoffs not a good player.
  22. It is amazing how you truly sound like a WH press briefing, all of these incidents of hot wars in which the US in involved are not due to anything the president has done, or due to any inaction he should have taken.
  23. I stated a fact that is completely opposite of your opinion and I am a nutter. You have opinions devoid of fact, logic or clarity and believe you are smart.
  24. Trump started no wars and Biden is lining up war #4, but Trump is the the problem with warmongering? Dude you believe anything the media tells you.
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