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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. So many problems pinning the evil of a great great grandfather on a person today. I don't blame the English for oppressing my ancestors and what do we do about children of slave owner and slave? The only way you can properly help the descendants of slave is give them a proper education and chance to succeed.
  2. I am not sure where you live but the lockdown of NY and CA have turned many of my students towards being libertarians. In FL I am allowed to live my life as I see fit and the intelligent among us have no problems staying healthy while my students extended family is still not able to do anything close to normal. But as for the original question: the American way is freedom from government interference except when necessary, which defining necessary is where we can have some issues.
  3. You consider Desantis is getting rid of the free press? Right now the evidence is showing he was slow walking the information, which is not the same thing as hiding the information. I have been watching these lawsuits and right now there is no information showing he is covering up numbers. I am not sure if you live in Florida but we had days were it was reported we had infection rates of 18% before the govt starting confirming the data. If you think slow walking it is same as hiding data then we have to disagree. As for Cuomo he hid data and lied.
  4. You are simply making the worst case scenario. The report the Governor was given estimated that it could have been inflated by 10%. He at that point stated he wanted the numbers reviewed and it was not a priority at the time. You are simply echoing the accusation of a paper that has been openly hostile to him. If there is more information that comes out I will consider it but you are saying that particular lag was intentional for political purposes without much to back it up.
  5. You called her "psychotic" and then say there is no reason to not trust her, you are using that word wrong. As for the numbers, we in Florida in the early days had a lot of info printed from official sources that was retracted early on, especially on rate of infections. The Orlando Sentinel proudly sued the state for violation of the sunshine laws and the big win was the data will be released with 48 hours vs the 96 hours it had been. The info was not being hidden, it was being released slower but it was not hidden. Desantis is not Cuomo and right now no one that is not psycho or a political hack is stating he is.
  6. anyone complains about Cuomo killing thousands of people is now "far fringe".
  7. If corner is clearly the BPA you certainly take it. That being said I think corner is less needy then the other two portions of the defense right this second. I hope we get some decent D tackles this year
  8. So you agree they are not the same thing at all- not sure how you think you are disagreeing with me.
  9. Are you comparing a politician being censured for not doing their job to normal citizens losing their jobs for saying things that are not popular in their private life? Not an intelligent comparison.
  10. The numbers are only up compared to last year of which they were down 40%+ https://www.statista.com/statistics/240377/nba-finals-tv-viewership-in-the-united-states/ I know this is only the finals but it is a good indicator of interest. I know the NBA was hawking it's opening week numbers as great but the Christmas day numbers were down 2.5 million total viewers. Basically the NBA now has one national team(Lakers) and little else of interest
  11. TB was missing a decent QB to make the playoffs. They literally had a historically bad QB last year in Jameis and were 7-9. People do not realize how many time Jameis lost games all by himself that his teammates won their matchups.
  12. Kuechly was great largely because of his speed but the last time I saw him play he had definitely lost a step from his peak. I don't think he will be a big upgrade at LB even as a rotation guy.
  13. Who would want to be a cop in any large city right now? They are either totally corrupt if the Dems are right or you are daily fighting that perception and unable to do much good. If I as a teacher had to fight that perception daily I would quit and make more money.
  14. I tried to watch the bubble basketball and found it much worse than prior to bubble. Far too often I felt like players did not seem to care.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/cuomos-covid-hero-myth-house-165006269.html This is the definition of the failure of our media. If you did not want to destroy him as I have for every awful decision that is one thing but they literally made him the hero. His numbers are literally the worst in the developed world, he is the baseball coach who is 40-120 and the media argued he was best. If you live in New York and at any point thought Cuomo was impressive during this please use this to recognize how bad he has been and how much the media covers for him.
  16. There is one comment you make that is scary for an intelligent person to make- and I believe you are intelligent. "Some of his decisions were understandable in the context of the early pandemic, but incorrect from a public-health standpoint" His decision to put the sick back with the elderly was implemented in March of last year when by March 12th we knew that the elderly were much more susceptible to COVID. Putting the sick with the elderly is not understandable if you ask any epidemiologist or anyone who has ever worked in healthcare. That decision is responsible for thousands of deaths and was made without a shred of intelligence or advice from a competent person. I am certain of date because it was first day spring break and I did not see my parents for months after.
  17. You admit that she has " borderline psychotic revenge history" but believe everything she says? Psychotic people believe what they want without needing a good reason to destroy a career. I will tell you that no one has backed her up publicly, which to me is a huge red flag. As for the scientist part I should have clarified better but she has never worked on any data in regards to viruses and the media made her expert for no reason.
  18. You might want to reconsider your take on the Rebekah Jones in FL- she is not a scientist, she is a geologist, she did not want to print proper info, she wanted to print the most inflammatory numbers, and she was just dropped her lawsuit against the state for the raid. Literally your entire comment about her is as if you believe everything she says but literally no one else, since no one has come to her defense and no lawyer wants her case.
  19. I will have to give him credit on this, I hope this does not signify him going back to helping Iran because between the two SA is better. If he can push SA to be better without helping Iran I will be impressed.
  20. Sorry I bring this up each time this is mentioned but I have been living my normal life here in Florida except I don't go to crowded bars, which I used to do about twice a year for the past decade.
  21. Kansas missed what Florida, Texas, Idaho, Tennessee are doing well. It is not enough to simply cut taxes, you must provide value on the dollar. Brownback missed the fact that no one wants to move to Kansas. Now let us discuss all the states that are hemorrhaging money right now who are all deep blue. Cali, NY, NJ, IL are all in financial peril like Kansas was and very few red states are. I am not a proponent of cutting taxes when they are needed, government does have it's place but it should have to justify it's spending. Lastly you are correct that both parties have spending problems but the Dems right now are much worse.( I feel like I am defending a person who drinks one bottle of whiskey a night vs someone who drinks two)
  22. I conceded your point up front, I was making a different but related point. I know you can't respond because you just spent two long comments avoiding discussion.
  23. I find it funny that you responded to my comment about liberal spending with a bunch of facts that do not relate to liberal spending. I also find it funny you had to go back 60 years to show Dems are better on economics. Kennedy and Truman are fiscally nothing like today's Dems so while the facts are true the reasons are not similar.
  24. If this is true- and I am accepting it- how is it possible that LA, CHI and NYC all can't balance their budgets easily? It would seem the issue is not funding but spending. If this does not speak to the incompetence that is now running blue counties I am not sure what would.
  25. I do not watch games with Brady very often because I dislike him and the officials give him calls no one else gets and I believe many people have come to same conclusion. His last 3 Super Bowl wins are all ones where officials played far too large a role and it is now expected by many people.
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