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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. No other country is doing better if you are willing to pay for it. The cost of healthcare is high in many ways but the fact is we have freedom to make choices that most other countries do not have because we still allow people to pay their own way if desired. Canadians often come to USA to get hip transplants and other surgeries because Universal coverage does not cover that. Lastly why are the only countries we are compared to 90% white? We are much more diverse and therefore our issues will also be more diverse
  2. Anyone that uses the Washington Post as there arbiter of lies is not worth arguing with because they believe the WP even when a 2 minute search shows that WP is factually wrong. A fact is that the Trump tax cut allowed American citizens to keep more money than any other tax cut in history. Them calling it a lie is built for those who can't give Trump any credit or those to dumb to understand numbers. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/news/2019/06/20/471209/1-9-trillion/ I picked this article because it admits to the number while bashing the effect.
  3. So you are saying the amount of money kept by the American people from 2017 to 2018 was not the largest difference in history? If not which tax cut do you feel is the one that allowed people to keep the most? If you agree with me, please just accept that the WP called actual facts lies by redefining it. This media is not about facts but narrative.
  4. Their claims of most common lies is difference of opinion. The greatest economy can be argued if you believe that minorities being fully involved is a big deal. The tax cut was largest in straight money saved by taxpayers, not sure how that measurement is illegitimate. I could go through most of their claims and show how their bias is showing but why bother since you linked it and believe the Washington Post is legitimate.
  5. BBC is sadly much more news oriented than any of the 24 hour news channels in America.
  6. Transplant though is actually pointing out something I realized in this past 5 months, we don't have common ground on much. We literally have a large portion of our nation who wants the USA to not have the best people, that race is more important than country, and it is governments job to protect them from their own mistakes. It is hard to find common ground when my success is an insult to others.
  7. So you put back into office the guy who has been at the controls for 50 years to change it?
  8. I didn't edit the post- I added a second post but nothing was posted in between, so you are incorrect again. And I am not "weaseling out", I am not changing the argument, I am standing by my words that the Portland dummies are attacking everything to the right of them. You are the one who assumed I meant something different. I gave you a chance to bow out early on but you wanted to prove to me your reading comprehension is limited
  9. Has there been a study done that showed giving people money has raised them out of poverty in real life? I am all for protecting people and ensuring food, clothes, and shelter and education but this past year pretty well shows if the government gives funds the rich get richer (bezos and Musk) and the poor stay the same.
  10. You are aware that during the address on January 6th he said to protest peacefully at the capitol, right? Not just later on twitter, but during the speech were you are claiming he invited the riot by telling people to fight like hell.
  11. I am ignorant that Biden is more conservative than the guys tearing up Portland? I am not sure if your issue is you do not read what I wrote or you are a literal troll but the dudes in Portland are attacking anything that is more conservative than them and I don't understand why you think that is debatable.
  12. So you don't think Biden is more conservative than these dopes?
  13. Are we taking the comments in full context or not- you seem to change the rules based on who said them.
  14. They attacked anyone to the right of them. Dems and police are right of these dopes.
  15. Trump stated in his speech on January 6th the March should be peaceful, so he is clear right?
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/protesters-gather-damage-democratic-headquarters-005147909.html One day I can admit Biden is not the most obnoxious Leftist but this "Unity" stuff is absurd for most liberals. With all of insults and slurs the left has thrown at Trump and anyone who did not hate him I am confused on how you get to demand unity now. It is like me demanding Pat's* fan get on the Bills bandwagon now that we are winning. If you want unity please start being civil first.
  17. Since I think Brees will still work for the Saints for the foreseeable future is there anything stopping him from returning his entire signing bonus and getting paid back through a large front office contract? I know way back when the Lions got signing bonus money returned from Barry Sanders. I know that was a different CBA but is anyone know if that could happen.
  18. This actually worried me since we on the right do have crazies also, but then I read the last line of the article- they have seen no evidence of a threat. I am not surprised at the inflammatory language either but how else will you get idiots to support this government? U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event. The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches. So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of.
  19. This is not defending OAN because I have not watched much of it but you are incorrect on who chose not to bring in more portection. https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/955548910/ex-capitol-police-chief-rebuffs-claims-national-guard-was-never-called-during-ri Also it clearly states Bowser also thought that more police was not needed. The reason I picked this one is you made a statement of "fact" that is wrong for a political purpose, the very think you are blaming others of doing.
  20. The most amazing stat to me is that in the past two games against playoff teams we have allowed 5 drives of 7:30+ minutes. Those 5 drives have netted 3 total points for the opposition and 7 for Buffalo. I don't know how that is possible but it is true.
  21. Lamar is a unique talent and actually a good passer when he knows where to go but right now he can be confused. If the team has not aided his development in that then shame on them but his cieling appears to be set.
  22. I was watching with a non Bills fan and he reminded me that Josh has not gotten a bunch of clear roughing the passer calls because he did not "sell it". He has learned to sell it because these officials can't see everything
  23. I understand that QBR takes into account down and distance, and chance of winning game but I will have to agree these two show that QBR has a major flaw if Josh was worse than either of them.
  24. I think LJ is an extremely exciting QB to watch, but exciting does not make you HOF. Marvin Harrison was a "boring reciever" but is still one of the best all time. Exciting and great often go together but not always. i also feel this is the appropriate time to point out that a certain west coast fan on here called me a racist for stating nothing other that I thought Josh would be better than LJ about 10 months ago, he thankfully was wrong and i was right.
  25. This thread is the definition of stupidity. I know he is being sarcastic but what a tool to think this is clever.
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